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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 5:50 pm

There had been pain once...

Once, long ago, when he was but an elf, he had felt pain. That was before the transformation, before he became what he had.

His demonically-enhanced reflexes had allowed him to avoid the brunt of the attack. As he rose from the settling dust, his skin was dotted with scars and gashes, bits of stone still imbedded in the wounds. He could feel the demon power coursing his veins, slowly healing the bloody wounds. A large gash in his forehead bled black ichor down his face to splatter on the ruined cobblestones, but Seriath paid it no heed. He had eyes only for his opponents.

Show them your power little dark elf. Show them the power of a demon.

Darkness spread from his feet in a rush. It spread across the cobblestones, clawed through the air, and spiderwebbed through the sky, forming an impenatrable field of shadow. It settled around the combatants and reduced all sight to nothingness. It was all just blackness.

To all...except that of the soulless eyes of a shade.

He fired 3 bolts of shadow at the man with the two swords who had exploded the cobblestones, then turned towards the bubble that was inside the king. He called once more upon the demon's power and became incorporeal, a true shadow.

He stepped through the protective wall of the bubble and reformed inside it, bone sword aimed directly towards the king's throat.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 6:17 pm

((ooc: whoops. little too slow. Makes things more interesting though.))

Darkness enveloped him and Astoria. "Well, shit. Just when things get interesting, someone has to turn out the lights." Not being able to see or hear anything, Infero carefully sheathed his weapons. Concentrating, his eyes let of a crackle of green, and then closed. Extending his consciousness, he could feel that the king was in mortal danger, though the blackness blocked him from seeing Seriath aiming a blade of bone at Jeriko's throat. "Alright then, Shade," he said through the black. "Time to up the ante." He opened his eyes, sending a blinding, emerald flash tearing through the darkness. His entire form became energy, dispelling the darkness even further. Something then tore through the fabric of space, encasing the energy in a black suit of armor. A blood red cape unfurled, and two long katanas appeared at the beings sides.

Infero, now clad in his armor, stood to his full height, the skull helmets emerald eyes blazing with green energy. The diamond teeth smiled. And with a motion of his hand, the darkness vanished.

"Your move, demon."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 7:06 pm

Astoria had been waiting for Infero's decision on whether they should stay or not, whether they should or could trust in the red head child or not.
Before they were surrounded in the evil man's darkness, Astoria noticed that Riddel had slightly waved at them. At this Astoria wanted to rush over there and aid them, but then again what could she possibly do? All she'd afford is to get herself killed by the enemy before she even made it there, something she wasn't going to go off and do like a mindless imbecile. Yes she was selfish for this reason, but what could she do about that? She wasn't just going to make it easy on them. She'd die in fierce combat not throw herself at them.
Then, surrounded by nothing but pure pit black, she sensed Infero still standing beside her as she heard him say, "Well, shit. Just when things get interesting, someone has to turn out the lights." She scoffed at his silly comment, then heard as he put away his swords. "Infero, what the hell are you doing?!" She shouted out to him, hoping for a well damn reason as to why he had suddenly given up the fight so suddenly.
Once the shadowish surroundings around them began to vanish, and the sight around them came into clearer view by the pass of each minute, Astoria came to find a mega-giant metal man standing next to her, replacing what was once a mere human being. There was no more Infero...
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 8:12 pm

Again with the 'we'. Such a typical statement from a typical man, with a typically large ego. She straightened up, wearing and emotionless expression, and opened her mouth to answer.

"I'm sure you could answer that quite well yourself, don't you think? Such a waste of both our times with you coming here and interrupting my little fun, and probably yours," she said in a dull tone. Her metallic green eyes were on him, but not quite as focused as they should've be. She slowly moved her hand behind her back, and formed a new layer of clean skin over the blue lipstick. A much easier way of washing.

"But, if you really are as stupid as you look it, I was trying to take your robe home and keep it there after washing it for the owner, when he decides to come retrieve it. I can't stand seeing something with taste and style as that robe be trampled over like a sheet of paper. But oh well. Go on and take your filthy thing and we'll just say this never happened, alright?"

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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 6:55 pm

A malicious light glinted in his eyes. "Mmmm-hm, so, I have a question, girl, if you just were planning on returning it, then what, may I ask, was the fun I was interrupting? You see, the coat has sort of a sentimental value to it, so when people touch it with a, how shall we say, less then pure intent, it shocks them, and alerts me. And also, you imply it has 'taste' and 'style', then call it filthy? If you're going to lie, you should try to at least be a little original. Or... believable," he ended with a little chuckle. "And while you may be pretending this never happened, I wont forget." He picked it up, brushed it off, and put it back on.

Felix paced back and forth for a minute, then turned to Caldri. "... Are we really just gonna sit here and hope that everyone doesn't get killed???" She sighed, not being able to take the anxiety any more. She rustled in the sheets for a minute, and paused, holding up a large sack. "I was saving these for a special occasion, you see... but..." She reached in the bag and pulled out a small balck sphere about two inches in diameter. "When you throw this, and it hits something, it creates a small explosion of the element inside... watch-" She tapped it and on the sphere suddenly a bright blue symbol shone. "So, throw this, and either water or ice will come out of it... like a spell, but for people who can't use magic. There's also a couple gray ones, those are smoke bombs.... So... Should we go help?"

"No!" Riddel gasped, as the man broke through their shield. Then something was at Jeriko's throat, and she froze up. She could try to teleport them away, but she didn't see how she could teleport the king safely with that other man so close... that was something she was always bad at. "Back away from him! Or... Or face all the wrath of Drakith! You hurt him, and the kingdom of Drakith will hunt you down!!"

So much death... So many lives were struck down already... and he couldn't help but feel responsible. Jeriko was quiet a moment, and then looked his attacker in the eyes. "If you kill me, will you stop attacking my kingdom?"
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 8:41 pm

Caldri watched as Felix kept pacing back and forth, all this time that they were in safety while everyone else out there was either getting killed, not able to find a safe enough hideaway before they got struck down. Caldri was just about to break into tears. She just couldn't help herself. It would be all her fault if anything happened to either Astoria or Infero... or both of them. The worst just kept coming to mind, with not one positive thought in mind. Bringing her out of her internal thinking, Felix asked "... Are we really just gonna sit here and hope that everyone doesn't get killed???"
Trying her best to blink back the tears, she watched as Felix pulled out a spherical object previously explaining, "I was saving these for a special occasion, you see... but..." Then she went on, saying how you could throw the sphere at something and that once it hit a small explosion would result. She explained how water and ice would come out of this specific ball as it shone a bright blue symbol. She also mentioned her ownership of gray spheres that served as smoke bombs. At the end of all this explaining that Caldri could barely take in or remember, Felix asked, "Should we go help?"
Caldri just nodded silently and then she could control herself no more. She rested her head on her knees, rocking back and forth with her arms wrapped around her legs as she just released herself, released all her withheld tears...
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 8:53 pm

Three bolts of darkness struck Infero's armored chest, exploding harmlessly. The massive being laughed, and then shot forward, practically teleporting into the bubble and grabbing Seriath's wrist blade. The metal skull showed no emotion, other then the grinning teeth, as Infero picked the shade up by bone sword, and hurled him into the opposite wall. "Woah! Forgot what I could do with this," Infero said, voice now a deep, metallic rasp. "Also forgot what I sounded like in it." Laughing, he turned slightly, asking "Everything okay, boss?"
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 9:17 pm

The movement was sudden, and suddenly the dark elf found himself flying through the air. The wall closed quickly.

Seriath twisted around and hit the wall feet first, one leg curling under him, the other outstretched. His bone swords had retracted in an instant and his arms and hands steadied the impact. After a split second, he dropped. He hit the ground and crouched, absorbing the impact. Twisting his legs, he felt one slide.

It's broken, elf. Not for much longer, but don't move. The demon followed the comment up with a laugh.

Seriath snarled, but did not move. He watched the giant armored warrior approach the king. The giant turned, the facemask grinning.

The giant's shadow fell across the king - and Seriath smiled.

For every light there is a shadow... There is always a shadow.

The shadow under the king grew eyes. Claws extended up, up, up - through the chest of the king. The shadow beast seemed to open what could be a mouth and pulled outwards. There was a single, terrible ripping sound.

Jeriko's body tore in half.

Seriath didn't heed the warning of the demon. As the shadow creature began to tear apart what remained of the body, he dropped a field of darkness on the alley then vanished, teleporting away from the good soldiers, Toshio, the strange blue robed warriors - and the ravaged, corpse of the former king.

In his chest the demon coiled savagely and laughed and laughed and laughed.
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 9:38 pm

Astoria watched in pure awe and amazement at this 'new' Infero. He was even more powerful looking in this form. She watched as he made no effort in picking up the main evil man and throwing him against a wall. The evil man himself made no effort to aim back at Infero, which of course was a good thing. And even if he were to attack back, Astoria would be there to make sure nothing bad would fall upon Infero, to make sure that nothing bad happened to him.

Infero had done it, he had saved the King.

But that was an understatement.

It was only for now.

Astoria's eyes grew wide when a shadow suddenly appeared over the King. It grew bigger and bigger in size and started to little by little possess human qualities. Astoria was completely frozen in the place where she stood. As much as she wanted to do anything to rid of that shadow, to do anything to save the king, something impeded her from doing so. All she could do was watch as the shadow ripped up the king completely, leaving no evidence of this royal man's existence in this world. After witnessing this horrible sight, she fell to her knees with a look and feel of defeat. She couldn't dare look upon where the King once lay. She just stared with large eyes at the dust ground before her. Her voice seemed suppressed within her as well. She wanted to scream. She wanted to curse. She wanted to avenge the King. She made a silent vow to herself to avenge him, no matter what the cost was.

And then she let out a scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 10:07 pm

Gariko looked to the side, her face paler then usual. She had rushed her thinking when thinking of a reply to his simple question, and he had figured her out at once. Lying more to cover up the previous lie would not help her now.

A scream from somewhere in the East perked her ears, yet she made no indication she heard (despite it being quite audible). The King kidnapped, chaos, screams, and this red haired one deciphering her lie (by luck, she hoped). It truly was a day to never forget.

Recovering quickly, she responded,"Remember what you will. I, on the other hand, will make good use of my memory and remember some of the more important things than your little robe incident." She winked at him, a small smile on her face, and walked away.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 10:11 pm

"Yes, for one with such a small capacity, it would do well to focus on remembering the more important things," he muttered after her, then trotted over to where the battle had been. He hoped the pretty Drakith girl didn't die yet-
So... It was done then. Toshi sighed, looking at the body of the king. In a swift motion, he walked past them all, making a sign with his hands over the king's body before continuing on his way. "Things are about to change for you... I would watch your back, if you want to survive." He walked away, his coat swaying behind him.

Felix nodded, grabbed her sack of spheres, and ran to where she had last seen everyone. But there... there was the king but he was... She gasp, and shielded her eyes. Her body shook, and she knelt down, crying. It was one of the most horrific things she had ever seen.

It was so sudden, the change from relief to horror. The king.. he laid in pieces around her, and RIddel's eyes were wide in fright. She stood, trembling, but silent. Her dress and hands were covered in blood, and her face was splattered as well. She looked confused, and lost in sorrow.
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 10:30 pm

Gariko climbed up the winding stairs to her room, ignoring the cranky cry from her Landlord about her unpaid rent, and slammed the door to her room as soon as she got in.

"I know I have to pay the stupid thing..don't think I didn't try," she muttered, taking off her clothes. Her room was a dump. Articles of clothing laid every as well as paper with either sketches or writings on them. She had one small bathroom to the side, and a couch in the center which she slept on. In front of the couch, was a tall mirror.

She sat down on the couch, and faced her bare form. In the reflection, she could see what many couldn't. A girl that was filled with fear, a fear of being sent back home and locked up, and a girl that lived for freedom and a chance to spread her wings. A wandering bird.

Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts of her weak, yet true originality, she stood up, and began to transform into the little girl, Gekki. She then restored to her original form. She constantly did this for practice, for transforming was not easy if you didn't have an eye for the detailed human body. But she really wasn't practicing to improve. The red haired one had made her feel weak and amateur, and she wanted to change that the next time, with him or anyone else.

So that's what she did for most of her time home. Shape shifting with no desire of leaving the house, or mirror, at all..
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 10:42 pm

The black armor fell away, and disappeared. The emerald ball of energy dissipated, revealing Infero's standing, silent form. He looked up at the staring, horrified girl, face splattered with Jeriko's blood, and then down at the boy who had so valiantly tried to save the king. He looked at the shaking, kneeling form of Astoria. Hearing a gasp, he looked back to see another small girl, also crying. Infero looked back at the pieces of the king's body, and said softly, "I can't bring him back. No magic, no weapon can truly do that. What I can do though..." he paused, hand glowing a soft green. Lifting the hand, all the pieces of Jeriko's body also lit up, and then reformed. "Is this," Infero finished. He stooped, and gently picked up the body. "Come, " he said to everyone. "We must find a place where his body cannot be desecrated."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime14th October 2009, 11:25 pm

Caldrixia had to strengthen up as she slowly arised and followed after Felix. That's when they both heard a scream. Felix, leading the way, headed in that direction, with Caldrixia following behind. After having heard the scream, Caldrixia could only imagine that the worst had occured.

And indeed it had.

Caldrixia stopped in her tracks so abruptly she almost toppled over. She could not believe her eyes. She saw the remains of a human just scattered all over, not much signs of a deceased body. As if on cue, she fell to her knees just as Felix had done. She put her arms around Felix in a semi-kind of embrace. In each other's arms they weeped and weeped at the sight they had just seen.

Caldrixia, despite her loud sobbing and the others' sobbings around, was able to catch word of what Infero was saying:
"I can't bring him back. No magic, no weapon can truly do that. What I can do though... is this." Caldri didn't bother looking at what he did. She wouldn't be able to see anything clearly as her vision was completely blurred. She then heard him call out to everyone, "Come, we must find a place where his body cannot be desecrated." At this Caldri, tried her best to wipe away her tears with the back of her hand and sniffle before getting up and helping Felix up too. "In-- Infero's right... It-- It's the best w-we can do now... for our King."

Astoria first heard how Toshio mentioned something about watching their backs if they planned on surviving through this. This angered her very deeply. She knew he wasn't one to trust or put faith in. At that moment, she realized that she and Infero had done the right thing in at least staying, completely disregarding his lies of being a double-spy.
The next voice that Astoria heard was Infero's, shortly followed by one which she immediately recognized despite the slight shakiness and sobbing to it. She turned to see Caldrixia, braving up after such sorrow, fear and shock that everyone felt at the moment. At this Astoria stood up as well, and after, Caldri said with a strong nod, "Yes. For our King."
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime15th October 2009, 3:32 am

Viewpoint: Vindicus.

Vindicus backed away into the shadows from the scene. It was done. The king was dead. By who, Vindicus could not know. All he knew was that it was done. The first blow was struck. So consumed with grief, he doubted anyone would realize he was there. Leading his few remaining warriors, he returned towards the keep.

The bazaar was a scene of destruction. The husks of three building burned on his left side, and several others had caught fire. Bodies lay across the stone, both his warriors and citizens. A few soldiers of the Covenant moved among the trampled, killing those who moved and policing the bodies. He smiled as he looked around, realizing that things were now in motion. Turning towards the keep, he saw Faixi exiting out of the front double doors.

"Well met!" She laughed, a spring in her step. Behind her, her most recent puppets slowly followed; 3 royal guard, their halberds held loosly in their hands. Faixi pointed at the keep doors.

"Do you like our work?"

Then Vindicus saw the pile of bodies by the double doors. He saw Cylic hovering in the air, her long hair flowing in the wind as she held a sopping red cloth. And then he saw above the doors. In huge letters, across the stone, the blood still dripped from the message:

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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime15th October 2009, 11:36 am

OOC: I have no reason to post until the next day in the role play. So until then, I'll be obviously idle.)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime15th October 2009, 8:08 pm

Just when it seemed that surely, nothing else could go wrong, a young man ran up, covered in wounds and his clothes torn. He was of elvish decent, and had remnants of very fine clothing on his body. But he was looking for someone... There!
He ran up to the group, still haunted by the king's death, and bowed low. He turned to Riddel.
"Your Highness! I'm glad to see you unharmed, but, I bare bad news. Drakith has been attacked! There are many of your people dead and... I'm afraid your brother has gone missing. We believe Firel was behind the attacks and-....your highness?"
She still stood there, silently, looking like none of this was really processing anymore. The messenger turned to the group.
"What has happened???"
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime15th October 2009, 11:57 pm

The blacksmith turned, revealing the body of Jeriko to the messenger. "What's happened here?" he answered, "Seeing that you haven't noticed, Grayen's been attacked by a shade and some other force, for no reason I can think of, and our King's been killed. Hundreds are dead, I'm sure, and many people have had their homes destroyed, thanks to those explosions from earlier." Infero stopped, staring at the messenger. "I think you get the point."

Infero's eyes shifted. "Your Highness?" he said, looking at Riddel ((ooc: Infero has only just figured this out, by the way)). "Drakith? Missing brother?" He paused, now making the connection. "Princess Riddel. Can't say I not pleased to meet you, but now's just not the time."

"Besides", he thought, "we still need to lay Jeriko to rest."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime16th October 2009, 12:19 am

(OOC: To combine both of my characters I'm just going to use the Olive color... lol. XP)

Caldrixia and Astoria both laid their eyes on the new addition to the group, once he ran up to them and instantly bowed down in respect to Riddel. "Your highness!" he had said, "I'm glad to see you unharmed, but, I bare bad news. Drakith has been attacked! There are many of your people dead and... I'm afraid your brother has gone missing. We believe Firel was behind the attacks and-....your highness? ... What has happened?"
Neither of the two spoke up to answer the man. And as they had both expected, Infero did the talking for the group, "What's happened here? Seeing that you haven't noticed, Grayen's been attacked by a shade and some other force, for no reason I can think of, and our King's been killed. Hundreds are dead, I'm sure, and many people have had their homes destroyed, thanks to those explosions from earlier."
Seeing as Infero now laid his eyes on Riddel, they too looked at her and were surprised by this sudden news that they had been in the presence of someone of royalty this whole time.

Caldrixia then nodded at Infero's words and agreed, "Yes your highness, it would be a pleasure. Well, it has been a pleasure being acquainted to you, but like Infero said it's not quiet the appropriate time for this sort of thing." She paused, "Oh and my condolences for what's befallen to Drakith." After a bit more silence, Caldri faced Infero and asked, "Where are we going to go?"
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime16th October 2009, 8:24 pm

((ooC: "I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into them though, I don't know."))

"Well," he replied, "we need to get Jeriko to the castle crypt. Problem is, provided I'm right, the castle will probably be swarming with our attackers. And unless we want to risk dying ourselves, we'll need to get in another way, possibly through a secret passage, or some other method." Setting the body down, he paused to think.

"You know, if Grayen's library ((ooc: it does have one, right?)) has any blueprints in its archives, we could just magic him in," said Infero, motioning towards Jeriko's body. Shall we go check on that?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime17th October 2009, 12:38 am

"Oh. Well that only makes sense, of course," Caldri said in a shy, quiet voice, very unlike her usual nature of being. Tears were making their way back out of her eyes again, but she tried her best to wipe them away.

Astoria nodded after Infero spoke. "Let's go then. We can't just allow this grief to take over us. Come on Caldri... Come on everyone." Astoria pulled off her cloak and placed it on Caldri, pulling the head up over the young girl's head. As they started making their way towards the castle, Astoria whispered to Caldri, "I'm proud of you Cald. For one so young, you're rather strong and courageous."

Caldrixia looked up at Astoria, "I... I'm not... as strong..." And she burst into tears again.

At this Astoria, opened her arms up to Caldri and embraced the young girl as she weeped and weeped again.

(OOC: OMFG, LMFAO!! You're so random, Mr. Goji!! And to think you used to dislike these aside statements. haha!! XD Oh, and you never gave us the answer to your one joke in the out of character section of this forum...)
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime17th October 2009, 3:01 am

Not exactly sure how anyone got beyond his shield, much less killed the king right in front of himself and the young Riddel, Ayer stood there in a daze perplexed by the turn of events.

Ayer turned to the girl, who still stood with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Ma'am, I'm not exactly sure what is going on here, but I know that if you are the princess of Drakith then I will stay with you and protect you. My name is Ayer, Ayer Branford, and I'm from a village on the outskirts of Drakith near the Wyrmwood. If you would have me, I'm not too shabby with my spellwork in spite of my lack of education and I could help on the front lines."

Ayer looked into her eyes and pleaded her with his own. His home under attack? The idea of his friends bodies lying on the ground, torn limb from limb by an unknown attacker drove Ayer absolutely mad.

But not mad enough to realize that the eyes he was staring in to had a gravity of their own...

"...and when we're done I'd love to show you and those starlit eyes of yours around my village; if your highness doesn't mind of course."

And with his natural gift for letting current events slip his mind, Ayer gently kissed her on the top of her hand...

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime18th October 2009, 12:57 am

((ooc: After a nice little edit)):

"Pfft. Show off," muttered Infero, watching Ayer's interaction with Riddel. Pulling out a map he had picked up before all the day's craziness had started. "Ok, the library is....south of our current position. Better get going, before anyone finds us here."

He picked up Jeriko's body again, draping it over one shoulder,and setting off a brisk clip. He got no farther then the end of the next alley when a group of eight people, wearing hooded black and blue tunics with yellow trim blocked him off.

"Uh oh." He set the body of Jeriko down, encasing it in a shield of energy. His hands went to his swords. "This might get a little messy," he thought, waiting for these strange people to make a move.

Last edited by Mr. Goji on 19th October 2009, 1:42 am; edited 3 times in total
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime18th October 2009, 5:01 pm

Astoria and Caldrixia had barely moved away from the group as they had proceeded on their way to the castle, especially since they stopped in their tracks because of Caldri's outburst again. Astoria could slightly hear Ayer's cute little romantic monologue and Infero's reaction shortly following it. Astoria smirked to herself, noticing what she considered a tad bit of annoyance and maybe just a bit of jealousy coming from Infero. For some reason she found this amusing, even at a time like this...

Soon enough Infero and the rest of the group had reached them and then Infero was taking the lead, with Astoria and Caldrixia following after him. Astoria peered over Infero's shoulder just as he halted in his place. She saw an eightsome standing before them. 'Of course this would happen... just what we needed...' She thought with quite some annoyance at these new evil-doers. Astoria mimicked Infero, pulling out her weapons as well. "Stay back, Caldri. We'll handle this."

Caldrixia nodded, stepping back until she was behind the rest of the group. She felt so useless at that moment. All she could do now was hope for the best...
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Roleplay I - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 4 Icon_minitime19th October 2009, 1:27 am

((Goji: You have to wait until hellrazor posts for his characters, you can't have them draw weapons unless he says so, sorry =(

Toshi felt slightly guilty, leaving them. After all, they knew so little of what was actually going on... So be it. He sighed, and made his lonely journey to drakith.

Felix automatically stayed close to Infero, sensing the danger close by. She turned to Caldri, muttering, "That's horrible about Drakith huh? But we've got our own worries to take care of now..."

Riddel blushed darkly and withdrew her hand, not sure how to react. "It is a pleasure, Ayer, to meet you, though I can't help but wish it was under better circumstances. Although I would love to see your village, I feel there are more pressing matters to attend to, correct?" She walked to Infero, frowning. "As much as it pains me, I feel the best thing to do now is flee from this place, and we'll lay Jeriko's body to rest outside of the kingdom. If things continue to deteriorate, his grave would only be desecrated. These people obviously do not care for the proper order of a burial. And my heart yearns to see Drakith, to assure my kingdom is safe." She turned to the group. "It was chance that brought us together but... if you would accompany me, oh, and Ayer, to Drakith... it would be... comforting to be among such... a capable group."
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