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 Roleplay I

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 8:05 pm

Riddel kept her cloak tight around her figure, hoping to mesh in with the crowds. How a dark purple cloak could possibly not draw attention in the midst of such celebration and color baffled her, but Koan ordered it, and so she listened. As she passed, a few venders shouted their amazing prices at her, others still demanded attention as they performed tricks in the streets. It was like a circus had taken over the entire capitol. The sheer amount of laughter and noise was something she was not accustomed to. Not that Drakith wasn't a friendly place just... not so very very loud. She slipped into an ally way and sighed. She straightened her satin vest that rested on her long sleeve shirt, and ran her slender hands over her black pants, trying to smooth out any wrinkles. She was here on a mission, more or less, from Drakith. Yes, promoting unity was important, but more important to her and her brother was winning over Jeriko in an attempt to stop the many fights that kept claiming the lives of the citizens of Drakith. Surely Firel wouldn't be so bold if Grayen and Drakith were aligned.

She straightened her back, trying in vain to get comfortable. Her wings were hidden under her cloak, and she had strapped them down to avoid any odd looking bumps. It was working, but it was *so* uncomfortable...

((ooc: for now, keep this post as about target length, anything more tends to get a little overwhelming, and less doesn't add much to the story =3 ))
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 10:46 pm

The water hissed and bubbled as Infero plunged the newly repaired shovel head into the basin, tempering the metal. Once the steam cleared, he picked up a nail and fastened the blade to its staff, before handing it back to the worker. "Right, that' ll be one piece of silver." "What?!" cried the small man. "I was told..." "Tool repairs are only three bronze coins. A completely new tool is one silver. It says so on the sign by the door." "Fine." replied the man, flipping Infero the coin, and walking away. Had he been notified that more cooking pits were being dug, Infero would've gone and helped out himself. But, as Jeriko had said, he was needed most at the forge, as no one else could create a new shovel blade in under an hour. Looking outside, and seeing no lines of customers, Infero slipped on his customary tunic, fastened his swords on, and headed out the door, grabbing a pouch of mixed coins on the way.

Upon stepping out, Infero jumped as a small child crashed a pair of cymbals together, giggling with delight. The blacksmith frowned playfully, and flipped a silver coin to the child. "You actually got me that time," he said, "Now run off and buy an even louder instrument." The kid ran off, leaving Infero a chance to pull out his knife and the pipe he had been whittling, and slip into the nearby alley to work on it.
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 10:53 pm

((OOC: DAMN, I took too long and now I'm only the second poster. D: Ah, well. time to change my plot.))

The chaotic babble of a thousand lively voices gave life to the bustling street. Wide blue-green eyes flashed from one distraction to another, taking in all they could. The girl they belonged to was being pulled along by the crowd more than she was actually moving on her own, all the while gawking like a tourist. The bright, swirling colors of streamers and banners blurred together in her peripheral vision, and she had to remind herself to blink. Her face was split into wide perma-grin, which probably made her look a little too wound up. Her tail twitched excitably behind her, and her wings were currently shrunken to small enough so they couldn’t get into anyone’s way: each about the size of two large hands.
Gwinna arched her neck to read a blazing banner strung across the street. She loved festivals, always had. They were so invigorating. Unfortunately, she was looking up for a bit too long and ended up stepping on somebody’s foot. In an attempt to step back and leave their poor toes alone, she then immediately toppled backward, colliding with even more hapless victims. Yelping apologies all the way, she bumped along like a pinball until she finally came out of the crowd and slumped against a wall at the mouth of an alley. She blinked for a moment, trying to regain her composure. She straightened herself, collected her dignity, turned about, and promptly smacked yet again into someone's very solid back. A startlingly tall someone's back.

((OOC: Lord, it's soooo hard to write that shortly. XD;; I don't feel like I'm barely writing anything at all! Is this going to be the norm? I mean, it usually only gets this little when in the midst of conversation or lots of action or something.

By the way, I meant the alley where Riddel was, and the dude she ran into was supposed to be Infero. ^^; ))

Last edited by Gwinna on 3rd October 2009, 12:47 am; edited 3 times in total
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 12:33 am

((ooc: *sigh* The post suggested limitation was there because many of you were worried about the amount of time it would take since most of us have busy schedules. Long post+small time allowance = rp that lasts about a week and then fails. I would like this to work for longer then just a week or two, and would like to get a good story going. Yes, the posts should be on the short side, I think it seems a little contradictory to say you don't have a lot of time to invest but then... want to invest time writing your own post. I'm not being combative, i'm just a little frustrated. I'm pretty much letting you guys do whatever you want, and I only put the suggestion there since a lot of you had said you were busy. I was trying to help. ))

Ahhh, the crowd of people. Nothing better for a thief then to be among a herd of happy, excited, and overall pre-occupied people with extra change to spare. She had collected about 25 gold pieces now, not to mention all the silver and copper. Hands in her pockets, red tousled hair messy as ever, and her goggles strapped to her forehead, Felix decided today was going to be a good day. She was walking along happily when she noticed a small commotion where a happily grinning girl kept running into people. Felix, overcome with curiosity, made her way over to her, seeing if she happened to drop any change or other types of shinies....

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 12:44 am

((OOC: I never said I didn't have time to invest, not once. o.0 And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was griping. I didn't think I'd mentioned it so much. I already said I agree with you, in that other board. That was after I'd posted this reply. What I said in THIS thread was merely my first reaction, nothing more. Again, I'm sorry if I frustrated you. I didn't mean to whine.))
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 1:11 am

((ooc: You might not have said that, but I'd say about half of the people said they were worried about time constraints, and now a couple people have complained about the post length.... I'm just trying to make everyone happy, and it seems like everyone is complaining about it >.>" I'll get over it though, pretty sure I'm psming hardcore right now))
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 1:15 am

((OOC: I'm sorry again. D: It's not that bad. Especially when people start talking to eachother, ten lines will be plenty of space. ^^))

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 2:14 am

((OoC: Amusing though they are, let's try not to have anymore out of character asides. But, while I'm here, who's turn is it now, if anyone's?))
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 8:50 pm

Infero looked down at the near-complete pipe, carving the mouthpiece carefully. It would be a nice little gift for one of the older members of the council, who he knew to be suffering from a deficit of smoking objects. Then, someone bumped into him, and the knife sliced off the mouthpiece. Infero cursed quietly, put away the knife, and picked up the severed pipe piece, before turning around. "Oh, sorry miss," he said to the girl, who was obviously startled. "I've got to stop standing in alleys, especially during festivals." He put the two pipe pieces together, his eyes letting off a quick flash of green. The cut mark quickly disappeared, leaving in his grasp a fully repaired pipe. "Let it be said though, that it's a great way to run into people." Then, hearing a small echo of footsteps behind him, Infero turned around to see someone entering the alley in a dark cloak.
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime4th October 2009, 8:16 pm

[OOC: Mr. Goji, is there someone specific whom you want to reply to that? I think Jinx's (Skootle's) character had the cloak thing going on?
Or can just anyone reply?]
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime4th October 2009, 8:21 pm

Astoria walked into the alley with such pure frustration that she had to withdraw within her until she got out of the crowd. It seemed that this alley was the only isolated place to relieve herself and just let all her emotion pour out... That was until she realized a few other people had made their way in here first.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't realize you two were in here. Sorry if I've interrupted anything..." She said apologetically, trying to still withhold the upsetness (spl?) she felt.
Turning her back on them, she pulled the cloak even closer to her to further cover her face as she opted on going to any other place of isolation to be by herself...

[OOC: If it was aimed at someone else to respond to your post, Mr. Goji, that's totally cool. Just let me know and I can delete my post. No big deal. ^_-]

Last edited by vanity_pride on 9th October 2009, 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime4th October 2009, 8:42 pm

((OOC: (I guess asides like this are inevitable. Oh well.Rolling Eyes) Nah, my post wasn't really aimed at anyone, Vanity Pride. I'm just trying to keep the story moving Very Happy.))
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime7th October 2009, 4:21 am

((OOC: Sorry I'm such a slowpoke, dudes. I'm kind of famous in RPing circles for taking FOREVER to reply...so sorry. <<; It just kind of...happens. I do try to get around to it eventually. Oh and Vanity - don't worry, you can't misspell "upsetness"...because it isn't a word. XD))

Gwinna yipped shortly and stepped back a little, regaining her balance and shaking choppy copper bangs out of her eyes. The man in front of her bent to retrieve something he had dropped, then turned around. Before Gwinna could blurt out an apology, she was surprised to hear him giving one of his own.
"I've got to stop standing in alleys, especially during festivals."
A small smile quirked on one side of her mouth. She was distracted momentarily by his trick with the pipe - she was glad she hadn't permanently damaged it, that would have sucked - but then he was speaking again: "Let it be said though, that it's a great way to run into people."
Gwinna let out a short laugh.
"Indeed, quite literally it seems. Although..." her statement trailed off as they both turned to yet another wandering alleyway-lurker. A tall girl with dark hair approached, wrapped in a cloak and looking glum. She drew up short when she noticed them standing there. She stammered a few apologies for a moment, then began to walk away.
Gwinna smiled brightly at her. "Nope, it's no problem. We're just having an alley party. It's kind of like the festival out there, 'cept just for us cool people." She winked, her tail twitching playfully. "You can join in if you want. The more, the merrier!"

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime7th October 2009, 7:29 pm

(OOC to Mr. Goji: Yeah, they're unevitable. lol. XD)
(OOC to Gwinna: True. haha. I meant to say like 'yeah it's not a word, but I just don't bother with it. haha. XD')

Astoria didn't bother turning around to face them. She felt the cheer in the girl's voice and it just irked her even more, making her more down and out. She just kept on walking, off to another place of isolation and away from the rest of the world...

"There you are!!" A voice called out to Astoria moments after she (Astoria) had abandoned the alley and made a few steps out in the open. The young girl followed her every step, never ceasing once or giving up hope. "Hey wait!" The girl cried out, but Astoria kept on walking. Never letting down a pace in her trot, the young girl Caldrixia sped up until she passed the woman and halted her in her steps. Catching her breath for a few seconds, Caldrixia finally regained her composure and stated her mind, "You were amazing out there, Miss Astoria with your kamas you know. That was such an impressive mastering and skill." Caldrixia gave her one of her usual smiles.

Astoria just stared down at her. "Listen little girl, I don't know how you found out my name, but if I were you I wouldn't hang around people like me, alright. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your kindness. I'm just giving you advice. You don't want to be caught spending your time around me."

"But why not, Miss Astoria? Oh, and my name is Caldrixia by the way. Caldri for short. Why do you even say those things? What's so bad about--"

"Do you even know who I am, Caldri? Do you even know what I am?"

"You're a performer. A skillful--"

"I'm a harlot, Caldri. Do you know what a shame it would be for you to be seen with me."

"I don't care, Miss Astoria. You shouldn't be judged by your profession."

"Well, not all people are like you. Not all people think that way, Caldri. You should spare yourself the trouble before people think illily of you too." And with that, Astoria kept on pacing to her desired destination of privacy and alone time...

(OOC: So yeah, anyone can post whatever the heck they want. Doesn't have to follow this up at all. ^_-)

Last edited by vanity_pride on 9th October 2009, 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime8th October 2009, 11:50 pm

The blood was warm as it flowed across Seriath's skin, yet it did nothing to banish the inner cold he felt. Droplets of the crimson liquid fell from his right hand to the tiled roof of the keep, running down the long troughs and collecting in the crevases at the edge. A soft, warm wind swirled lightly across the rooftop, teasing at the shade's cloak and hair as he sat all but invisible in the shadow of a gargoyle before lazily flowing on and out over the city. Below him, the city was bustling with life, as citizens and foreigners alike gathered together to celebrate the crowning of the new king. There were a number of activities and events occuring in the narrow streets and packed marketplace, and the dark elf could see children sprinting through the crowd, laughing at each other as they engaged in games that only they truly understood. A large amount of commerce was taking place in the bazaar, as traders and merchants shouted to the milling crowds, urging them to lighten their pockets. It was all simple, so chaotic, yet peaceful.

Hah, hardly. Simple-minded mortals, seeing only whats in front of their very eyes, not daring to look beyond the veil and view the world as it really is.

Seriath took his time in responding to the jagged words of the demon.

"And what is the world demon? What exists beyond the veil?"

Destruction, little dark elf. You of all creatures should understand that by now.

Seriath said nothing, and rose, wrapping the darkness around him like a second cloak with but a fleeting thought. He raised the bloody heart, which had long ago gone silent, and stared at it for a moment before dropping it by the disfigured body of the its former owner, an unlucky guard who had happened to have been on the edge of the keep's ramparts. The shade's soulless eyes followed the steady flow of blood down the tiles before wandering out over the city, imagining the gutters full of gore and flames leaping high into an ash filled sky.

Despite the incorporeal nature of the demon, Seriath felt it's essence writhe with excitement.

He stepped into the shadows and vanished from the roof.

Last edited by Hellrazor13 on 11th October 2009, 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 1:14 am

Infero watched as Astoria walked away, saying to no one in particular "Wasn't she a fighter in the tournament? Wonder what got caught in her britches?" Deciding that following her could prove interesting, he asked the strange, smiley girl if she cared to join him, and then walked quickly away. He stopped as another small girl shot past, shouting "There you are!" Curious, Infero followed her, and listened to the resulting conversation. "Ah," he thought, "her name's Astoria. Might check up on her later," watching as she walked off. Suddenly rather hungry, Infero strolled over to one of the dessert vendors. "Could I have this"" he said, pointing to a large cinnamon roll.

After finishing the pastry, Infero walked slowly through the sea of people, saying hello to the familiar faces, and tossing assorted coins to the children. As he neared the Keep of Grayen, Infero's skin prickled. A scream cut through the air, and the magic energies he wielded spiked. He looked up, eyes following a trail of blood on the wall. Something moved on the roof, and then vanished. Deciding to investigate, Infero drew his swords and charged into the keep.
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 1:47 am

Turning to all the people that now filled the ally way, Riddel wondered if perhaps she had picked the wrong place to collect herself. "Uhm... H-hello there," she forced out in her most cheerful voice, hoping to sound friendly but just coming across as terribly shy. She shifted, hoping her wings wouldn't bring too much attention- as the Drakonarith were the only ones with the wings of dragons... then she would be found out, and that was something she just didn't want to deal with. Not yet anyways. When the one girl identified herself as a 'harlot', Riddel's insides squirmed. Women like that were a rare sight in drakith, and few thrived because of the mentality of the kingdom. Still, she wasn't in Drakith, now was she? Maybe this was more accepted in Grayen, and she did seem to have some skills with her blades. Riddel again smiled, trying to be as friendly as possible.

Felix watched the girls go into the ally, and frowned. Now, how was she supposed to pick their pockets when they kept moving away from her? She went to make her move, but then a man bought a roll from one of the venders... Well, she couldn't help herself, and nabbed one for herself while the vender was pre-occupied. After nibbling on it, she went to the girls, (Gwinna, Caldi, and Astoria, they are still all by each other, right?) and loudly cleared her voice. "Ahem! Are you guys lost or something? You know? It's not the greatest idea to just hang out in ally ways, all sorts of unsavory like folk can be lurking in here!" She raised her arms, hands limp, and began to slowly walk toward Caldri. (like a zombie). Then she stopped. "You know? You don't want to end up with lighter wallets then when you got here, right?"

"Ah, so it's started..." Toshio smirked, using a knife to pick at his nails absent mindedly. His red scruffy hair fell in his face, covering most of his left side, but his green eyes glittered through. He had a type of aura around him... People made room for him, but at the same time paid him little attention. Just another passer by in the crowd... His long blood red coat trailed after him, whipped into the air by his long strides. He had much to do... but later. Surely he could enjoy the festivities for a while? Besides, Seriath was more then capable. He casually strolled up to a growing crowd of... women, yes, all women. "Why, hello there," he cooed in his sweetest tone, his voice not too deep but a little rough at the edges. He smiled, a smile warm enough to melt the coldest of hearts. "You all know the king himself is going to make a speech soon? I believe in only an hour's time. You wouldn't want to miss it," he smiled again, winking at them.

For Infero:
As he tried to enter the keep, a guard stepped in front of him. "I'm sorry sir, it's all under control," He said, helmet masking any emotion. "Just go about your day as normal, sir. And.. Hasn't King Jeriko asked something of you specifically? You wouldn't want to let him down, especially not today..."

(ooc: still have the flu, so if doesn't make sense... sorry)
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:28 pm

(OOC: I know you hate these guys, but I need to make some points before posting my reply to this RP. lol. XP
So first of all, I mixed up the colors just as I thought. Sorry. I'll fix those up as soon as I'm done posting. I knew and had a feeling I made a mistake. *sighs* Sorry about that. So yeah, Astoria = Green and Caldrixia = Yellow, not other way around. Again, sorry for the mistake.

Next point: I think a few of you are confused. lol. Some of us think we're still in the alley and others think we've left the alley. And I don't mean to give you a hard time Skootle, I hope it didn't sound that way cause it wasn't meant tos ound like that at all. I know you're not feeling well and you said yourself your post probably made no sense. But yeah, hope you get well real real soon to RP with us again!! ^o^
But yeah, long story short, we're not quite in the alley anymore. lol. Let's just say we've walked away from the alley, we're not so close to it anymore, but not so far either. And let's go with there not being a lot of people in this area so it still seems isolated-ish. Sound good??

OOC To Infero: haha, Astoria wasn't in a tournament, but we'll just go with that. Sounds cool. ^_- haha!! XD

OOC To Skootle: Yeah, all us girls should still be together. Right Gwinna?? ^_^)

Caldrixia was panicking internally, but trying to keep herself calm and collected on the outside. When Felix started approaching her all zombie-like, Caldrixia couldn't hold it any longer and let out a panicky, high-pitched scream.

Astoria not able to bear this sudden outburst of fear and panic, pushed Caldrixia behind her and quickly summoned her kamas by magic. Once the weapons made their ways to her hands, she got into a fighting stance. "Now listen here you. No one's stealing anything from anybody, got it. And I don't think you'd really want to mess with me, or would you?"
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:47 pm

Such festivities, such liveliness, such happiness and excitement. Such a scene that one would surely be crazy to miss out on. It brought a smile on Gariko's face, making her look 5 years younger than she currently was. What she wouldn't love to do but just sit here, up on this vacant rooftop, and survey the colorful world below her and all it's lively people, and live life like she should've years ago back at Drakith. Sadly, that wasn't why she was here.

Last night she had blown all her rent money at the local casino, hoping to go back home to a mansion instead. That wasn't what happened. She lost all her money, and after receiving no chance of getting her money back from the manager, crushed the machine she had been using with her sharp, dragon like nails (she can make slight alternations that won't affect her age too much), and ran off with the money. Ironically, all that money STILL hadn't been enough to pay the rent.

"Ugh..stupid rules. What the hell is with this money problem? I'm not the only one who suffers from it all!" Indeed, she had noticed Felix the whole time and knew at once what she was aiming for. She had actually been watching everyone, and kept log of them all in mind, but the group at the ally interested her the most. The girl with the goggles was weak for money, the guy with the red hair was an egotistic flirt. The young copper haired girl was a total klutz, and two female clowns that were easily distracted. There was that young man with that pipe, but deciphering him was gonna take her more than a glance. How should she do this?

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 3:20 pm

Infero sheathed the blades. "Oh, hello guard. What's with all the screaming?" The guard looked at him through the helmet. "Someone found a dead body on the roof. I would think that justifies screaming, wouldn't you?" "Only if I woke up to it staring at me." The guard snorted. "Anything really strange about it, if I may ask?" "Hole carved in chest. Looked as if something tore out his heart." "I see. Well, that means you've probably got your hands full. I'll leave then." He began to walk away, but in midstep, turned around. "Forgot. Could you deliver this pipe for me?" He handed it to the guard, as well as a couple pieces of silver. "Thanks, you kind devil, you." After giving the guard a handshake, a cheeky smile and wink, Infero headed back to the forge.

((OoC: There. Fixed. Very Happy ))

Last edited by Mr. Goji on 9th October 2009, 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 5:42 pm

vanity_pride wrote:

Next point: I think a few of you are confused. lol. Some of us think we're still in the alley and others think we've left the alley. And I don't mean to give you a hard time Skootle, I hope it didn't sound that way cause it wasn't meant tos ound like that at all. I know you're not feeling well and you said yourself your post probably made no sense. But yeah, hope you get well real real soon to RP with us again!! ^o^
But yeah, long story short, we're not quite in the alley anymore. lol. Let's just say we've walked away from the alley, we're not so close to it anymore, but not so far either. And let's go with there not being a lot of people in this area so it still seems isolated-ish. Sound good??)

ooc:....ooOOOOOooohhh... Ok. Like I said, sick. I blame flu. xD I thought we were stil there, must have missed when we moved. Well. Wherever we were, pretend when I said alley I meant... wherever they- I'm just gonna stop. xD And the ooc is there for a reason, don't feel bad about using them >.>)
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Roleplay I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 5:51 pm

Mr. Goji wrote:
Infero sheathed the blades. "Guard, how would you know what Jeriko asked of me? As for a normal day, I always make random visits to the castle." Seeking to the mess with the guard some more, he looked over the pieces of armor the man wore. "Where did you purchase this junk you call armor? This isn't my work!" The guard took off his helmet, wearing a confused look. "It's standard issue. What do you mean this isn't your work?" "Well," said Infero, "I don't do anything for the castle unless they ask me to. If I had supplied the armor, or anything to Grayen's soldiers, it would all at least be made of iron. What you've got there, my friend, is copper, with a coat of silver. Expensive, but it won't even stand up to a slingshot." Getting aggravated, the guard put his helmet back on, and said, "Well, at least I'm doing my duty." "I'm off duty," laughed Infero. "Besides, I've got this to deliver." He showed the pipe to the guard, who, relenting, let the blacksmith pass.

(ooc: Goji- be careful of godmoding- there are a couple things in your post that don't really fit into the story line too much- 1st, Jeriko would probably never give his knights bad armor. 2nd- you never mentioned your character having such ties to Jeriko in your character post- if your character was going to have access to every bit of grayen you should have mentioned something. Part of rping is having doors shut to you. It makes it more realistic. I'm sorry- I feel like i'm nitpicking but that's *not* my intention. But your character wouldn't be able to just march in anywhere he pleases- he's a black smith, right? And- give the bad guys some breathing room. Dead bodies aren't normally found because of a sudden hunger, you know? I'm sorry, again, I feel like i'm nitpicking.... )) Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 6:03 pm

Felix's eyes widened in alarm. "N-no harm meant, m'am!" She lifted her hands up, defensively. "None at all! I was just messing around! Sorry!" She rubbed the back of her head and sighed. This couple was waaaay too high string to try and get something off of. Wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Not at all. "Allls I meant was that, you know, lurking about can get you in trouble, I wasn't threatening nobody..." She hung her head, milking her performance for all it was worth.

Hmmm... Toshi watched the small exchange, all the while having the feeling of someone peering down his back. He kept turning casually, skimming through the crowd- smiling at any one who caught his eye-, but finding no one watching. The last time he glanced over his shoulder, he thought to survey the rooftop and- ah. There she was. His little spy. He wondered briefly what she was doing up there... And then waved nonchalantly, hoping she would come down. She looked... interesting.

((ooc: sorry, again, if anything is weird or missing..)
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 6:23 pm

((OoC: Was I godmodding?Embarassed Sorry about that. My original idea for that part involved the guard getting shot with magic and spinning like a windmill while Infero ran away, so this is at least improvement...isn't it? Also, I did say that he was messing with the guard, who I really don't know if they would be up to date with stuff going around the castle. Guess they are though. Should probably edit that...Smile ))
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 6:35 pm

((ooc: it's not a big deal, just keep in mind, there are many other characters, so it's best to not plan too far into the future, as you don't know what the other characters are going to add to the story Wink
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