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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 9:30 pm

Astoria hesitated about letting down her guard as she just stared Felix down with a fierce, piercing glare. She finally opted on lowering her weapons. Turning to face the young red head boy she said, "Kid's right. King's speech is in an hour's time. We shouldn't miss it." Pulling her cloak back on, she started walking back towards the main area of festivities and such. Without turning around she simply stated, "Come on, Caldri, let's go."

"Yes ma'am," Caldri exclaimed happily, running quickly towards Astoria to keep her distance from Felix whom she was still a tad bit frightened of. Before they were on their way, Caldri faced the rest of the group asking cheerfully, "You coming with us? *smile*"

(OOC: Yeah, yeah that's fine. I don't blame you. I'm with you in fact, it's the sickness!! XD But yeah it's alright, we all got what you meant. As long as we all get what's going on. lol. XP)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 2:37 am

Gariko at once realized that the red haired one had spotted her out, yet she made no indication that she had realized that.She kept her eyes glued to the alley behind him, even though her focus was still centered at him. What were the chances he'd find her when she was the one who had been watching him? That made her slightly excited.

"Now for my entrance," she muttered, a small smile on her face.

Her act was simple, yet very deceiving. She would keep looking or doing whatever she was, which at this point was ignoring the red haired one, and then turn to look to her right, a little downwards, and her expression would change. First, it'd be that of confusion, as if she's trying to understand a certain sound or scene happening in the small intersection between this building she was on, and the one adjacent to it. Then, she'd start to call out. Her lips moving would be enough for someone who was watching her to see that she was talking, but she decided to add some voice too just in case they were remarkably gifted with hearing.

"Gekki! Gekki! Stop playing around in there and get back up here! Gekki, do you hear me?!" She called in a bossy and annoyed manner to no one. She then stood up, a clear expression of frustration plastered onto her face, and jumped into the intersection. There was a momentarily silence, then her voice could be heard again, telling this 'Gekki' off.

In an instance, a little girl with blond hair, wearing a blue summer dress with matching shoes and hair ribbon, came streaking out of the darkness, giggling. She held a 'bouquet' of marigolds in her hand.

"I'm going to meet the prince sissy! I'm going to meet him! You can't stop me!!" she cried joyfully as she swerved between legs and skirts. She was so preoccupied with her taunting and happiness, that when she suddenly bumped into someone's leg, she fell back and all her flowers flew out of her arms. She rubbed her head, before surveying the red haired one.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 3:08 am

Riddel smiled towards Astoria and caldri. "Yes, I would love to accompany you," she hurried after them.

"Hmph. Guess I'll go with you..." Felix frowned and tagged along behind Riddel, eying her cloak carefully.

Smiling gently, he knelt down next to her. "You should be more careful, young one," He cooed softly as he gather her flowers up and placed them back in her arms. "Now, shouldn't we get you back to your... sissy, if I heard correctly?"
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 3:22 am

Gekki stood up, and smoothed out her dress with her free hand before arranging the flowers that she was given back into the same, attractive fashion they were in before she fell. Hearing the word "we" slightly annoyed Gariko, but she kept her expression calm and placid, as if the flowers had distracted her enough to not hear him at all.

After a few moments, Gekki finally looked up at the red haired one, a large grin on her face. "No! She's very angry with me because when she saw me on a trashcan, reaching for this, she knew it was for the prince. She knew that I would win his heart before she did, so she tried to stop me, but she fell and is now all dirty!" she said, laughing in a bubbly manner.

"I can win a prince's heart too! And I will, with these!" She held up her flowers, but her happy expression soon melted to sadness. The petals of her flowers were falling. "N-no," she said in a broken tone, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "My fwowers!" she cried, her body shaking. It wasn't long for her to cry loudly and draw attention, as every upset child does.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 4:19 am

Toshio smiled, using the back of his finger to wipe one of her tears away. "Hush now. If it's the prince's heart you want to capture, you'll need more flowers then your sister, right?" He couldn't help but play along with her, he had always had such a curiousity about children. "I bet your a million times prettier then your sister too," he said, hoping to sooth the child as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pouch full of about 10 gold pieces, enough to buy about 5 of the bouquets like Gekki was holding. "Now, how about me and you get some flowers so your sister would have no chance, hm? Does that sound good? But no more tears, alright, young one?"

He stood, skimming over the crowd for anyone that looked like Gekki and of course saw no one. He frowned. He didn't exactly have all the time in the world for this... but... Well, if Seriath needed him, he could find him. Plus, Toshio wanted the next move to be... one with flair. He could wait.

"By the way, what's your name? Mine is Toshi."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 4:42 am

Gekki sniffled, a tiny smile forming on her baby face. She looked up, keeping her eyes in contact with Toshi, yet her mind was jumping to the bag of coins. That was what she needed, but it seemed like there would have to be a price with it. She'd have to go with him to buy the flowers, which she had no intention of doing at all. She needed to play this right so in the end, she could escape with the money.

"Oh no thank you!" she said, her childish and happy mood having been restored by his calm words. "My sissy would not be happy to see me with you. Not happy, no. She'd punish me and make me miss my prince!" She bounced on the balls of her feet, holding one of her arms with the flowers behind her back and the other outstretched towards Toshi.
"But I can tell you a pretty secret. Very pretty! Worth those money for my pretty prince's flowers! I can tell you my name, and answer one question about my big sissy. Anything you want to know about her. I don't care. I can tell you what kind of underwear she wears under her clothes or what she writes in her diary."

Gariko didn't care at all what she told him, in the end, he'd have lost this fun little game.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 5:34 pm

Toshi scratched his chin as he thought, now never taking his eyes of off the girl. " Hmm.. So you don't want the flowers anymore? Catching the prince's heart isn't important anymore?" He grinned at her, and rattled the coins, taunting her. But he had a tight grip on them- he didn't trust this girl much anymore.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 7:59 pm


"So..." Caldri began, "What are your names?" Caldri asked of the two girls so to know what to call them by and not be further curious or clueless about the matters. "And what is it that the two of you hope to find here at the festival? (turns to look at Felix behind her, with a rather fakily angered facade) Despite trying to rob people of their hard-earned money." Caldri let out a laugh. "I'm just kidding. *smile*" She then continued, "Are you here to find a job, or attend to one of the tournaments later this evening? Or maybe even participate in a tournament, just like Miss Astoria has already?" At this statement, Caldri grew even more childish and bright. "Or... have you come to meet new sorts of people? Maybe to find your one true love?" At this, Caldri let out a giggle. "I've heard lots about the new King, Jeriko, you know. I've heard he's the type of guy every girl would dream of getting married to..."

"How is it that you know so much about these sorts of things, Caldri?" Astoria asked, trying to hide away her curiosity and interest as best as she could.

"Haha, well I've worked with a lot of people whether they be my fellow co-workers in the workplace or just with customers who have knowledge of these things. I may be young and seem sort of naive, but I'm pretty knowledgable."

"Hmm..." was all Astoria could contend with as she kept on leading the way in silence while the rest of the girls behind her engaged in even more conversation...

Then all of a sudden...

"Caldrixia Ramsden!! You come back here immediately!!" A woman rang out from a stand.

"Oh no, I've forgotten..." Caldri said, more to herself, in a quiet little voice. "Coming Mrs.!!" Turning to face the group, she promptly stated, "I'm sorry I have to cut this short. I have to return to work. I hope you girls have fun hearing the king. You'll have to tell me all that happens later on. Farewell!!" And with that Caldri, returned to her place of work behind the stand to keep promoting and selling foods to the many hungry peoples and visitors of Grayen.

"You said you'd only be gone for five minutes." The woman pointed out coldly.

"Yes I know. I'm so sorry. I seem to have lost track of time," Caldri apologized pathetically.

"Well, next time that happens, you'll find yourself without a job little missy. Now, I'm off to see the king. And as punishment, you are to work for the rest of the night. No more breaks for you!!" And the lady went off on her way towards the castle where the king was to give his speech, leaving behind poor Caldrixia all alone at her booth...
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 8:31 pm

Infero stopped a short distance from the alley. "Now where could they be off to?" he thought, watching a few of them move away, revealing a red haired man in a red coat, and a little girl in a dress, who appeared to have dropped a few flowers. Not knowing what was going on, Infero moved a little closer. The man was holding something, and whatever it was the little girl appeared interested in it. Curious, he wondered how to get closer, without drawing too much attention. Looking up past them, he saw a short line of people waiting outside his door. "Well, that's convenient," he thought, now walking into the alley. "Act casual...."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime10th October 2009, 11:48 pm

Caldrixia heaved a hopeless sigh. No one in their right mind would come back around here to buy some hearty food! So what was the point of keeping her here when not one customer would come to make a purchase, when everyone came pretty much for one obvious purpose only, and that was to see the king (and of course, compete in the various tournaments if one had signed up for that)?!?! The only amusement Caldrixia found was by looking into the window of a shop across the way from where she stood. Sure the window was kind of small, but that didn't impede Caldrixia from peering in... She didn't seem to recognize the man at all, but noticed that his physique wasn't at all bad. From the looks of it, he was a blacksmith, doing his job providing people with repairs and objects of their choosing. 'How cool,' Caldrixia thought to herself in her ever so childish manner, not being able to supress her usual smile. Then, she grew glum again, realizing where she was and hearing fireworks from a whiles away. 'Great... I'm missing out on the festivities and speech entirely.' "Oh but wait..." Caldrixia thought out loud as she came up with a brilliant idea. 'Why should I stick around here like a sore loser, complaining about missing out when I don't have to miss out on anything at all? Like the Mrs. is really going to find out or know that I've never stayed here ever so faithfully keeping watch of the shop. All I've got to do is lock this place up and make it there fast, and then I'll just come right back as if nothing ever happened. But I have to be sure to get back before she even sets foot around here. I can so do this!' With a smile, she did exactly that and started to make her way in the direction of the castle...
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:46 am

"The king... we should go to see him speak as soon as possible... I need..." Riddel stopped. She couldn't very well say she had business with the king and not attract suspicion. She hoped the other girl, Caldri, would be able to make it... but... she really couldn't help much. Riddel had *her* business to attend to...

(I will post the king's speech next, if any evil characters want to act, I'll give them time to.)
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 1:48 am

After finding nothing interesting from the pair in the alley, Infero went back into his house, into the forge, and put up the sign for 'open.' Then, he looked out at the line, numbering about nine people. "First customer please."

Three new shovel blades, four sword repairs, a new dagger, and a twelve new arrowheads later, Infero closed up shop. He sat down at a rough table, counting the pieces of currency he had earned. "Three silver, twelve bronze...another silver, and one piece of gold. Not bad." He added them to the money pouch, and stood up. "Maybe if I raised prices on repairing weapons..." A knock on the door interrupted him. "King's going to make a speech, mister. Don't be late." "Sure thing, mystery person," he replied. He retrieved the black and white tunic, and put it on. Strapping the swords back to his waist, Infero headed for the door, grabbing his favorite red cloak, and fastening it around his shoulders. Then, he hopped out the door, locking it behind him, and headed for the castle. "Maybe those people from the alley will be there, too."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 2:05 am

(OOC to Mr. Goji: Oh, haha, I totally wrote up that Caldri was watching Infero working, but never mind. I guess we'll just go with the fact that she saw you come back from the alley and attend to people and yeah... lol. Now to the real stuffs... ^_-)

Caldrixia noticed that the man across from her was closing up his shop too. She knew she shouldn't really associate with strangers, but she got the notion that this guy wasn't creepy or anything to worry about. "Hey!" She shouted across to him as he was leaving, "Are you going to see the king too? Mind if I walk with you... Please??"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 3:11 am

As the crowd started drawing closer to the castle, Jeriko sighed and made sure everything was in place. His crown, his cloak, his armor... Everything looked alright. He was a very unintimidating figure- a scrawny boy with messy brown hair but charming blue eyes. He walked out onto the stage in front of the crowd- It was set above the people, and so gave him a view of the massive group. He so hated public speaking. And the guards standing alert at his left and his right made him uneasy... but they had to be there. If anyone tried to kill him now... Well, he had a hard time believing there were people like that out there, but... Now that he was king, he had to be less naive.
"Welcome friends, from far and near," he began, smiling. "As you all should know, my name is Jeriko, and the new king of Grayen. It's an honor that the people of Grayen trust in me enough to continue on my father's legacy." Jeriko had a hard time talking loud enough- he was always more of quiet book worm type but... "I hope, that during my reign, I can help unite Aevalyn as one as only the elves can remember it. Too long have our brothers and sister been lost to war... Drakith and Firel and Grayen, I think all three of us, we could promote peace again." He suddenly got hit by a bad feeling, but tried to ignore it. He felt the urge to run... and run fast. "It will take work and determination, but I think if we try, we could achieve an everlasting peace, that again lets our Aevalyn live and bloom!"

(for now, write your character's reaction to the speech, just before, and during. I believe the evil characters are going to move before the end of this, so I want to give them a chance~)
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 6:43 am

Gekki lowered her eyes away from his intense gaze and crossed her arms defensively across her chest. She wanted this new act to display a little girl hurting internally, but also she needed to avoid eye contact at all times, just in case the other person had a skill at discovering when one is lying.

“I do want to meet my prince,” she said, her voice small and weak, “but you’re bullying me now like a bad bad man. I don’t want my sissy to see me…I don’t want her to bully me too after you do.” She turned around so he couldn’t see her new expression, which she had been holding in the whole time. Pure anger. Keeping a mask was hard for her when whatever she was doing triggered her temper. Luckily, at that moment a young man appeared at a type of balcony podium, dressed in marvelous garbs. It was ‘her’ prince, and it was also a good excuse to give the red haired man some time to think about what he’s done.

The prince’s, or rather The King’s, speech surprised her, and even scared her. Unity for peace? If it weren’t for the disassemble of these lands then she wouldn’t have been able to run away and live her fun and adventurous life as she was now. If all the lands united and became the same as Drakith, then she’d be trapped again in all the boredom and miseries she had faced as a little child. She wouldn’t stand for this..but there was no time for her to think of anything to do.
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 2:28 pm

((OOC: I thought I would switch it up a bit and just a do a post from a victim, mostly because I had inspiration to do it. I hope you guys don't mind. I have one more post I would like to make before the king continues if possible please. I will try to get it up as soon as possible.))

Karl's men were dead before they even realized that their life had ended.

The patrol had been assigned to guard the northern wall, on the opposite side of the city from the festivities. The area over here had few soldiers, as there were almost no citizens in the streets. Karl had been assigned the commander of the forces on this wall, which consisted of the 4 men in his immediate patrol and about 15 other scattered soldiers. Leaving another man in charge, Karl had taken his patrol off the wall to help with security around the crowning ceremony, as the king was due to appear soon. He had decided to take a shortcut through an alley to get there faster.

And thats when it all went to hell.

They had gone no more than 20 paces in before chaos erupted. Karl didn't hear the whooshing sound, but he saw the two black bolts as they shot past his head, the space behind them rippling wildly as if reality itself were tearing apart. They impacted with the two men at the head of the small column, punching two fist sized holes in their chests. They hadn't even begun to drop before Karl felt a tearing motion in his heel and reflexively gasped as a form rushed pashed. There was a blade, a whirring blade, and Karl felt the Achillies tendon on both his legs tear. He didn't scream, only hit the ground, his mind trying to grasp what was happening. Then he saw his attacker.

It was almost like the darkness was feeding off of him, solidifying to make his form, but Karl only saw his eyes. Those eyes! Pits of emptiness that stared right through him! There was another small motion and Karl felt the skin part on his throat. He felt the air rush out through the wound, felt the blood start to pool, but he was still alive. Still alive as he watched the figure walk over to the 4 dead bodies, grasp their hair and easily separate skull from body. Still alive as the figure smiled a smile that seemed not entirely his own.

Still alive until he drowned, unable to make a sound, in his own blood.

Last edited by Hellrazor13 on 11th October 2009, 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 6:17 pm

(OOC to Hellrazor13: Dude that's totally fine with me!! lols. XP That was a really good post. And yeah, are you just allowing other people to post before you post up your next post (haha, who would have thought you could mention post three, well four times in one single sentence!! XD)?? Anyways, I guess I'll take my turn...)

Astoria stood in between her newly found 'friends' if she could even refer to them as such... As she saw the king appear onto the balcony, (OOC: is he up high above the people?? If not, then I can just input the word stage instead...) she realized, despite how far (up) he was from where she stood, that Caldrixia was indeed correct about his physique. Jeriko was surely an attractive looking young man. Watching him as he gave his speech, Astoria didn't know what to think. Maybe he was right in doing his best to combine all the three parts of the land back together as one or at least for all three counties(??) to live in peace again as they had so many years ago. But what if he failed? It was practically impossible that either Drakith or Firel comply with this theory, seeing how far apart they've grown and how they hate each other and disagree with each other's ways... This could prove to be disastrous, but at least Jeriko could claim he tried rather than have done nothing at all to resolve this problematic state...
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 7:54 pm

Viewpoint: Vindicus.

The small group of hooded figures moved like wraiths through the narrow alleys of Grayen's capital. The leading figure held up his hand at an intersection and figures slowly came to a halt. The man had his hood up and was fingering the hilts of the two short swords strapped to his hip. He turned behind him, to look at the woman. She was leaning on her ferret staff and breathing slowly. Vindicus could sense her anticipation.

"You think Faixi is done with her job by now?" He said slowly, watching the alleyway from intruders.

"If she hasn't, then we would have been noticed by now." Cylic's melodic voice was laced with hatred, which Vindicus knew was attributed to her experiances with the races of the world.

Vindicus nodded. The sounds of the festivities going on in the city's bazaar bore with the smells of the city, from hot-cooked food to the aromas of horses and animals. He stepped out into the alley intersection.

"From here on out, no talking. Only hand signals. Cylic, move into poistion."

She shot him a look of playful menace which was dispelled only by the look of eager anticipation in her eyes. She mouthed a single syllable and vanished from sight. Vindicus knew she would be on the roof of nearby buildings shortly.

Vindicus motioned to the other four members of the group. Keeping to the shadows, they followed the maze of alleyways in the great city, steadily getting closer to the keep and their ultimate target.

Around the city, multiple figures in hooded robes and dark blue tunics tightened the noose around the bazaar and keep.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 11:56 pm

"Sure," Infero said to the girl. "We'd better hurry though."

Amid the crowd of listeners, Infero leaned over to the girl. "Before Jeriko starts, might as well get acquainted. Name's Infero. What's yours?"

During the speech, something made the hairs on his neck prickle. Looking around though, Infero noticed nothing out of the ordinary, and refocused his attention on Jeriko.

After Jeriko finished, Infero thought about what he said. While uniting Drakith, Grayen and Firel was a great goal, it would come at great cost. The lives lost in the conflicts between Firel and Drakith was already high enough. For Grayen to get involved though, could become tragic. "However," he said to the air, "if Jeriko this is what Jeriko has decided on, then I will help however I can."

Then, his neck hairs stood up again. He tightened his grip on the swords. Something just wasn't right.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 12:06 am

"I'm Caldrixia, but you can just call me Caldri for short," Caldrixia said, beaming up at the man.

Soon enough, the new King of Grayen gave his speech. Caldrixia put all her attention on him, just staring at him like a young, naive girl lost in love. What brought her back to reality was the fact that Infero was looking around in any direction rather than looking directly at the King for a short period of time, then focused on the king again. 'I wonder what's up with Infero,' Caldri thought to herself. She hadn't paid much attention to the speech, just barely hearing glimpses of reuniting the three kingdoms, which for someone as young and innocent as Caldri came off as a great and grand idea. Caldri, unlike many others, has lived a rather pleasant and peaceful life, with no worries and no troubles. To Caldri, life was much enjoyable and she had an overall positive outlook on all that life had to offer.

She soon heard Infero, speak and turned to look at him, "Huh?" She then noticed as his hands went right to his sword as if on instinct. "Wha-- What's wrong, Infero?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 2:46 am

Seriath watched the crowd from a rooftop behind the gathering. The crowd had grown to quite a large conglomerate of races and people all waiting to hear the new king's speech. There were many more guards around the bazaar, hearding the people forwards and keeping order. As of now, there was very little chaos. As of now.

Seriath didn't wait to see the king, for he stepped into the shadows and vanished, appearing on another roof, closer and off to the side. He was in the shadows once more, invisible to all but those who were actively looking for him. He reached behind the stone chimney and slowly dragged out a large sack. Blood from the inside of it left a trail on the stone, but Seriath took no notice. Then he turned around and looked at the three citizens he had captured. Two women and one man, all wide-eyed with fear. Bound and gagged, they could only lie helplessly and watch as the shadowy figure approached silently approached. The dark elf knelt by one of the girls. She tensed and fought, and Seriath could feel her desire to scream. He placed one finger over he gagged mouth.

"Ah ah ah. Not yet little human."

No, not yet.

Viewpoint: Faixi.

She was standing behind the keep, in an alleyway. A young woman, frail and lithe, adorned with a black robe and a long staff topped with a metal dragon. She fingered the pistol on her belt, idly toying with the trigger. Behind her, 3 members of the covenant crouched, holding jagged swords. Around them stood 3 members of the guard. Blank stares lay on their unknowning faces and they stood loose and almost limp. Tools, and nothing more.

From her belt she drew the pistol. It glinted as the light caught the thin metal barrel. Then she gestured forwards, towards the stage.

The bag was heavy, but Seriath didn't notice. He leaned it up against the edge of the roof. Looking over, he saw that the king had just finished the speech. He was waving now, trying to keep the people's attention and respect. Maybe he had more to say...

Seriath didn't wait. Wrist blades dripping red blood, he hauled up his three captives and took them to the edge of the roof.

He smiled a small smile.

With a quick motion, he cut away the gags, and then grabbed each of them and teleported right above the center of crowd.

This time he allowed his victims the pleasure of screaming - as their massively cut and bleeding bodies fell 30 feet into the massive crowd of citizens.

He was only in the air for an instant before he returned to the roof, grabbed the bag, and returned to the air. There he emptied the large bag out over the crowd.

First a shout, then a scream, then terror struck the crowd as 10 bloody heads fell amongst them. As Seriath appeared on the ground, the screams of the crowd mingled with the screams of his victims and the bazaar turned into chaos.

Seriath smiled his wicked smile, raised his wrist blades and fell upon the panicked crowd, a shadowy figure of death aimed directly at the stage.

Viewpoint: Faixi.

Something appeared in the air above the crowd. A figure carrying 3 more humans teleported into the air then dropped them, followed by a rain of heads. The crowd became a mass of terror and chaos, trying to get away from whatever it was in the center. Indeed, most didn't even know what it was.

Faixi took at as a blessing. She raised her staff at the stage.

The two guards beside the new king stiffened then turned. They grabbed the king and forced him to his knees. The three mind-controlled guards around her rushed forwards, pulling out loaded crossbows. They stopped at the edge of the stage and pointed them at the crowd. Other members of the Covenant rushed forwards towards the stage to secure it.

"And now the show belongs to Vindicus." She laughed and, flanked by the two Covenant warrriors, walked towards the stage.
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 4:39 am

"Oh... Oh my..." Riddel's first instinct was to rush to the king's aid, but... but... She paused. If they found out who *she* was, surely, those people would want her? People were running around in a panic, and someone hit into her, sending her to the ground. The brace holding her wings bound snapped, and her wings involuntarily unfurled. She quickly brought them back close her body. Scrambling back to her feet, she began to retreat, away from the frenzied crowd. She ran until she came to an alley (woo another one) and she crumpled on the floor. She needed to get back to Drakith... She couldn't die here- and her over reactive imagination immediately filled her mind with worst-case-scenarios.

"Woah, woah! King Jeriko! He's gonna die if someone doesn't do something!!" She yelled out, her tiny voice getting lost among the many screams and shouts.

At the sound of screams, Toshi dropped what he was doing and sped towards the square, completely wrapped up in his new job. He'd have to find that girl to play with later... He came to the square- witnessed the screaming and panic, and smiled big. "Awww, come now! Seriath you big jerk, don't start without ME!" He chuckled as his hands lit up in flames, the shadows playing across his face as he approached the crowd.
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 5:01 am

Ayer had been wandering between job interviews at the local shops when he heard the screams and the panic began. After being nearly toppled by the initial stampede of the crowd, he looked over to see severed heads lying on the ground and three bodies in the center of the court.

Acting on instinct, he ran to the bodies on the ground and found them motionless; pupils dilated and an expression of absolute terror on what remained of their faces. Ayer turned and saw the guards aiming their crossbows directly at him and the king bound in place by his own guard. There were several figures making their way across the stage toward King Jeriko.

With his heart pounding in his chest Ayer made his decision immediately, his old survival instincts and his innate ability to adapt making the decision for him. Within the passing of a thought, the bolts in the crossbows had shattered violently and the guards binding the king were flying through the air towards the other figures making their way across the stage.

Ayer appeared next to Jeriko and grabbed him by the arms - "Hold on Your Highness!"

Without any education from his times in Drakith he was only able to teleport the King a short distance. The girl gave a startled squeak whenever they appeared next to her, accidentally hitting Ayer in the nose with the edge of her leathery wings. Ayer recoiled, not out of pain but because he did not want to rip her purple dress by getting closer to her.

"Hey, sorry about that ma'am. King Jeriko, we should be going, I don't think those people wanted to ask you for your pancake recipe. By the way, got any open jobs for a bodyguard?"

As they began running in the direction opposite of the court, Ayer thought he saw the girl in the purple dress following after them...
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Age : 34
Location : On your facebook, stalking your friends =D

Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 5:18 am

This had not gone anywhere near as well as Jeriko hoped. People were dying, he was on his knees, waiting certain death, then...
Then he was in an alley way, being told to run. "It's a pity too, I make the most delicious pancakes..." He muttered, trying to focus on anything but the screams coming from behind him. He ran after this mysterious man, praying he wasn't running into another trap. The girl following them looked familiar, then with a shock he exclaimed, "Riddel?? Riddel the princess of Drakith??"

"Y-yes my lord," She murmured, as she jolted after them. "I came to represent Drakith but..."

"Now's not the time. If they see you, I'm sure they'll try to kill you as well. Young man, what is your name? If you can manage to live through this, and this lady and I as well, you'll have yourself a fine job indeed."

She didn't know where they were running to, but the three of them kept going.
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Roleplay I - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 2 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 1:05 pm

Gariko, who had been lost in her deep, virtual fears of her possible future if the King had truly made his wish a reality, was a bit slow to realize the new environment around her. People , who had been so happy and calm next to her, were suddenly screaming in terror. The King, who had been looking down at all with a royal smile on his face, was now gone from the place all together. Instead, a wicked looking man stood there in his place.

She glanced behind her. The red haired one had also vanished. She wasn’t too sure what had stimulated such chaos, but if it weren’t for the thought of a slaughter spree, she would’ve still stayed rooted there. Turning around, she began to run as fast as she could. She didn’t know what was happening, yet she didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. On that thought, she realized that she was quite vulnerable in this form. She slowly began to transform back to her original stature, making sure to blend in with the crowd as to not draw attention (which she highly doubted).

She skidded to a halt and made a sharp turn to the right. She was back in that little opening between one of the two houses she had been sitting on earlier. Reaching for a bag hidden behind a trash can, she took out her clothes, for her Gekki’s clothes had shrunken onto her, making it more of a lingerie dress than a little girl dress. She’d get dressed, then take a peak from this place of the scene. A small tingle of excitement rushed through her body. This was going to be interesting.
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