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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 1:34 pm

"Felix. We should get out of here, fast," Astoria stated, not giving Felix the chance to agree to go with her or not and practically dragging her out of the crowd...

"Ms. Astoria!!" Caldrixia shouted out to the young woman as she came into view, but not so loud as to not attract attention. Then again how could she be loud or attract attention at all?? People were so panicked after what had occured and were running around, screaming desperately to save themselves before they would go through such a fate as those who had been beheaded or those of the three bodies that now lay at the dead center of the gathering.

"What's going on here, Caldri?"

"I really have no idea. I have no clue who that one man was, you know, the one who---"

"Yeah, yeah I know, Cald."

"But it does appear to be that they're trying to kill the king for who knows what reason."

"The King!" Astoria remembered as she now realized how selfish she was to escape for her own good and leave the King behind at the mercy of the evil folks behind this plot.

"He's alright, I just noticed a young man who went to save him. Let's just hope for the best... Wait, isn't he--?" Caldri's eyes grew wide-open. She recognized the red-head from earlier in their little group before she got seperated from them. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. He was one of the bad guys, preparing to attack any who intended to escape. He mentioned the name Seriath. That could be no other than the man with the three corpses and the bag of heads.

"That's the one kid. That's him."

"But I thought that he was on our side..." Caldri stated melancoliquely (??), but then... Caldri grew infuriated "Hey you! I thought you were on our side! You pretended to be a nice young man and now look at yourself! You would do this to your new King... Betray him?!"

"Caldri, no!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 3:43 pm

He watched as Caldri started yelling at him. He frowned, sighing. "Now now, you assume to much. I am a nice young man, just one that happens to disagree with your...ah, political standing. Although, in a way, we're going to unite Aevalyn too. We're just going about it a little differently... But that doesn't mean you can be so mean," He pouted, then broke out into a wicked grin, not able to hide his pleasure. The flames still danced in his hands, and he took a step towards her. "Or, will that not be good enough? You want to fight, young one?"
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 4:34 pm

His magic energy spiking again, Infero drew his swords and looked up, as the screaming began. It was that shape again! But then, it teleported over the stage. At the same time, he heard Caldrixia yell at someone, and turned to see who.

It was that red haired man from the alley, hands aflame. "You want to fight, young one?" said the twisted grin. Infero stepped in front of Caldri, saying to the man, "It seems hardly sporting that you pick a fight with her." Something in his brain clicked. "When I am clearly the better opponent." He raised the blades, aiming the razor tips at the man in red, smiling menacingly. "Shall we dance?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 4:50 pm

Turning, Toshio sighed. "Now see what you've done young one? You've gotten me into a fight, and I didn't want to stain my coat..." the fire on his hands went out as he stripped off his coat, leaving him in a black sleeve less shirt. He faced Infero- drawing both of his twin blades from his waist. With one in each hand, Toshi felt much more comfortable. "Alright old man, try to keep up." He lunged at him, but prepared to duck back... this was simply to test him.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 5:07 pm

Infero laughed. "Stain your coat? There's a reason it's red." The man drew twin blades, and lunged at him. Infero ducked, smiling, then moved quickly to the left, attempting to bring a blade up under the man's chin, and hoping that killing him wouldn't be necessary. "At least, " he whispered, "not yet."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 5:35 pm

((OOC: Wow, that moved MUCH faster than I thought would. Lol. Damn me having to go to school and getting behind.))

Viewpoint: Vindicus.

He saw the guards on the stage jerk and become puppets. He saw two of them pull the king down and hold him still and three more rush forwards, pointing crossbows at the crowd. It was all his show now.

"Thank the Nightson for mind control." He smiled to himself as he drew a jagged dagger, running at the captured king. Across the stage, he saw Faixi approach, holding her pistol and laughing. He reached the top of the stage and raised his dagger. He reached for the king - and then he was flying, propelled by a force beyond his understanding. It lifted him off his feet, carrying him into the side of the keep. ((OOC: This is assuming that the stage is right in front of the keep.)) Stars exploded across his vision and all he saw was blackness. He felt blood run down his head. Finally, vision returned - and with it, no Jeriko. Shakily, he returned to his feet.

"No, no, no, NO! Find him!" He yelled at the covenant warriors around him, "And Faixi? Tear it down!"

She smiled a knowing smile and raised her pistol.

With a spurt of blood, another man fell dead amongst the crimson stones that formed the bazaar floor. Seriath reveled in the bloodshed. That made 6 he had slain in his rush towards the stage. The rest he had left to the crowd itself.

The crowd had thinned, fleeing with single-minded terror from the bazaar, yet with their mad rush to get away from danger, they had disregarded all humanity. Broken bodies lay strewn across the cobblestones, trampled in the rush of fear. Seriath sprinted towards the stage, hacking wildly at anyone who came near, dropping them into the dust with hatred in every attack.

Then the king was saved.

Not saved, at least. Just rescued for the time being. A man had thrown away the guards, which had suddenly turned on their ruler, and had teleported Jeriko away from devastation. However, Seriath saw him appear at the mouth of an alley, almost colliding with a winged woman, and the three of them disappeared.

Oh no, you aren't saved yet young king. Just delaying the inevitable.

Turning, Seriath saw Toshio battling a foe. Recognition sparked in his darkened mind, and he stretched out his hand. From pools of shadow rose three creatures, 7 feet tall and made all of shadow. Extending jagged claws of darkness, they roared at Toshio's attacker and attacked, swiping savagely at the man.

Then Seriath stepped into the shadows and appeared on the roof, moving with speed. Below him, he saw the three figures, 2 of them assisting the king in their rush to flee from danger.

Roaring a cry of hatred and anger, Seriath dropped from the roof. As he fell, bolts of darkness shot from his hand, tearing through reality towards his victims. 1 of them impacted with Jeriko's right leg, which exploded, leaving a ragged stump which ended just below the knee, which pumped red gore out across the stones. As the king screamed, Seriath attacked with fury, slashing at his opponents in a blur of motion.

Viewpoint: Faixi.

Faixi smiled at Vindicus's statement and raised her pistol. As she sought out a target, she saw Vindicus and 5 covenant warriors disappear into the alley after the king. She let a laugh of pure delight and, bringing her pistol around and pointing it at the row of buildings on the left side of the bazaar, fired 5 shots. The rounds disappeared into 3 buildings.

There was a second of silence...and then an explosion tore through each one, ripping out the frame and sending fire and rubble cascading into the sky.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 6:59 pm

"Oh Goddamnit Caldri, now you've done it! You should have kept quiet," Astoria reprimanded her, as she leaned in a bit closer slightly crouching down a bit, "Now listen to me, you and Felix make a run for it okay. Hide yourselves really well. I'll come find you later."

Caldri just nodded and quickly made for an exit with Felix to anywhere secluded and safe where no one would find them. Caldri couldn't help but look back though at both Astoria and Infero. She wouldn't be able to help herself if these two died in battle. It would be entirely her fault because she couldn't conceal herself, couldn't keep quiet.

Watching as Caldri left with Felix, Astoria soon saw three shadow creatures emerge out of nowhere, aiming towards Infero. Cursing silently under her breath, Astoria summounded out her kamas and ran towards Infero. "Hey, I've got your back," She whispered to him as they were now back to back, ready to fight (and give their lives if they had to) these new opponents and the young boy Toshio...
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 9:32 pm

"Ungh, really, must we make this so dramatic?" He stepped back, away from Infero and Astoria, and heaved a heavy sigh. "If you would just sit back and enjoy the show, things would go sooo much smoother. But no, of course not, you have to fight back." He took another step back, letting the shades do most of the attacking. He much preferred one on one type battles... and his favorite were when the enemy was sleeping. Much better then this. "Actually... I think I might catch you all later, as my prey is the king, and unnecessary blood shed would be nothing but.... unnecessary. " He waved, and continued backing up, until there was a good distance between him, the shades, and Infero and Astoria.

All Jeriko could register was that he was running, and then suddenly he was falling, pain ripping through his body. He was clutching onto someone, he wasn't even sure who anymore, and he screamed. He tried to be brave, be the king his father would be proud of but... This was all wrong. So wrong.

Riddel screamed with panic, as she caught Jeriko in her arms. They were both on the ground now, Jeriko's blood seeping into Riddel's gown. Working quickly, she put up a light barrier, a bubble, around the King, herself, and Ayer. It was strong, and would hold, but not for long. She began to heal the king's leg, tore skin and bones slowly reconstructing as she laid her hands on his wounds. Now his blood was all over her hands as well, but she paid it no mind. The shield wavered as started healing, but held intact.

"o...ok!" Felix ran after Caldri.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 9:44 pm

"Ugh, you coward!!" Astoria growled. Caldrixia was right about him. Even though she didn't necessarily say it aloud, Astoria got the notion: This kid surely was a real bastard. Astoria knew that this was going through Caldri's mind too... 'Hopefully she's safe... hopefully they're both safe...' Astoria thought to herself for an instant, then came back to reality. Sure enough ginger had made his depart leaving her and Infero with these 3 figures to battle. "Let's just see how this goes," She stated with eyes closed, more to herself than anyone around. She was focusing, powering up to kill these shadow figures... And then, the attacking was on. Astoria was slicing away at one of the shadows ferociously and viciously giving it her all and her best, not daring once to stop or fall short in her attacks towards it.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 10:28 pm

Infero watched Toshi slink away. "Yes. We shall meet again." He turned around, noticing Astoria sink her kama into a shadowy figure. He ran up to it, yelling "Heyo!" the jumped, and swung his twin blades through the creature, effectively cutting it in half. "How's your evening been, Astoria?" Not waiting for an answer, Infero sheathed his blades at the approach of two more shadow creatures. His eyes began crackling with green energy, and he smiled. "Been awhile since I've done this." He crossed his index fingers at eye level, the energy flowing into his hands. Drawing the hands away from his eyes, Infero then ran up to the closest shade, and sunk his glowing fist into its midsection. The creature shuddered, as green electrical bolts ran through its body. It then froze, a statue of solid shadows. Infero pushed the statue over, letting it shatter on the street. Turning, he asked "Miss Astoria, think you can handle this last one?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 10:40 pm

Astoria debated whether she should reply to his question as he went off to face one of the other shadows... She then thought of an answer as she approached where he was to aid him by confronting the shadow. "In exception to this, it's been a rather interesting day... But that's not a matter to discuss right now, don't you think?" As soon as Infero finished off this shadow, Astoria saw as he quickly moved on to the last one. Then Infero asked the unexpected... at least to Astoria's ears: "Miss Astoria, think you can handle this last one?"

"Sure thing," She replied with a bit of a smirk as she brought up only one kama and sliced it down, slicing the figure in half in a sagittal plane. As soon as she killed him, she turned to face Infero as she put both her weapons into only one hand now that the fight was over. "Now tell me... how is it that you know my name? Ah, why am I even bothering with such a pointless question... you're a man. Of course you'd know who I am. Now... if you don't mind, I'm off to find Caldri and Felix," Astoria stated as she turned her back on the man and walked away... She stopped in her footsteps and turned to face him, "Oh, and thanks for defending Caldri..." She turned back around and headed on her way.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 10:41 pm

Toshi darted to where he heard the scream of Jeriko, and came to find Seriath attacking, a girl and boy hiding behind what looked like a magical force field, and the king, who looked like he was... missing a leg??
"Hey, you need a hand?" Toshio called out, cracking his knuckles and smiling.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 10:46 pm

Finally, Felix snapped out of it. She grabbed Caldri's wrist and whispered, "follow me, I know the back ways of this city." They darted through alley to alley, deeper and deeper into the city, until Felix came to stop in a sort of cave like area. There was only one entrance, the rest of the walls were actually tall buildings. There was a tarp attached to two of them, and some scattered blankets on the floor. "This is where i've been staying," Felix explained quickly, as she huddled among the blankets. "We should be safe here, until the fighting stops..."
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Roleplay I - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 11:01 pm

From Gariko's current location, her only view of the whole battle was that of with the red haired one and the mysterious pipe man, along side that hyper girl. It was quite an interesting day she had to admit, and she would've loved to have a good battle herself, but the script for this whole situation was too vague for her to take chances.

She had changed her clothes, dressing into something bold and even mocking (not really suited for a day like this). She wore jean shorts, a pink top, sandles that had the laces spiral around her ankle, and her hair tied up in a bun with colored locks (which she had done so with her power) that fell to her neck. She wore green lipstick, red eyeshadow over one eyes, and blue over the other.

Her eyes had glinted with excitement when she saw the red haired one take of his robe, and leave it there. It surely was a pretty piece of article that she knew would make some good money at the market, and now was her chance to get it. Walking out of the darkness and into the opening, she headed over to his article of clothing and picked it up, ignoring completely the other two near her.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 11:07 pm

Infero called after Astoria, "Does it really matter how I know your name? If it does, I heard our friend Caldri yell it out near the alley from earlier today." Presently, a scream cut the air. "Wonder who that could be," thought the blacksmith. It sounded again, this time, from somewhere ahead of them. "Race you there!" he said playfully. Smiling again, he drew his swords. He turned around slightly, waving at the girl who had just picked up the red headed man's coat, then raced off towards the source of the scream.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime12th October 2009, 11:15 pm

Blades of bone impacted the bubble of protection, pounding and pounding, sending it to shaking as they struck again and again. Seriath fuled all his anger into those strikes, seeking to destroy the barrier and kill the king, his target, who lay so helplessly on the ground. Then he heard Toshio call.

"Feel free to assist young Toshio, the bubble should fall soon." He replied without pausing in his attack. He stepped back and fired a trio of energy bolts into it, seeking to break it once and for all.

And then he felt the presence of another. Several in fact, entering the alley.

Viewpoint: Vindicus.

Warriors at his back, he rounded the corner. He saw the king, saw his two bodyguards - and also saw a dark figure and another human. Both of them seemed to be intent on killing the king. As he was.

"Go. Find out what they are up too. Secure the king at all costs."

Viewpoint: Faixi.

Faixi saw the explosions shower debris across the bazaar and smiled. She so enjoyed the chaos.

With a bang, the doors to the keep were thrown open and a multitude of guards came pouring out. Faixi counted no less than a score, all with weapons brandished and looking for the lord - and a fight.

She laughed and pulled the trigger on her pistol. The shot hit the lead soldier in the chest and stuck. A second - and then the man became a ball of fire, killing the nearest 5 and sending the rest into a daze as they were blown backwards by the force.

"Have at them!" She cried, pointing. 5 warriors of the covenant rushed forwards, weapons brandished, and a swirling melee began. Faixi could see a few more cult members running to join the fight.

She paid them no heed and instead walked past the combat towards the massive keep. She paused at the doorway.

"And dear Cylic, if you are around, a hand would be appreciated." She called, gesturing towards the combat. Then Faixi turned and disappeared into the keep - her new point of interest.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 12:40 am

As soon as she laid a hand on his coat, a painful electrical shock went through her entire body. Toshi stopped in the middle of the fight and frowned. "Damnit, you can't leave ANYthing around without it getting jacked!" Then he turned his attention back to the fight, glad that he had decided to jinx (lol) his favorite coat. It was his favorite after all.

The bubble shield wavered once more, and a huge crack appeared in it. Toshi again lit his hands in flames and threw a large fireball at it- finally shattering it. The king inside was still in pain, but his looked like he was able to walk. Well, so it begins.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 12:59 am

With Caldri and Felix...
Caldri simply nodded and followed behind Felix as she (Felix) led her to an area where they could keep cover and stay safe. Despite all the fears she once held of Felix, she was getting over them, being able to trust her more. She was a new friend after all, and right now, both of their well-beings from the danger was more important than fears of getting robbed or who to trust.

With Astoria and Infero...
In response to his question, Astoria simply said, "No. No it doesn't." Then more to herself, she muttered, "Well, at least he's different than the rest of them.... But that's beside the point..." Shaking her head and a scream brought her back to reality. That's when she heard Infero challenge her: "Race you there!". That's what he said. Astoria wasn't going to let this guy get away with this. Ah, that's right. Guy. "Hey, challenge accepted!" She shouted at him, running after him. Once she caught up to him, she finally decided to loosen up to him, "I never quite caught your name back there..."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 1:18 am

"Name's Infero, nice to meet you," he replied. "And though it doesn't matter right now, blacksmith and part-time healer of Grayen." He heard something shatter then, and, rounding a corner, saw what. King Jeriko and two others were being assaulted by the red head and some character with blades poking out from his wrists. Infero's energy spiked again, and he realized that this was the person who had dropped the heads into the crowd. Acting quickly, he sheathed the swords, and shouted "Hey! Catch!" releasing three spheres of green. One grew tremendously, settling over the king and his apparent defenders. The others struck at the feet of the attackers, sending up a cloud of shattered stone, dust and mud. Drawing the swords again, he waited for the dust to settle...
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 1:25 am

Toshio scoffed as he saw them coming, and dodged out of his attack of shattered earth. He ran up to Astoria and Infero, and, surprisingly, hung his head, and began to mutter, "Listen you two, I don't want you to get hurt. I'm a double agent, get it? I'm actually protecting Jeriko! Notice I haven't hurt *anyone* yet! I'm just trying to keep Seriath under control. Just get out of here, and protect the little ones. It's the best you can do without getting hurt...."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 1:33 am

"Yeah, nice to meet you too, Infero," Astoria responded, then quite ashamed she hesitated whether to tell him her profession back, she finally opted on going with it... "As you may know or may have heard, I'm a--" That's when something shattered. Half-relief, half-not. At least she wouldn't have to tell him that she was a harlot, but then again once they turned the corner there sure was trouble. They found the King and two of his defenders... but they were completely surrounded by many of the enemy. Seeing what Infero had done, she stayed behind him, also waiting until the enemy came into view once more, with her kamas at the ready just as Infero brought out his swords again. She glared down coldly, hoping to catch a glimpse of them before they did of her and Infero... All of a sudden she realized that Toshio was the only one to avoid the green balls Infero threw in their direction previously. She eyed him down evilly, but allowed him the chance to speak. He briefly explained to them how he was a double agent, actually on their side. He also suggested they protect and defend the other endangered citizens while he made sure the King was safe. After hearing this, Astoria wasn't sure what to think. Should she trust his word or should she not?
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 3:30 am

The warm glow of the bubble of light encased him, the King and the little girl that the king had called Riddel. Ayer wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but the bubble made him feel almost at home, like nothing could possibly go wrong.

Shaking himself from the daze of the explosion and throwing his arms into the air to empower the shield protecting them, Ayer turned to Riddel and said: "
Sweetheart, if you can concentrate on healing his leg I can shield us. I wouldn't know a healing spell from a headache, but if I try to heal him that's probably all I'll accomplish anyway."

Something moving in the shadows caught Ayer's eye, though he wasn't so sure what he saw...
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 6:41 am

The shock caused Gariko to pull her hand back suddenly. She rubbed it soothingly to ease out the slight uncomfortable tingle that was spreading through her hand, while glaring at the robe.

"Such a hassle. But I won't give up. The more the features, the more the bid." Kneeling down beside the robe, she took off her knapsack and began to rummage in it for something that may help. She pulled out her blue lipstick.

"Hmm..." It was going to be a sacrafice, but hopefully it'd be worth a shot. She took off the cap, twisted the end, and eyed the thick blue chalk in her hand. She cut a peice off with her nail, and instantly her finger became smeared with the solid chemical. Then she began to rub her hands with the lipstick, as if it were lotion, and it didn't take long for her hand to be coated in a thick covering of blue.

Reaching out again for the robe, she gripped the collar, and waited for the result.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 5:02 pm

In mid sentence, Toshi stopped and looked past Infero and Astoria, who were deciding whether to trust him or not, when he caught sight of the girl trying to make off with his coat, *his* coat. All playfulness dissapeared from his face, and he suddenly appeared next to her in a flash, his foot on his jacket. "And what, may I ask, are we doing here, hm?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 3 Icon_minitime13th October 2009, 5:14 pm

The bubble was about to shatter when Ayer threw up his force behind it, and Riddel could once again focus on healing. "This is nothing like our ascension," Riddel said to Jeriko, trying to get him to focus on her voice instead of everything going around. She spoke in a soothing tone, very motherly. "We had ogres attack us. And I think there might have been a dragon or two. This is nooothing compared to that. I doubt this will even be worth mentioning in a week." There, his leg was healed. He was able to stand, probably run... it wasn't the best healing job but it was good enough. She was so distracted, the use of 'sweetheart' almost slipped by. Almost. "Sir, if we keep shielding, eventually we're going to run out of magic, be unshielded, and not have anywhere to go. We need a plan...." She saw Astoria and Infero in the distance, and tried to wave them over, slightly panicked.
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