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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime19th October 2009, 11:26 am

((ooc: Ok, edited last post. I'll give him the day to respond. If he doesn't, then I'll assume they overlooked the group. Sound good?))
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime20th October 2009, 11:38 am

((OOC: All minions of the covenant (i.e. not the 4 named ones) are free to roleplayed by anyone as they are attacked. Basically, the covenant is steadily withdrawing from the city and there are groups of warriors wandering the city, pillaging and burning and whatnot. So you can fight them freely. Smile ))
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime20th October 2009, 3:53 pm

((ooc: Well. That answers my question.))

Watching as the hooded figures walked away, Infero wondered how they had possibly been missed. He turned back, and answered Riddel. "Good plan. There's a clearing a short distance from town where we can do that." Looking at the receding figures again, he said "But first, a little fun with these guys." He fired a bolt of energy at the rearmost person, watching as it stopped moving, shrunk, and turned into a small, blue, black and yellow rabbit. "Alright then," he said, picking up Jeriko's body once again. "Let's be off."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime21st October 2009, 9:37 pm

The hooded figures had kept on their course, completely disregarding the fact that Astoria, Infero and the rest of the group were there before them. Astoria watched as Infero turned one of the hooded men into a rabbit. Astoria found this amusing, but didn't let that show across her face. Not this time. Astoria soon began to realize that the day had passed by quickly and it was nearly nightfall already. She stayed behind as the group progressed and made their way to where Infero was leading them...

Caldrixia noticed how Astoria was remaining behind. "Astoria!" Caldri called out to her. Caldri hesitated by looking back and forth at Astoria then to the group. She then made up her mind and ran back towards Astoria. "Come on. Aren't you coming with us?"

Astoria shook her head 'no.' "No Caldri, I can't come with you. And if you were ever to return, don't come looking for me. Don't ever find me."

"But why?" Caldri asked her, as soon as Astoria turned her back on the young girl walking away... leaving poor Caldri behind.

"Astoria! There you are! Come quick!" One of two girls shouted out as both of them came running towards her as soon as they recognized her.

"What is it?"

One of the girls promptly stated, "The brothel... Boss needs to see you."

"Yes, come with us," The other said.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime25th October 2009, 11:01 pm

The blacksmith stopped, trying to listen to the exchange between Caldri and Astoria. He turned, and watched two other girls run up, saying something about the boss, and the brothel. "Well, that answers the question of her occupation," he thought. "Wonder what's up?"

He now noticed his house, sitting about a hundred yards from where they were now. "Ah. Perfect." He concentrated on that location, and closed his eyes, teleporting to his door, or what was left of it. But, after peering inside, he noticed nothing of any great value had been damaged. "Wait here," he said to the Jeriko's body, and set it down inside the door. "Looks like we'll be traveling a bit. Now, let's see. What will we need?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime25th October 2009, 11:48 pm

Caldri just stood there and watched as the two girls talked to Astoria briefly about what was going on. She turned to find Infero looking at Astoria as well, pretty sure he heard what Astoria was trying to hide from everyone else... She then realized that they were at the place where she and Infero first met. Her boss was just about ready to leave with cart and all.

"Mrs!!" Caldri called out.

"Nothing to worry about Caldrixia. You were an exceptional worker my dear, but it is time I moved on to work in another part of this land. I doubt you'd want to move from your hometown, so you are now free."

"Thank you. I wish you luck," Caldri smiled as she hugged the woman. She then let go and ran quickly after Infero. Standing at his door, she saw Infero looking around his house for what he might need. She instinctively rapped at the door. "Mind if I come in? Do you need help with anything, Infero?"

Soon enough, Astoria and the girls arrived to the brothel, or at least maybe half of what the brothel was.

"The brothel came under attack," One of the girls explained.

"I see..." Astoria said simply, staring up at the many remains of the brothel.

"The boss wants money from you. He says you have enough to pay for the repairs," The other said.

"What?" She exclaimed as she stared in disbelief at this girl, "He said that."

"You are the most popular woman of all the brothel. Of course, you'd get more pay. He even gave you a bonus last month," The girl stated matter-of-factly.

"But..." Astoria kept to herself as she kept speaking in thought, "But that money... I was saving it up... to help my aunt with her payments and..."

"Come now Astoria. What could you possibly do with all that cash? Buy yourself luxuries? You have them here. Besides, I'll pay you back. I'll get back to you with that money."

Astoria immediately recognized that voice. She could know it was him anywhere she went. She turned to face him and stated in reply, "Boss, I wanted to buy myself out of the business."

The boss gave her a strange look and then burst into laughter, "What's this Astoria? Buy your freedom from this place? Not even the amount of money you give me back would be worth as much as the money from the clients you bring in. The answer is no Astoria. We've talked about this many times before. I'd go broke and out of business. Don't you care about me or the girls? So... where's the cash?"

Astoria sighed in defeat, still hesitant though. After awhile she gave in and said, "It's in the usual jewelry box... stashed away at the bottom..."

(OOC: Sorry for writing so much!! Got kind of carried away I suppose... XP)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime26th October 2009, 5:52 am

She looked around, and nodded. "Let us be off." She turned, trying to avoid Jeriko's body. The dead always left her with an uneasy feeling. Like a looming promise. When she reached the edge of town, there was the red head boy from earlier, standing looking rather torn.
"Listen, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart or anything, but I figure you might need ah... extra protection on the way. If I may..?"
Riddel frowned. Rejecting help wasn't something she was used to, but neither was making decisions. She turned back to the rest of the group, saying, "You all can deal with him... I'm going to find a spot to bury Jeriko."
She walked away, fighting off tears.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime27th October 2009, 9:41 pm

((ooc: Long post coming up. Have to fit a few things together, do some explaining and whatnot. Hope that none of it comes across as godmodding.))

Looking at Caldri, Infero replied "Yeah, come right in. Don't think I really need any help, but since you asked nicely..." He stood up, and motioned towards the bear-skin rug on the floor. "If you pick up the bear's head, you'll find a loose stone. Under it, you'll find a couple packages, wrapped with cloth. Bring them here."

While she did that, Infero walked to the forge, and pulled a panel off, revealing two large sacks of cloth, a big brown cloak with many pockets, a walking stick and a pipe. Lifting it all, Infero carried it back into his house, and set everything on the floor. "My old enchanted cloak. Parting gift from the magic school. Each pocket can carry up to five items." He emptied the coin pouch at his waist into one of the cloth bags, which was stuffed with the money he had earned during his years in Grayen. His eyes flashed green again, and the bag was engulfed with green fire for a couple seconds. After blowing out the fire, standing in the money bag's place was now small money pouch. "Still holding all the money in it." He picked it up, and dropped it into one cloak pocket. Then he removed his red cloak, and placed it in the second, empty be before also shoving it into one pocket on the travel cloak.

Upon receiving both parcels from Caldri, he stuffed them into his pockets. "Let's hope I don't have to use these." Motioning for both of them to go, and picking up Jeriko's body again, he ran out to join up with the rest of the group.

Walking with everyone else, he caught sight of the remains of the brothel. "Excuse me a moment, please." He handed off Jeriko's body, and then walked towards the wreckage. Hearing voices though, he approached cautiously, until he heard one that sounded familiar. Peeking around a corner, he saw Astoria and a couple other girls talking with some man, possibly the boss. Infero straightened himself up, and approached them. Once he was standing behind Astoria, Infero cleared his throat, and asked "Something the matter?"

((ooc: Unusual for me do this twice in one post, but again, I hope it all makes sense, and doesn't come across as godmodding. If it does, tell me where, and I'll try to fix it.))
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime27th October 2009, 10:08 pm

(OOC: Haha, I don't think it's godmodding. And either way, it's fine with me. No problem! ^_-)

Upon hearing Infero telling her she was allowed to enter she nodded and nodded again as she was given an order. She was to find a few wrapped up packages under the bear-skin rug and give them to Infero, which is exactly what she did. "Here you are," she stated with as much of a smile as she could give him.
She then heard him explain over another cloak he had gotten a hold of. She was amazed at how he shrunk his money pouch to make more space for other things to put in that very pocket of the many-pocketed cloak. Magic was always something to astonish her.
Once she heard Infero say he hoped he didn't have to use any of the parcels, Caldri grew curious and couldn't help not concealing herself. "What do you mean you hope you won't have to use them? Why do you say that?" Seeing him motion them both out of his house, she followed after obediently. Once outside, she saw as Infero handed Jeriko over to someone else in the group and saw him go back in the direction of the 'brothel.' She instinctively followed, leaving behind the rest of the group...

As Infero was approaching the brothel, the boss noticed him and said, "Ah pardon sir. As you can see the brothel's been attacked by those fiends that attacked at the King's Speech event earlier... so it will be awhile until we re-open. Sorry for any inconvenience. There's no need to worry though, we've got the money for repairs so soon enough we'll be open again. It's all thanks to my ever-favorite Astoria. She is the popular one here after all," The boss patted Astoria on the shoulder.

Astoria, to not be rude, didn't do anything to oppose the man's touch. Instead she chose to turn around and face whoever it was that happened to stand behind her. When she recognized who it was, she immediately regreted ever turning to face him. She felt ashamed right then and there, as if her heart had stopped so suddenly. Instead of holding eye contact with him, she quickly looked away ashamed towards the ground.
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime28th October 2009, 6:38 pm

((OOC: Sorry I've been away. Sooooo much stuff happening. Razz))

Sand crunched under steel lined boots. Wind whipped his brown cloak into a frenzy as Matthias stepped through the outer gates of the capital city of Grayen. Around him, chaos reigned. Bodies of citizens, city guards, and mysterious blue robed forms littered the ground. A rush of people were trying to get out of the city or get into buildings and bar them shut. Small spots of fighting were common, with blue robed warriors versus city guards locked in vicious combat. He climbed onto the side of an overturned cart to get a better view of city. Away in the distance, 3 plumes of smoke billowed into the sky, coming from the bazaar and the keep.

As he dropped back to the blood-slick cobblestones, he heard a shout, a shout aimed at him. He turned around slowly, wide brimmed hat covering his face from the speaker. In front of him, a group of 5 blue robed warriors had overrun some guards and noticed him. Laughing, they flourished their spiked blades and rushed at him.

Reflexes born from many wars took over. His hands dropped to his belt and drew forth two slender pistols. A low hum emanating from the metal rose quickly to whine as he pressed the triggers. Laser shots tore blindingly from the barrels and impacted with the bodies of the warriors, ripping through robes and armor as though it simply wasn't there. Blood flew from their forms and they dropped quickly, swords clattering away, to the crimson ground.

Matthias was already moving before their corpses had settled. Fire flashed from his pistols' barrels as he advanced through the streets, walking slowly, never running. His wounded leg couldn't hold up to the stress, and he had already left his horse at the city gates.

There was a low sound from his left pistol, but as he moved to reload it, he was charged by another 3 of the warriors. His other pistol discharged, dropping one from a shot to the chest. As the second one closed, he moved to the side and kicked with his good leg at the man's kneecap, shattering it. He hit the ground screaming, but was silenced a moment later as the steel lined boot came down on his head.

There was loud crunch and the screaming stopped.

The final man closed quickly, coming in behind the bounty hunter. Matthias knew he couldn't get off a shot before he swung, so he surprised the warrior by stepping in, under the strike. As the blade came down, Matthias grabbed the man's wrist, jerked down, and brought up his other arm in one motion. With a snap, the man's arm broke. Before he could reacted, Matthias brought his pistol under the man's chin and split his skull apart with squeeze of his trigger.

As the mutilated body dropped to the stone, Matthias reloaded his pistols and sheathed them. He moved his leg experimentally, and was only met by a couple quick stabs of pain from his thigh that faded into dull ache if he moved too much. Satisfied, the bounty hunter stepped into the bazaar, amongst the devastation.

((OOC: Sorry about the long post. Razz I assume you guys are in the bazaar somewhere?))
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime28th October 2009, 6:44 pm

((OOC: BTW, no your post is not god-moding. The coat is fine. Although if you have super weapons in the parcels, that might be pushing it. Lol. Looks fine though.))
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime30th October 2009, 7:02 pm

((ooc: Meh. Guess I'll post something.))

The blacksmith stroked his bearded chin, looking at the ashamed face of Astoria. Eyes now switching to a view of her boss, Infero spoke, "I bet you're thankful for someone like her. And, if I'm getting this right, it's because you've decided to take her hard-earned wages, and rebuild this place."

He looked back down at Astoria, and leaned forward a bit, whispering, "There's no need to feel ashamed at your choice of work. You gotta earn money somehow." Infero looked back up at her boss, and asked, "Ever wonder what would happen if she...I don't know...vanished?"

Then, he pointed at the brothel's owner's nose, letting off a tiny crackle of emerald lightning, and saying, "By the way, good sir, you may want to get rid of those." As he said this, the owner's nose quivered, and a torrent of long, fine black hair dropped from his nostrils, much to the apparent horror of the man himself.

At that moment, a scream sliced through the air, before it was suddenly cut off. Infero gripped his swords, and smiled mischievously at Astoria, "What say we find out who caused that?"

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime30th October 2009, 7:17 pm

(OOC: haha, nice!! XD I like it!! ^_-)

As Infero talked to her boss, she couldn't help but still feel ashamed.
She then heard Infero as he leaned in and whispered,
"There's no need to feel ashamed at your choice of work. You gotta earn money somehow."
At these words, she acutally gained the courage to look him in the eyes with just overall surprise showing in them. Internally, she could feel herself smiling. Infero had come back for her, come back to save her from this place of slight hell.
She simply could not believe it when Infero turned to confront her boss and could not at all conceal her laughter when long strokes of black hair grew at a rapid rate out of his nostrils.
She then turned to face Infero as soon as the scream had persisted, merely nodding in agreement as he asked if they should go investigate what was the cause of the sudden outburst.

Caldrixia remained in her spot a ways behind Infero and heard his every word he had spoken to 'the boss'. The only thing she didn't catch word of was the whispering Infero had directed towards Astoria. That was nothing for her to concern herself with though. Bringing joy back inside of her, she laughed hysterically at what Infero had done to the man. "Oh Infero, you crack me up. Haha!!" And all of a sudden, laughter subsided to concern at yet another let out of a scream...

All that the boss could manage to do was glare evilly at the man by the name Infero and the two girls Astoria and Caldrixia...
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime30th October 2009, 8:52 pm

(OOC: Okay, so I added in that last line of the boss and a line of dialogue for Caldri, just so you all know. ^_-)
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime3rd November 2009, 8:13 pm

((ooc: Guess I'll post something, seeing nobody else has for awhile.))

There were several strange humming noises and flashing lights, as Infero came to a halt, watching a cloaked figure take out a group of those blue cloaked people. The guy was limping for some reason, but, aside from that, seemed unscathed from the conflict.

Presently, a number of arrows thudded into the woodwork next to Infero's head. As he turned, he drew both swords, cutting a spear out the air, and charged towards the source, about eight blue cloaks. Another arrow flew from the crowd, narrowly missing him, and cutting his cheek. The blacksmith collided with them, swing his blades, completely cutting two people in half. He paused, watching the shocked look of the remaining men.

Smiling, Infero spoke. "I don't know how you all possibly missed, but-" he was cut short as one them jabbed at him with a dagger. Infero caught the man's arm, and twisted the blade from his grip. "Bad move," he growled.

He plunged the knife through the man's bicep, before tearing it out and throwing it, hitting another man in the throat. The four uninjured men now drew their swords, and charged Infero. "Check!" said the blacksmith, swords a blur as they stabbed through the chests of the first two. He pulled them out, and cut the remaining two across their necks, severing their heads. "Checkmate." Cleaning and sheathing the blades, Infero approached the man with the now heavily bleeding arm.

"Hello, sir. Mind if I ask you a few things?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime4th November 2009, 7:12 pm

Before leaving in the direction of the scream, Astoria attempted her best with her limited magic to summon her jewelry box to her as that was the only thing of importance which she still wanted possession of. "Iccio boite bijou," Astoria stated and soon enough the small jewelry box appeared in her hand. She then turned on her heels making her way after Caldri and Infero. Before she could walk away any further she turned to face the two distraught girls. "It's for your own good. You deserve better than to work in this dump." With that, she turned her back on them once more as she slightly opened up the box and let a few of the rectangular papers contained within slip out. It was her way of providing a little extra money for the girls to do some living away from the brothel until they could find decent jobs to occupy themselves with.

As soon as Astoria was some ways away the girls run towards the money to pick it up. The boss was faster than the two of them together though and picked up the money for himself. "Who does she think she is doing something like that? Putting that stupid idea into your heads. She'll pay for this! As will that fellow companion of hers," The man seethed angrily, completely ignoring the fact of the long black streaks still dangling from his nose. Then with an evil smirk he said (more to himself), "She thinks she can just leave like that. Well, her leaving comes at a price: a replacement. And I know just the one too." All the thoughts that ever ran through his mind were of that one little friend of Astoria's. Yes, that young, blonde, little virgin (for he was pretty sure she wasn't untainted... yet). He would find her one way or another.

Once they arrived at the scene, Caldri stayed behind watching as Infero took on the fiends all his own. She just kept staring in awe at how he overtook each individual man like it was nothing at all, no hard work at all.

Soon enough Astoria appeared right next to her. Astoria was about to draw out her weapons herself, but then realized that Infero had taken just about all the men out pretty much. Once he was finished with the last two he offered an injured man help. Astoria just stared down at the helpless man waiting to see what his response would be to Infero's sudden question.

Last edited by vanity_pride on 4th November 2009, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding to the boss' thoughts and adding when Caldri & Astoria appeared with Infero to help Matthias)
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime9th November 2009, 2:54 pm

The devastation of the Bazaar was astounding. Bodies covered the ground in a carpet of flesh and blood, and puddles of gore dotted the streets. The smoking husks of several buildings cast enormous columns of ash into the midday sky. Matthias viewed it all without emotion. He dipped his wide brimmed hat lower to cover the sun's burning rays. At least there were still some living things here that weren't trying to actively kill him.

Taking no heed to the gore covered stones, he walked in a line towards the larger man and the two girls. The larger man had slain several of the mysterious blue robed warriors and was now holding a wounded one hostage. Boots echoing on the stones, the bounty hunter approached.

"Can anyone tell me whats happened here?" He said as he stopped besides them, thinking. He then walked over to the wounded man. "He asked you a question." Matthias said, pointing at the armored man.

The blue-robed warrior only glared at them and made to spit in their face. Matthias didn't blink. With hardly a motion, he brought his steel-boot down on the man's injured leg. Hard. There was a loud snap and the man's spittle caught in his throat as he tried to scream, turning it into a choak. Matthias pulled out his gun.

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime9th November 2009, 6:49 pm

((ooc: The guy had an injured arm, not an injured leg. Silly.))

Infero looked at the man in brown. "You know, breaking people's limbs doesn't make talking any easier." At this, he walked over to a nearby fruit stand, picking up a lemon. Returning, he drew the knife from around his calf, and cut the lemon in half. "Sir," he remarked to the man in brown, "please put the gun away. It won't be necessary for this task."

Crouching by the bleeding man, Infero held the piece of fruit over the ragged tear in the man's arm, and squeezed it, sending a stream of lemon juice into the wound. He barely contained his scream. "Ok, first question," said Infero. "Who are you working for?" Nervously, the blue robed man answered, "I am a soldier for the Covenant of-" The arrow took the man through his eye, spattering blood on Infero's face. Infero stood up, watching a shadowy figure move quickly away. "Damn it."

Now, he turned to the man in brown. "You asked what happened here? Well, the city was attacked by these people, during which our king was killed by a Shade. Apparently, not all of the attackers have left, which makes our plans for leaving Grayen, and burying the king's body, somewhat risky." Wiping his knife off, Infero returned it to the sheath on his leg. "There's the basic rundown for you. Now, if I may ask, what brings you here?"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime12th November 2009, 2:12 am

Both girls saw as the man Matthias pulled out his gun, pointing it at the blue-robed man hoping to get some answers out of him in that way. Infero quickly interfered stating that violence wasn't necessary to get answers out of him. Caldri and Astoria stared in confusion as their eyes trailed Infero's every move to a fruit stand. From there he picked a lemon and made his way back towards the blue-robed warrior.

Squeezing the lemon (after having cut it up) over the man's wound made Caldri flinch in pain as if she herself could feel it penetrating through her own arm.

Astoria didn't physically flinch. Maybe internally, but she tried her best not to show it or let it get in the way. When the man was saying something about being a worker for the Covenant of whatever it may have been, an arrow was shot into the man's eye and his life ended right then and there. Astoria quickly faced the direction in which the arrow came flying from. She on instinct summounded out one of her kamas through magic and flung it in that direction, hoping to hit the person with it, but it backfired as the person left before they could be struck by it. "Damn," Astoria cursed as she called back her solitary kama and put it away as soon as it reached her hand. She had then put all her attention on Matthias as Infero briefly explained to him what had occured earlier. But one thing drew her away from all that so suddenly...

"The Covenant of the Thousand Sons," Caldri stated so quietly, and yet she had unintentionally drawn attention unto herself.

"What? What did you say, Caldri?" Astoria asked in utter shock. Then again, she didn't see how she was taken by surprise. Whether it be knowledge of a person, place, event or thing, Caldri surely knew it all one way or another. "You've actually heard of the clan that man worked for?"

"No," Caldri shook her head in disappointment, slightly confusing Astoria.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Astoria burst on the girl. "You specifically said 'The Covenant of the Thousand Sons.' It would only make sense."

"Well no it wouldn't, Astoria," Caldri retorted in defense, "It comes from a mythical child's story... the clan isn't even real."
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime12th November 2009, 12:47 pm

"The situation sounds as expected. I suppose I shouldn't have been expecting any more, as that would have yielded disappointment. This right now is just too good." Matthias said, before holstering his gun and leaning down to the dead man.

"Why I'm here and what purpose here is none of your concern. Suffice it to say, I am your ally while I am in Greyen, and leave it at that." The bounty hunter began to search the man, his hands turning out pockets and discarding armor, a hunt yielded 5 daggers in various parts of the man's body, 2 small vials of a green liquid, and blank scroll, in addition to the jagged sword on his belt. Pocketing the two vials, Matthias rose, tossing the blank scroll to the questioning man

"Here. You will get more use of it than I ever will, and the most I can is sell and get some money." Matthias said, "Now, I need to see the king's corpse. Can you take me to it?"

Viewpoint: Cylic

((OOC: They are still in the city castle.

Sweat beaded on the Woman's brow as she fought for control. The blue portal to the Covenant's main stronghold was holding. The air was hot and dry, as if the portal was sucking the moisture into, even out of her very skin. Long range door openings were difficult to maintain.

From the depths of the portal streamed a line of warriors that filled the room around her in formations. Vindicus sat on the lord's throne, idly messing with a dagger and watching more of his fighters ready themselves to act on his word. He knew what was coming.

With a motion to the 6 other casters in the circle, the portal suddenly changed to a black, swirling mist. Darkness leaked from the portal and dragged lovingly on the ground. Around it, they waited. The Covenant waited.

The waited for something to come through.
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Mr. Goji

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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime12th November 2009, 7:16 pm

"While you're in Grayen, eh?" replied Infero, catching the scroll. "Fine by me." He opened the scroll, thumbnail accidentally scraping the paper, revealing a line of black. "The hell?" thought the blacksmith.

He bent down, retrieving one of the knives from the dead man, and scraped it down the scroll a few times. The knife revealed many black symbols, spelling out some language that Infero did not know. He looked back up at Matthias. "Jeriko should be buried by now, but I should be able to at least show you the place. But first, what do you make of this?" He handed the scroll back to the bounty hunter.

Astoria's outburst caught him off guard. And the mention of the Covenant of the Thousand Sons startled him, too. Until now, it had only been a myth to him, something that parents used to get their children to behave.

Without warning, Infero's skin prickled. Something very bad was happening. "Guys," he said, nervously. "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that we must leave Grayen. Now." He picked up the weapons from the dead Covenant soldier, placing them inside his cloak, and keeping the jagged sword in hand. He began walking down an alley that lead to Grayen's main gate, when he was cut off by a group of robed warriors, numbering around twelve. "Damn," Infero muttered, backing out quickly, turning to see three more groups of five blue robed soldiers appear in the bazaar. "Everyone," Infero said to the others, "I suggest we arm ourselves. This won't be pretty."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime13th November 2009, 1:54 am

(OOC: haha, I thought that Jeriko's body was still with the group. He wasn't buried yet. lol. Oh well.)

Astoria stopped any further 'arguing' (it could be called) with Caldri as she tried to refocus her attention on what Matthias was telling Infero in response. "God what a bastard," She thought to herself as he pretty much told Infero that it was none of his business what his purpose was here in Grayen. She already had the gut feeling that they weren't going to get along very well, and all she did to show it was glare at him.

Caldri didn't realize what was being communicated between the two men as she had been lost in her own thoughts remembering the child's story of the Covenant of the Thousand Sons. She was confused on how Infero had gotten ahold of the scroll so suddenly.

Drawing both girls back into reality was Infero's sudden nervousness as he spoke of his bad feeling and need to leave Grayen as quickly as possible. They followed after him quickly. When they were some hundred feet away from reaching the gate, it was much too late.

Caldri couldn't help but gasp as she saw a dozen more blue-robed people now standing before them, blocking them off from their only chances of escape. The only way to go was where they had originally come from, but that also led them to another huge number of blue-robes.

Seeing that they were surrounded and hearing Infero mention arming themselves, Astoria did just that. Quickly calling out her kamas, she readied herself to attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime13th November 2009, 1:54 am

(OOC: haha, I love my usage with colors and the pattern I just made out of them in the above post. LMAO!! XD Just thought I'd point that out. lols. XP)
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Roleplay I - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime9th December 2009, 8:52 pm

(ooc: Riddel had walked away to bury him, that was my last post. =D )

Watching, watching the newcomer with the shiny guns, watching the lemon, watching... Felix tried to calculate what action would be best for her to take... Things were getting ugly, and fast.

Returning to the group quietly, she saw a new comer, and she eyed him cautiously. Something had happened while she was gone, and she tried her best to get her thoughts in order. So much had happened all at once, she could barely keep her thoughts in order. Whenever she claimed a little bit of her former serenity, the thought "Jeriko is dead" pierced her mind, and all dissolved into disorder once more. Fighting through this, she murmured a quiet, "What has passed while I was away?" Her eyes were big and obviously scared, but as Koan's sister, she had learned to fight through fear for the greater good. "And... where do we go from here?" She asked a little quieter, mostly to herself.

Toshio stood, outside the once great capitol of Grayen. He was eating a pear. He had heard that it was Jeriko's favorite food, and it seemed fitting. Drakith was next, then everything would start falling into place... right?
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 5 Icon_minitime9th December 2009, 9:14 pm

(OOC: haha, okay. I went to re-read that. Can't believe I forgot. haha. XD My bad. Anyways, yay!! The roleplay has come back to life!! I'll think about what I'll post... I need to think. And besides someone else should post cause I did previously. lol. XP)
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