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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime11th December 2009, 8:23 pm

(ooc: Me feels like writing something for me new character.)

Theos Malmor stood in the confines of his cell, a bloody fork in his grasp, eyes glowing dully. "It's unfortunate, dear guardsman, that you forget to hook up the machines that drain my power." He licked the fork, before plunging it into the dead man's eye socket. "I mean, really. You of all people here should know that letting me sleep for as little as one hour without the machine can be lethal." He twisted the fork, and pulled out the man's eye. "Oops." Theos smiled, and turned his gaze to the open door of the cell. Stooping, he pulled loose the massive knife on the dead guards belt, then stood straight, and hopped lightly out of the door, before slamming it shut. "Sweet dreams, Mr. Guard."
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime29th December 2009, 11:31 pm

As some of the members of the group armed themselves, the others who were practically defenseless had to stand back. Caldri stood behind Astoria and Infero as they readied themselves to attack the blue-robed warriors.

Astoria wasn't too lucky. She had some three warriors aim at her. They probably underestimated her because she was a woman. Oh how cocky and sexist these men could be! This surely pissed off Astoria that she swiftly cut through the first man's abdomen, proceeding to strike the second right on his Adam's apple. For the last man she had a nice act in store. She brought in her kamas, her right wrist over her left wrist and then she swung them out each tip of the blades striking a side of the man's neck. She dug in further until she nearly decapitated the man. For a quick moment she regained her breath and composure before returning to conquer more of the enemy.

Caldri watched with amazement as Astoria took down the threesome that failed to bring her down. Toward the end though, Caldri turned her face away in disgust not wanting to see the unhappy fate of the third man. As she did so, her eyes met with that of one of the blue-robed peoples. He approached her (much to her surprise and misfortune), pushing aside those of his own clan just to get to her. To make matters worse, the small group was starting to disband as Astoria and Infero kept moving forward to attack the blue-robed clan members at the front. Caldri aimlessly looked around for anything to pick up whether it be something she could use to hit the man silly or throw at him. She quickly picked up a pathetic little stick. Pathetic yet pointy. As he got closer, she held her ground trying her best to guard Felix and the princess behind her. She was waiting for the moment to strike him in one eye, but she slightly panicked when she realized how tall he was. She aimed the stick pathetically and struck. With eyes closed as she feared for her life, she only grazed the man's shoulder. The man got hold of her in an easy, swift move, putting her into a hammerlock as he used his free arm to hold her up against him and Caldri screamed.

(OOC: What a weird monkey... monkey and geek... geek XD)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime11th January 2010, 3:35 pm

As soon as the blue robed man placed his hands on Caldri, Riddel snapped into a deadly focus. She raised her hands in a small arc until they came to rest inches in front of her nose. She chanted something under her breath, continuing to focus, until small crystals began to form at the blue robed man's feet. The crytals grew in number and advanced up the man's leg, locking him in a small pillar of ice. In fact, all of the blue robed men started to feel a cold chill down their spine, as the ice traveled from their feet to their waist, slowly working it's way up to their neck. To the man holding Caldri, Riddel did not have any mercy. Slowly closing her hands, he began to convulse for a moment, then simply went limp. It looked like he had merely passed out, but Riddel in fact had crushed all of his organs.
"Are you alright?" She asked Caldri.
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime11th January 2010, 4:48 pm

Once Astoria heard Caldri's screams, she stopped and swiftly turned to see what had happened. Astoria was boiling inside when she realized that Caldri had once again gotten herself into trouble, except this time she was more pissed off at the bastard who would dare to hurt her. Just as she was getting ready to fling one of her weapons at the man's face she noticed some brightly crystal shaped things rising from the bottom. At first she thought it was the doing of the evil men but then came to realize that the crystals weren't harming Caldri at all but rather the man himself. Then crystals rose up around the other blue-robed men that had them surrounded. The crystals then did their task, freezing every single man of the group one by one. She finally realized that the Princess was the one who had saved Caldri and also the one who all by herself managed to take down the rest of the clan. "Are you alright?" she heard Riddel ask of Caldri.

"I-- I'm fine... Thank you Riddel. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cause any problems or trouble. I mean you're the Princess. We should be the ones having to save and protect you, not the other way around," Caldri responded, almost speech-like.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime12th January 2010, 4:19 am

Infero let go of his swords, startled at the sudden crystal growth surrounding his previous opponent. In fact, these crystals managed to capture the weapons, leaving them embedded in the now gruesomely crushed man. "Oh my," he mused. Gripping the sword hilts, Infero sent a shockwave of emerald through the blades, shattering the crystalline tomb along with the man inside it, and freeing the weapons. Returning the swords to their sheaths, Infero looked around, making sure no more visitors were waiting, before checking on how the other group members were fairing. "Everyone still alive?"

Theos giggled with delight at his escape. He hadn't even planned it, and it worked. "Note to self," he said to the air, "plan less often, ad-lib more often." The psychopath then heard footsteps, and smiled cruelly, throwing himself at the noise, and successfully tackling another guard. Before the guard could yell anything, Theos placed a finger on his lips, saying, "You may be wondering why I am out of the clink. Well, it just so happens that I have misplaced my beautiful arm of steel. Can you help me find it?" Reaching behind his back, Theos pulled the large bladed knife from his belt, and stabbed it through the guards head, a spray of blood hitting his face. Theos licked his lips, his eyes widening with excitement. His teeth practically glowed in the dim light of the hallway, betraying the insane, twisted smile he wore on his face. "What's wrong guard?" he said to the corpse, "Cat got your tongue?" The madman stood up and laughed manically, then bolted off into the darkness, heading for the prison's evidence room, towards his robotic arm, and towards an even bloodier liberation, singing, "Where o where has my metal limb gone, where o where can it be......!"
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime17th January 2010, 5:58 am

(OOC: Has the RP progressed?)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime17th January 2010, 6:46 pm

(OOC: Oh yeah, it's been picking up during Winter Break. You should post something Wanderer. We need someone else to post. haha. XD)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime18th January 2010, 11:49 am

(OOC: I'll consider)
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime22nd January 2010, 1:27 am

((Out of Character: How's the consideration going?))

((In character: "I'll never find my arm at this rate!"))
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Roleplay I - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime22nd January 2010, 3:15 am

(OOC: Very much like a tug-of-war. The thing is after the death of the Prince ( Jeriko was it?) I'm quite unaware of what happened, and do not have the time to reread all the posts up to the 9th page. However, a summary would suffice if anyone is willing to provide me with one.)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime22nd January 2010, 5:41 pm

Riddel smiled faintly at Caldri, shaking her head. "It's not about who should be protecting who, but simply making sure we all are alright. Which we are?" She cast her gaze around the group and nodded at Infero. "Now, I suggest we get out of here, before more things go wrong?"

OOC: @ everyone:: Gaaaaaaaahhh so many stand alone ooc posts ;___;
@ wanderer: Uhm, well, since you left, I believe the king has been killed, the town pretty much slaughtered by these cloaked beings, the main good guy group was surrounded but is ok now, and bad guys are.. being evil else where. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime23rd January 2010, 12:44 pm

(OOC:I see...
And the current situation? Perhaps there is an appropiate opening for my character.)
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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime17th February 2010, 10:39 pm

(OOC: I'll just go ahead and post then.)

Astoria found herself as the only one who heard Infero's inquiry on whether or not everyone was still alive. "Heh. Barely," she replied in a simple word.

Caldri nodded to Riddel, concurring with her. "You're right. As long as we're all well that's what matters."

As soon as Riddel and Infero proceeded on leading the way, Caldri and Astoria followed behind step after step, almost in line with the two at the head...
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Age : 34
Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Roleplay I   Roleplay I - Page 6 Icon_minitime18th February 2010, 7:58 pm

"Good idea," replied Infero. As he began to walk, he turned, and beckoned Caldri and Astoria forward. "I'll take up the rear. You never know who or what might try to follow."

When the singing fell upon his ears, one of the newer prison guards jumped to his feet, drawing his sword, and turned his head towards his superior. "That voice...who does it belong to?" "Huh?" said the other guard. "Oh, that would be Theos. One of the more dangerous people in this insane asylum." "You think it would be a good idea to check on him? I mean, he sounds close." "Nah. It's these hallways, carrying the echo." Without warning, the singing stopped. "That can't be good," the younger guard muttered. Grabbing a torch off the wall, he took a step forward. Something then hit him in the chest, propelling him into the other guard. "Holy sh-!" "Now, now, no dirty language from you," the madman crooned, stomping on the knife buried in the guard's chest. Pulling the blade from the dead man, Theos saw the other man now, and greeted him politely. "Oh, 'ello gov'nor. You wouldn't happen to have a directions to the evidence or armaments room, now would you?"
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