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PostSubject: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime20th October 2010, 12:37 am

So, the group had left grayen, Jeriko's ascension celebration a complete disaster. The king was dead, a new possible threat to Aevalyn had revealed itself, but the details were still sketchy. They now set out for Drakith, for they had the princess, Riddel, with them, and had vowed to get her back to safety. A long journey laid ahead of them, and the thick forests surrounding Drakith were no easy feat to get through- but they each had their own motivation, and they continued onward.

(ooc: now, goforit guys!)
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime20th October 2010, 12:43 am

It was... all so overwhelming. Riddel had only planned on seeing her friend rise to glory, and instead she still had to bury him. The dirt from his grave was still stuck under her nails. And now... She looked at the group, from person to person, and sighed. Not nearly the royal escort she was used to, but it was a nice change. After all. Well. These were the people she might some day govern, or at least people like them. It was good for a ruler to get dirty along side of the lesser ones, right? She could imagine Koan's face when they got to the castle. She chuckled to herself.

Oh, the anticipation was maddening! Toshi tossed the pear he had been eating onto the grave of Jeriko, and watched sullenly as it rolled in the dirt. It was like him to let his curiosity get the best of him, wasn't it though? He looked the way the group had headed. Maybe... Maybe he would keep an eye on them, just in case.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime20th October 2010, 3:15 pm

Infero hadn't seen this part of the woods before. Nothing he had done, whether it was hunting, gathering wood, chasing the kids and the occasional royal guard, or a relaxing walk, had brought him here. As such, one hand kept a constant grip on a sword, prepared to deal with anything suspicious. The blacksmith wasn't all that worried though, and was actually enjoying the new scenery, and the fresh smelling air, especially after all that had happened in the city. Infero extricated a bag of nuts from his cloak, and began to crunch away on the tasty snack. "Hope nobody notices this," he thought, "otherwise I'll have to share."

The white-haired madman licked the cold metal fingers of his mechanical arm. "How I've missed you, my dear." Standing up, Theos admired his handiwork. Blood splatters, chunks of flesh, even some brain matter stained the stone walls of the evidence and arms rooms, the heavy wooden doors that guarded them in splinters. "Right then. Let's have a change of wardrobe." Stripping off his tattered prison shirt, Theos set about dressing and arming himself. After about twenty minutes, the crazed former experiment strode out of the room. Over the brown-colored finery of a gentleman gone to a party, Theos wore a long, black leather trenchcoat, and a wide-brim fedora of the same color. On each foot, he wore a large, black, steel-toed boot, each concealing a small knife blade in the toe. A white glove, with mystical runes of some sort written on their backs, covered his hands. And on his face, Theos placed a pair of red half-moon spectacles. He checked his weapons again, counting seven knives of varying size, one cutlass, one rapier, and a scythe blade. Finally, he opened the front door of the prison, catching his reflection in a mirror. "Damn. I look good." With that, the escaped lunatic strode out into the night, and vanished into the shadows of the surrounding woods.
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime25th October 2010, 11:54 pm

It felt so good to be free! To have gotten away from that wretched life at that wretched brothel! It felt good just to walk in the midst of nature and venture into a new place, despite all the hectic events that occured. Everything was peaceful for now, just the way Astoria liked it.

Caldri, in the meantime, was taking in new sights as the day progressed. The travel would be long but at least she was in good company. She was even very eager to get away from the now corrupted lands of Grayen to Riddel's kingdom. She pictured in her mind what it might be like but then figured why make the journey silent when they could hold a conversation. Just as she was about to ask Riddel what the land of Drakith was like, she noticed Infero pulling out a bag of nuts and eating some of them. Until now, Caldri had not realized how hungry she was. She watched as he munched away, debating whether to ask for some but how that might be rude, (plus it would make everyone else realize their long-forgotten hunger and make all of them turn to Infero for some food) or if she should just keep to herself and safe Infero the burden...
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime29th October 2010, 10:14 pm

(ooc: because people aren't really writing much, I'll go again! That is okay....right?)

Feeling slightly bored, Infero stooped to pick up two small rocks, pocketing one of them. He closed his hand around the remaining stone, a brief, almost imperceptible flash of green emanating from it. Then, drawing piece of string from another pocket, he attached it to the now glowing purple stone, and swung it in a few flashing circles of light. "Neat," though the blacksmith, "now for this other rock." Infero then pulled the other rock out of his pocket, charging it with energy once more, before hurling it towards the front of the group. The stone landed in front of Riddel's feet, popping loudly before turning into a small frog. "Heh heh heh. I'm going to be trouble aren't I?" thought Infero, trying to hold back a goofy smile.

He'd been running at top speed for three hours now, trying to get as far away as possible from the prison. Finally coming to a stop, Theos sat down against a large tree, picking up a sticking and trying to map out his progress. "Righto...three hours. I run at....fifteen, no, seventeen...no, no, sixteen miles every hour...phew, that's not bad." The madman stood up again, finding a small stream nearby. "Oh, fresh fish!" he thought, then set about making a fishing pole and getting a drink. After settling down again, Theos, leaned back, and shut his eyes, welcoming the calm that came with a midnight nap.
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime22nd November 2010, 7:09 pm

Riddel gasped and jumped back, startled by the frog. She turned and thought about scolding Infero, but thought better of it... After all, if Jeriko had been attacked, there was no guarantee that drakith would be safe. Better have a few good moments if darker ones were ahead. She gently stepped over the frog, forcing a smile. "Now, if only we could make an army of those," She offered, her sad attempt at a joke. The forest loomed ominously in front of her, and she stopped. Would it wise to inform them of the many demons that were rumored to make this place a home? Or just continue on... She couldn't risk them leaving her. So she kept her mouth shut. "We should camp outside of the woods tonight, then start into them tomorrow morning." The more time in the forest with the sun overhead the better.

As Toshio ran after the group with the princess, a figure caught his eye. He slowed now, intrigued. Maybe this man had some sort of knowledge of what was going on? His overpowering curiosity again got the best of him, and he watched the man. He was dressed all in black, and Toshio watched quietly and from a distance as the man leaned against the tree and closed his eyes. Crouching near the ground, he advanced on the man, trying to see if he had anything of value on him. Toshio sensed something dark in this man's aura though, and so instead of stealing, cleared his throat, and called out, "Uhm.. Hey. What are you doing out here?" He tried to sound as non-threatening as possible. After all, the element of surprise was always good to have on your side.
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime23rd November 2010, 6:35 pm

Black ichor dripped unceremoniously from the open wound, staining the ground with corrupted gore. Fire raced along his veins, a cleansing fire of a sort, yet corrupted.

Black fire for a black being.

There had been the respite once. Once, long ago, when the world of living was not so inked in the murky grays it was to him now, there was the hope of relief, that in the end of the healing, there would be an absence, a void, of the fire. Where the power of his body could steadily quell the inferno, and bring feeling back into his aching body, he knew now that none such relief would come to him now, no peace for a vessel so lost among the void.

Blackened energy seeped from his hand, which was placed over the wound. Slowly, steadily, the skin pieced itself together, stitch by stitch, cell by painful cell, until all that remained was a scar, another trophy to his extensive collection.

And the pain. The pain would never ever, truly go away. It always returned.

Seriath stood after a moment, testing his leg. It twisted slightly, uncomfortable (he had blocked out the majority of the pain long ago) on the stable ground, but it held.

It would work.

The shade looked back towards the city. He had fled after the city had fallen, his mission complete. The upstart king now lay in pieces, torn apart by the drow's own magic. Served him right, Seriath thought. Maybe then this kingdom would crumble a little bit more.

Still though, he knew things were far from done. There were many things yet to do, in preparation, in anticipation. Anticipation... Now that was a word unfamiliar to the dark elf. It was something he knew from before the betrayal. Something mysterious, whether for nefarious or beneficial motivations, he knew that it held something at the end. Something that he wanted. But first, he needed to go.

There was someone he needed to see.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime25th November 2010, 11:31 pm

Having expected a slightly more alarmed response from Riddel, Infero couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed at himself. "Oh well. We'll try again later," he thought to himself, "with a something a little bigger. Hmmm..." In the meantime, the blacksmith set about checking the contents of his pockets, and pulled out a whetstone and his little bronze knife, which had become somewhat dull since its last use. "May need this at some point."

Hearing a voice, Theos sat up and opened eyes. Looking down at his hand, he noticed the fishing pole had wandered off. That was of no importance though, as he could now see in the dark more clearly than a normal person could during the day. Meaning his magic ability was fully restored. Smiling at the realization, Theos stood to his full height, easily locating the source of the voice. It was a funny-looking man, crouching low toward the ground, as if he had been trying to sneak up on him. "Ah, hello." Theos walked towards the man, eyes flashing a bright crimson, making the red half-moon spectacles glow eerily in the dark. "And, who might you be?" asked the madman, extending his organic hand towards this new acquaintance. The mechanical arm stayed pocketed, ready to use when the time came. And, if Theos was guessing this man's character correctly, that could be very soon. It could also, however, be a lot of fun.
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 3:44 am

"Thought it was always polite to introduce yourself before asking another's. The name's Toshio," he responded straightening and taking a step back from the man's hand with an apologetic smile. "I've got the worst of colds, wouldn't want you to get sick," He explained, the truth being that he wanted *both* hands free, in case this situation turned to something less friendly. Subtly scanning the area, Toshio saw no others meaning the man was alone, but that also meant the group was probably nearing the Drakith boarder. "So...what are you doing here?" Toshi repeated.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 4:05 am

"I see. Hello then, Toshio." Removing his hand from its pocket, Theos performed an extravagant bow, complete with hat sweep, similar to that of a gentleman greeting a lady. Standing up and placing the hat back on his head, the man in black answered the other man. "Some people call me 'Madman', or 'Batshit Paul'. Others have dubbed me a terrifying demon in the night. And the ladies, ha!, they say I'm a tiger in the sack. Sometimes literally. Hee hee hee." Suddenly moving faster than one could blink, Theos stood beside Toshio, mechanized arm firmly grasped around his shoulders. "My name is Theos Malmor, and I've just escaped a prison for the criminally insane. How do you do?"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 6:34 pm

(ooc: ohmigosh I'm a newb. I can't remember if I made Toshio have element affinity with fire or wind. It always changes and I couldn't find his character page. I fail SO hard. so, in order to sooth my poor ego, I'm making him affinities towards both. bwaha.)
"I've been better," Toshio admitted with a crooked grin. "And I'm sure all your names are well earned, Theos. Now, allow me to introduce *myself*." A gust of wind brushed over the pair, and Tosh was now standing in front of Theos, his grin still firmly in place. "I am Toshio of the Shadow Clan; an assassin. Pick your battles wisely, my friend."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 7:23 pm

(ooc: 's alright, I can't find Toshio's page either. I was looking for what he wore though, so I could make a better description of what Theos saw.)

Theos whistled at the neat wind trick. "An assassin, you say? Well, yes I suppose I should pick my battles wisely. If I knew what 'wise' meant." Still, Theos didn't feel like a battle just yet, as he was still a little out of shape from his time in the prison. He did feel hungry though, stomach gurgling as if on cue. "You wouldn't know where a guy could grab a bite, would ya?"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 8:22 pm

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 8:25 pm

" 'Wise' means testing your opponents abilities and making sure you can win, or at least seeing if they can aid you before you kill them. For example," Toshio pulled a small hunk of bread and dried meat from a small pouch on his waist. "If you killed me, you would have this, sure, but you would lose all the information I held." Toshio tossed the food to the man. "If you're feeling bloodthirsty, I know exactly the group that would excite you."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime26th November 2010, 8:58 pm

(ooc: Ah, I would've guessed right with the red coat thing, then.)

"Unless of course I wasn't looking for information." Theos grabbed the hunk of meat and bread, producing a small knife to cut the bread, and made a sandwich. "That'll do for now," said the man in black, after finishing the light snack. "As for bloodthirsty, I just killed about..." Theos took a moment to count on his fingers. "...seven? twelve? No, nine guards. So I'm not bloodthirsty in that manner. For now, anyway. Do tell me about this group, though. Are they...feisty?"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime28th November 2010, 12:34 am

Astoria happened to be behind Riddel when all of a sudden a loud noise made its way to her ears and looked down to were it came from. A rock had turned into a frog, startling Riddel. Astoria knew very well where that had come from. Turning back, she stopped in her tracks and faced Infero and simply shook her head. Riddel then spoke and Astoria put her attention on her. Astoria spoke for the group, "Sounds like a plan. If that is what the princess desires." She bowed her head in respect.

Caldrixia in the meantime, was walking a little ahead of Infero. She gasped a little at the loud sound, placing a hand over her heart. Turning to Infero, who had now caught up and walked beside her, she said, "Gosh, Infero, did you really have to do that? You scared me!" She sighed as she stared down at the ground and continued walking, with her arm now at her side like the other one. She deeply thought about getting ahold of Infero's coat and taking some food from there. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at his coat pocket as if she had special powers to lure some food magically from his pocket and into her hands. She knew it was impossible of course, because she was just human after all...
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime28th November 2010, 4:00 pm

Well this was becoming slightly more of an annoyance than it should have been.

You seem aggravated, little dark elf. What seems to bothering?

"Spare me your attentions, Tz'narkan. You know the lengths of patience are already wearing thin."

All the more reason for me to help! Laughter echoed in the dark elf's head. Do you want to go faster? I can help you grow spikes from your legs...

"Why is it always spikes with you demons? And how will that help me to go faster?"

The pain might...motivate you...

"Shut up demon."

As you wish, little dark elf. But you always have my attentions. Know that. With that fiend went silent, leaving Seriath alone once more in the foods, traveling quickly through the forest.

At least he didn't have to travel very far. Before long, he spied Toshio, at the edge of a body of water, speaking with some...other person. A glint of metal showed that he was not quite, completely human. Finally, some difference in the world.

With that, Seriath stepped into a pool of shadow to his left and materialized right behind the two, appearing from the shadow of a massive, gnarled tree.

"Evening Toshio. I trust you are making friend's well?"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime28th November 2010, 4:45 pm

Riddel looked a little taken aback at Astoria's respect. "We... we are all equals right now, you do not need to defer to me." Riddel smiled sweetly. Looking at the sky
ooc:(WHAT time is it????? dusk?? night??? So lost....)
Riddel frowned. "I suppose we should set up camp for the night now..." The forest loomed ominously ahead of them. She shruddered, remembering the stories from her youth. THe forest was the best protection from the other warring kingdoms... but also death to any of those foolish enough to wander within it unprepared. She looked at the group. Hopefully combined they would be able to slip in without attracting the attention of anything...

"Ah, Seriath, just in time." Toshio chuckled. "This is Theos, an escaped convict of questionable stability." Turning to the shadowed figure, toshio asked, "You clean things up at the town alright? I would have stayed to help, but the Drakith princess left, and I didn't want her to evade us too thoroughly." Sure. Sure that had been the reason. Not that he was simply curious, of course he had thought this all out before acting impulsively... He scolded himself. With Seriath around, he should start watching his actions a little more closely.
Turning back to Theos, he smirked. "This group I'm following, yes, feisty would define them well. Among their ranks is the princess of Drakith, a renowned magic user. I'm sure she'd be more then enough to keep you occupied for a loooong while."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime28th November 2010, 6:48 pm

(ooc: I think it's a little after midnight.)

Seeing Caldri glaring intently at his cloak, Infero reached into one of its many pockets. Moments later, he extracted a strip of dried meat he'd bought earlier that day, and tossed it over. "Don't eat it too fast."

Soon, the suggestion to stop and set up camp was made. While he liked the idea of getting some sleep, something in his mind was telling him to keep going, as if something dangerous was lurking nearby. Infero walked quickly towards the front of the group, voicing his opinion to the current leader, Riddel. "I'm not sure why, but I don't believe stopping right now would be in our best interest. Something about this area doesn't feel right to me."

Upon being introduced to the elf creature, Theos performed the same, elaborate bow he did for Toshio. After placing the hat back on his head, the madman listened to the small conversation, especially the part about a feisty princess. "Yes, she and the posse following her do sound interesting." He turned to the elf-thing, Seriath. "But there's something interesting about you, as well. As if..." Theos' eyes widened, and the grin on his face nearly split the skin. "Ha! Another creature who's been taken by the demons!" A terrifying laugh escaped Theos' throat, sending large numbers of birds and other animals scampering for shelter. "Oh, this night just keeps getting better and better!"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime28th November 2010, 9:05 pm

Riddel visibly darkened. "We are NOT under ANY circumstances, going into that forest at night time. That would be as good as suicide, and I do not want blood on my hands. The feeling you have most likely is coming from the forest itself. It's practically alive at night." She stared into it, seeing shadows shifting constantly. Surely they were in her imagination. Years of stories manifesting itself in fear of the purest kind. "No. We do not go any further."

Toshio watched this Theos with growing concern. Perhaps it was unwise to manipulate this one...
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime29th November 2010, 9:25 pm

"I wouldn't quite say that," Astoria replied, "After all, you are the Princess and we are protecting you and guarding you on your way back to your kingdom. So in the end, I'd rather keep the formalities in place. It's only right."

While that was going on, Caldri wasn't paying attention to Infero and nearly dropped the dried meat that he had tossed over to her. Thankfully she didn't though. She was brought back down to earth as she then turned to face him. "You noticed?" She nearly blushed out of embarrassment as she quickly looked down at the ground yet again. "It's fine..." she began, stretching out her hand with the piece of meat in hand ready to return it to him, "you can have it back if you want. I mean it's yours. And it's my fault for not packing my own food. Not that I had a chance to, but I mean I was working a food cart for crying out loud, you know." Caldri sighed and in that moment thought to herself 'Caldri, what the heck were you thinking? And now you're just babbling stupidity.' And then, her stomach let out a huge growl. 'Aww man, how embarrassing. I'm so pathetic.'

A spot just before the forest was designated as the camping ground for the night, and yet Infero was opposed to settling here. "Infero, if it is the Princess' desire to settle here for the night, then let's just do that. She seems to know about this place better than anyone else. I mean if this is the only way to get to her kingdom, she's surely passed by here to get to Grayen. So I say let's just stay here."

"But Astoria, what if Infero is, right?" Caldri suddenly piped up, "I mean he was right before when that clan was lurking around and attacked us. Maybe he's right again." Turning to Riddel, Caldri bowed to her in respect. "Forgive me Princess to defy your wishes."

"And this is coming from the girl who gets scared easily? You're seriously up for camping somewhere in the middle of the forest? I'm surprised." Astoria said sourly, yet with a tinge of amusement to her voice.

"Well, I just have a feeling... I mean what if more of that clan showed up. It would be much harder for them to find us within the forest, right? I mean, we'd be easy targets if we were to camp right outside the forest entrance." Noticing that there was an even split in the decision, Caldri turned to her dear friend, Felix. "Felix, what do you think? Looks like you're the tie-breaker here."
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 1:18 am

"I'm not sure..." Felix sighed with a frown, truly at a loss. She had expected a little excitement, a tad of adventure, but an assassination and subsequent flight out of the kingdom? No way. Nu-uh. She was still more then a little overwhelmed, which had led to her complete silence on the trip so far. Having the question directed at her snapped her out of her thoughts. "I've never been this far west before, I don't know the layout or the wildlife... I don't want to ignore Infero's feeling, but I think Riddel's should be heeded just as well... I mean, that forest doesn't look exactly inviting, guys." She looked into, and although she did not seem to see the same terror in it that Riddel had, she felt *something*. A creeping uneasiness. Which way it was coming from, she could not tell.

Overwhelmed, Riddel finally said, with a hint of hysterical fear, "Fine! Fine, we can continue marching on blindly, and hopefully the demons of the forest do not devour our souls before we settle in for the night, for I at least wish to be sleeping when the end comes!!" She turned from the group and took a few determined steps towards the forest. Fear immediately gripped her, but she shook it off. "I'm going to scout ahead. I'll be no more then five minutes." In front of their eyes, Riddel seemed to melt down to nothing in the time of a second.
It had been so long since she had stepped through the shadows.
Everything was dimmed, and completely void of color. She could see the group, and where she had been standing moments ago, but it seemed so far away. She took a step towards the forest in her shadow form, and the evil sense she had felt earlier was even stronger. But she went in further, and further, till the shadows engulfed her completely.
She did not return in five minutes.

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 3:00 am

The uneasy looks on the faces of both Toshio and this new guy, Seriath, told Theos that perhaps he'd gone just a little overboard. "Oops," he said calmly, straightening his glasses and hat. "I went just a little too far that time, didn't I?" Not that he particularly about the outburst. It felt good to laugh like that, and release the feeling he'd kept bottled up during those years at the asylum.

"Well, gentlemen, I must be off now. Towns to pillage, women to rape, children to eat, and all that other jazz we loonies get blamed for." With those words, Theos slipped off into the night again.

After a few minutes of walking though, the lunatic sensed something nearby. Wishing to see what it was, Theos held up a gloved hand, and smacked one the symbols on its back. His vision darkened, and the dulled colors of the night melted away. "Haven't been in this place for awhile now, have we? Oh, and what's this?" He saw what looked like the shadow of a girl, walking a few meters ahead of him. "Why, it's a lady! Wonder if she'd like a little company and a spot of beer." Theos chuckled lightly, and approached the apparition, determined to find that out.

Infero leaned against a large rock, staring into the forest. It had been fifteen minutes since Riddel had vanished. Not knowing what else to do, the blacksmith slumped to the ground. Pulling the glowing stone from one of his pockets, he began to twirl the rock, creating small halos of emerald light.

Eventually, the string connected to the rock slipped from his fingers, and shot off into the shadows. The light it gave off seemed to split the darkness, revealing a pair of feet. Feet that couldn't possibly belong to a human. Infero stood up, snatching a fist-sized stone off the ground, and hurled it into the woods. A sharp 'thunk' and the low growl that followed it confirmed Infero's worries. They weren't alone.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:07 am

After the five minutes had passed, Felix began to pace. She didn't even really understand where Riddel had gone but... she had a growing feeling that things were not going well...

"Hooo boy. He's a special one. How about this, I elect you to keep tabs on that one, while I go and make sure our princess doesn't get too far away." Without a response, Toshio took off towards where the group was.

(ooc: and now the good part)

Everything was... So confusing. Normally she only skimmed the surface of the shadow, a mere ripple upon the surface, but something had gone wrong. Perhaps it was the lack of practice, or the rush of emotions, but she had delved far deeper into the other realm then she had meant to. Colors were gone, and everything was blurred to the point where nothing was recognizable. She thought she saw a man with a crazed expression, but as she fell deeper and deeper into the shadows, until even he was unreachable. Time tick tick ticked away, but she held onto her purpose, even though the landscape was dizzying.
"Have to... forest..."
She stumbled towards the forest, lurching and falling, as the shadows spun around her. She felt suffocated, like something was slowly and lovingly squeezing all life out of her. After hours of trying to get to the forest, it drew no closer. Crying out in frustration, she collapsed, and laid in the twisting morphing shadows for what felt like an eternity. Months must have passed by. And yet the forest drew no closer.
Why had she been going there in the first place? What had been so important? Surely something... Almost remembed... THen the shadows twisted once more, another month laying helpless. This was so confusing. What had gone wrong?
And the whispers... the constant whispers... At first she thought they were from the realm of light, but no, they couldn't talk for that long, could they? The voices soon turned into those of her family, her brother scolding her, the cries of Jeriko as he died, so many memories and realities clashing until they were one indistinguishable murmur.
Never had this must time passed in the shadows. Never had she become so far gone.
"Help?" she cried out with all of her remaining strength. The word was lost, echoing for an eternity.

10 minutes had passed since she had left the group.

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:21 am

Seriath didn't blink, or indeed have any reaction to the strange man's accusation. As he wandered seemingly aimlessly away, muttering about crimes that the simpleton's of such civilized cities seemed to place on the backs of the mentally insane, Seriath watched him go. There was something there. Something different. The insanity was nothing new, just the same twisted recollections of a past life mixed with an interest in the seemingly horrific, all of which paled in comparison to what Seriath had seen and done to others greater than this simpleton. Still, there seemed to be something useful there. As much as his animalistic nature and barbaric attempt at cruelty disgusted the shade, he could respect his approach to anarchy, his seeming lack of a moral compass. If it could only have direction, a focus of that anarchistic output of seemingly wasted hate...

The thought was not an unappealing one.

"Toshio, we'll talk later. While we have things to discuss, we can confirm those after I take care of some business. I leave you in the night's tender embrace."

With that, the drow faded away, becoming but another unmoving patch of darkness and vanished in one dark pool only to appear in another farther on, following, watching, this oddly fascinating potential that muttered to itself as it wandered through the forest. After a few minutes, the man stopped ahead of him and smacked his gauntlet. To Seriath's eyes, the man seemed to shimmer a little bit and almost lose focus, but then he snapped back into place. Knowing exactly what he was doing, Seriath faded from view and stepped into the world of shadow.

Ahead, the man gibbered and muttered gleeful spouts of words as it seemed happy with it's new surroundings. It mentioned something then... A girl. Uncharacteristically curious, Seriath looked ahead.

There was something new.

It was...a girl, but not. She seemed lost, she was lost. A shade of a shade, so dementedly thrown into the deep of the void that she failed to even notice the two of them on the surface. She wavered a minute, flickering, then seemed to vanish. Still, Seriath could see her. He knew exactly where she was going.

She was lost in his domain, a piece of forlorn driftwood in his ocean of shadow and he was lord of the deep. She was even further down than he could have thought possible from one not so accustomed as he, but this was too good. This was way too good.


The single word escaped his lips without thought, yet carrying a firm order to the lunatic who was striding towards her shade. All attention to him, all direction and curiousness at his existence vaporized instantly and Seriath strode past the man and let his essence dissolve until he vanished from the world after the girl.

He emerged into a place he knew as familiar, and changing. It was the world that he lived in, every second of every bleedingly slow day that he had to endure upon the mortal plane. It was a sea of dark emotion, of thoughts unaccustomed to the light, and a world where men only dreamed of as a place where dead souls disappeared to, where mortals spoke of in whispers. Here a man could lose all sanity and regain everything back in the blink of an eye, yet reversed and twisted, where time passed as ages to the outside world, yet nothing truly aged.

This...was the true Shadow Realm.

And there, in the center, lost in the haze of reality, sat the girl's shade. She cried out a feeble call for help, and whispered to the wind for a savior that would never come.

Unless fell victim to it's depths.

Seriath appeared before her, as a god might appear to a mortal follower, awash in bleeding dark reality, a lithe figure clothed in the blackness of the void, abyssal steel glinting in a haze of grey and swirling darkness, cloaked face covered in the breath of shadows, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled.

"So, a little girl lost in the haze of a reality her mind could only imagine existed. How interesting..."
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