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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:34 am

This was the end, and she knew it. Something simple as... What? What had brought her down her to begin with? It was all a haze, all lost and confused bits of information that made no sense. Her very soul felt like it was stretching and twisting with the shadows around her. As her cry of help faded, she braced herself to her fate. After all, who would find her? Who could find her, except the demons and monsters that surely lurked just outside her view...
Then he appeared. In awe she looked up at him, and truly, finally, something made sense. She wasn't alone anymore. Maybe he could help her, even? She dared to hope, as she managed a feeble, "I don't belong here." Her voice was quiet, desperate. Turning her pleading eyes to him, she found that no more words would come. Her fate lay entirely in this new being's hands.

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:43 am

She was hopeless.

All light seemed to left her eyes, and she had only been here...not too long. In truth, even he couldn't tell. But she was fading fast. He had to work quickly if he wanted to get what he had came for. If he failed, the fiends of the dark would have a new meal.

"It's true, mortal. You don't belong here. Your path is as far removed from it's original destination as it could have possibly been. You have not stumbled into no small world here, foolish human. This is the void where death herself will return too when all is said and done. This is where the fragments of dreams and shattered emotion come to die and are reborn as the fiends that haunt the edges of magic, waiting for the slightest falter to descend upon the unsuspecting soul and tear it limb from ectoplasmic limb. This is the shadow realm, and I...am it's keeper."

Only partially true, but she had no right to the full truth. He took a couple steps towards her and loomed over her, watching her dull eyes slowly fade.

"What do you want?"
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:49 am

At his words, the despair almost completely consumed her. "I never meant..." what? to trespass? to die here? to fall so deep?
She tried to start again, answering his question, "I want to leave, I want to go back," her voice cracked more then once, and tears streamed down her fading pale cheeks.
She was nothing more then a quivering child at his feet. Time continue to speed by her.
"Please, I just want to leave here." She tried to bite back the tears, but they flowed freely. Silent sobs shook her fragile body.
Bowing her head, she awaited his judgment.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:57 am

"Your emotion draws them closer, human. Your tears of sadness, of feelings so steeped in human tendencies and misguided stupidity, is like a beacon to the clawing darkness. While it would amusing to watch you disappear into the void as you are subjected to an eternity of nothingess, I've too much interest in you to let that happen."

Seriath watched the area around them. Clawing, dribbling robes of sticky darkness, the fiends plunged in on them, slowing for nothing, eternally hungry and attracted to the fresh meal that lay before them. Closing his eyes for just a moment, the dark elf concentrated. A near transparent wall sprung suddenly from the swirling ground and enclosed the two of them in a dome of protection...for now, at least. That done, Seriath began to slowly pace.

"You want out of here. That...I could arrange. What are you willing to do to leave?"
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 5:22 am

Trying in vain to calm herself, she found herself at a loss for words. She drew closer to him subconsciously, terrified of what lay on the other side of his protection field.
Her mind raced, knowing that she must choose her words carefully, but between the vicious presence that loomed so close, the damned whispers in her ears, and the anxiety that at any moment she would be literally ripped to shreds, she could not force the words.
Then, the realization hit her hard. What could she possibly offer this man, her only chance at salvation. She had nothing.
"An.. Anything." She was kneeling now, at his feet, her head still bowed. It was a gesture as much out of respect as it was to try and block out the shades that craved so desperately for her soul. "I have nothing... nothing to offer but myself. I could be your..."
A million words sprang to mind. Slave? Minion? Assistant? Accomplice? Any and all she would be willing to do, if she could just escape. For Riddel, it felt as if years had passed by now, and the desperation was all encompassing. No longer did she even remember that she was a princess of Drakith, or truly, that Drakith even existed. No longer could she recall her vast knowledge of spells, and what use would they be here, regardless? Only shadows enveloped her now...
Finally, with what little determination she could muster, she answered him. "I would be willing to offer myself, completely and totally. Any... any and all uses that you desired of me I would fill to the best of my abilities, for as long as I live. For if I do, by your mercy, live to see another day, it is because of you, and so you would... own me."
A lost part of her rebelled. The Riddel of Drakith would never succumb, she would stand tall and fight proudly, and die proudly too, if the case may be. Not this. Never would she be reduced to begging for her life. But Riddel... something dark inside of her was awakening, out of fear and desperation and insanity.
"You would own me till the day I perish," she repeated, with more vigor this time. Because she wasn't the Riddel of Drakith anymore. The shadows had crept their way into her heart, and secured their hold there.

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 3:36 pm

Looking down on her, on the pitiful little shade of a mortal crouching before, and her ridiculous accusations, Seriath smiled, then laughed.

"How....could you possibly serve me? You are lost, destroyed, and utterly dying. I have no use for minions or subordinates. I could as easily just leave you to die here... But you present to me an opportunity."

He paused, letting it sink.

"You see mortal, your emotion is weakness. Your frailty and powerlessness to succumb to such trivial thoughts has made you the target of the denizens that live here. You have no hold over them, and they are attracted to you as moth's a flame. You see, you can leave here if you want, although you cannot serve yourself to me. You have to do it to the others."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 3:46 pm

"The... the others?"
She looked once more to the other side of the protective spell, and felt all hope drain from her. Surely, this new presence was just toying with her. Having no doubt that 'serving' was just another word for 'providing a meal for', she wanted to say no. She wanted to say that she would never consider such an offer. All these heroic things muttered in the back of her head. But the fear had such a strong hold on her, none of them were uttered.
"How? I am...willing."

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 3:54 pm

Seriath smiled a very unkind smile.

"It depends. You are of the idea that all things you have are yours to keep. That you cannot give them away. But young mortal... You can always give stuff away... That which holds you most dear, which is said to keep you alive, can give you power."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:07 pm

"What do you mean?!" She cried out in frustration, although a part of her knew. She had nothing to offer, not even a proper body anymore..The price to leave... was her soul. It was... comforting. Afterall, what was her soul doing for her? And maybe once she was rid of it, the fear would stop. The gripping fear that made her throat clench and the palm of her hands feel damp. The fear that was propelling her into the situation to begin with. If it would all stop... It was worth it. Then she could leave this place...
"My soul? Is that what they want? Gladly!" She stood, turning her back to him and facing the darkness. "You can have it!" She yelled out, the insanity settling in for good. "Take it, anything to be rid of this place!"

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:28 pm

She was weak...she deserved what was coming.

"Most excellent."

Then the drow slowly faded from sight, blending out of her vision. As he left, the protective barrier around them dropped and the demons were free to rush in. They hungrily snapped, clawing at her from a distance, but they dared not approach.

They were waiting for something.

And then, out of the eternal darkness was the shadow realm, a form as black as night arose, several times taller than the girl it towered over, a demon pure and evil. It extended it's taloned hand towards the girl and pulled, almost. A silvery, fluid essence drifted out of her and disappered into the screaming mass of the blackness.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:45 pm

She watched in horror as the figure drew close to her. For the smallest of seconds she regretted her choice, as she watched the silver shimmer of her soul be extracted. And then.


Hollow. She felt hollow. Turning to the man that had suggested this fate, she felt nothing. No rush of pain, revenge, thankfulness, nothing. She turned away from him, back to the shadowy writhing mass, and watched curiously as a wisp of black smoke washed over her. A feeling gripped her then, and she knew it well. Hate. Hate and anger mixed in her very blood. Not only had a demon settled down in her body, it had become one with her. This was not simply possession, this was the joining of two things into one new thing. The rush of it thrilled Riddel.
The demon had not harmed her body, in fact, the only changes that took place were that Riddel's eyes were now completely black, no iris, nothing, just black. And her dragon wings, the ones Riddel spent most of her life trying to hide with various cloaking magics, were now completely unfurled in all their glory.

She took a few steps towards the man to who she was so very thankful, and placed a thin hand on his chest. She leaned close to him, and whispered in his ear, "You better point me to something I can rip apart, I'm feeling hungry."

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 4:57 pm

Most excellent....

Seriath watched her revel in her newfound power. She was lost now, lost to the darkness. She seemed to not be able to figure out what...and then she stopped, settled. and now she was hungry. How...interesting.

"You wish hunger, blood, and pain upon the world. Then find your own way there. I believe you'll find some...morsels, waiting on the surface plane."

With that, Seriath vanished, vaporizing, disappearing inwards as the shadow he was. In his black pit of soullessness demonic hatred, he laughed.

Now the world would have something else to fear.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 5:13 pm

The shadows were now easy to navigate. Soon, she was on the mortal plane once more, except everything was now not soaked in fear, but in potential. Right now, the only potential she cared for was the potential for feeding. Finding herself in the forest she had so feared, she strolled through, knowing there was nothing for her to fear. Not anymore.
"M-miss Riddel?"
A scared voice whimpered from the shadows, and Riddel smiled. Let's see how this new body preformed?
Ahh, but not before you play with your food, a voice whispered in her mind, and she decided to indulge.
"W-who's there?" Riddel answered, in a weak and simpering voice. It was hard to contain her wicked smile.
"Lady Riddel! Word has reached Drakith about the assassination attempt, we have guards patrolling the forest to try and find where you are! Thank the gods you are-... Lady Riddel, your...wings?"
Bored now.
It was surprising, how easily her nails ripped through his flesh. And oh, his face. Contorted into fear and confusion. Priceless. But he was not dead yet, no, that would spoil the most delicious part. Leaning down, she put a hand on his chest, and immediately where she touched him the skin began to age . He stared up at her in a frightening expression.
"Oh hush your whimperings, it'll be over soon." She kissed him then, it seemed the thing to do. Her lips, brushing against his, cause the deterioration of the guard to continue at a rapid pace, until he was no more then a pile a dust.
Standing, she licked a finger.
I wonder how my dear old friends are doing?
Appearing there in an instant, she stood among Infero, Felix, all of them. Her wings were still unfurled, and now blood stained her dress.
"All clear," She grinned.

It had only been 15 minutes since she had originally left.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 7:56 pm

"Hmm?" The colors had returned to his surroundings. His visit to the Shadow Realm had been cut short. Too short. "If at first you only kind of succeed," Theos raised his hand, "do it again." Before he hit the symbol though, the lunatic noticed that his vision was blurry, a state to which he was stranger. But, such a thing usually happened only after using a very large portion of magic. Surely he hadn't used so much power already.

"Oh well. Nap time I suppose." Theos walked on for a little while, searching for a comfy place to snooze. Without warning, he exited the woods, and appeared about twenty meters away from what looked like a small group of travelers. Then, something else appeared, this time within the group.

Theos fiddled with a dial on the side of his glasses, adjusting the lenses so he could see a little better. Upon reaching the correct setting, the lunatic's eyes widened in excitement.

Indeed, it was a small group of travelers. And the girl he'd seen in the Shadow Realm had just popped into existence among them. However, she looked different, excited almost. Blood dripped from her hands and stained the dress she wore a wet, glorious crimson. A pair of wings stretched from her back. And on her face, a cruel smile had been painted. Theos whistled at the sight, hardly able to contain himself.

"Now that is what I call a lady." He sat down, leaning against one of the large rocks strewn about the field, and shut his eyes. "I'll ask her for a date after a little snooze. She's going to be a feisty one."

The sudden appearance of the Drakith princess eased Infero's mind slightly, distracting him from what he'd just seen behind the living shadows of the forest. As soon as he moved to greet her though, he stopped. The girl stood with wings unfurled, her hands and dress stained with gore. And across her face, she wore a sickening smile.

He'd seen that look before, that cruel grin. It meant something had snapped within the wearer's mind, and been replaced with something unfathomably evil. But, that wasn't the thing that bothered the blacksmith.

Whatever had worn that smile, Infero had been forced to kill. And because of that grin, nineteen different people had fallen to the blades he wielded. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to cut down another.

Saying nothing, Infero covered himself in the heavy, brown cloak. Underneath it, the blacksmith strapped on a few pieces of armor: a pair of guantlets, each with a long piece of thick steel that protected his forearms, a pair of heavy leg and shin guards, and a steel covering on his boots. Then, he grasped the handles of both swords, still covered by the cloak, and approached the princess.

When within a couple steps of the girl, Infero asked cheerfully, "So, what's the verdict?"

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 8:47 pm

It had been more than five minutes as Riddel had promised and Caldri grew worried. And yet, she decided it was best to wait with the rest of the group. After all, Riddel said she would come back and knowing the princess, she knew that would be true. Caldri kept an optimistic mindset, doing away with any negative thoughts.

Astoria was as concerned as she was upset. She knew that the princess had reason in wanting to set camp right outside the forest rather than the interiors of it. And now it's been somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes and the princess still hadn't come out. 'This is all thanks to Caldri, Infero and that indecisive Felix,' Astoria thought to herself in slight frustration. She let out yet another sigh and suddenly out of the forest came Riddel. Astoria felt more relieved to know that the princess was alive and well, but as Riddel approached them Astoria began to grow suspectful of what happened to Riddel. It surely wasn't normal for a princess to have a blood-stained dress, much less blood-stained hands, even more so when Riddel was panicked about entering the forest to begin with. And the grin didn't even help. It was not much of a sweet, princess kind of smile but rather a cynical one. 'Something must have happened in the forest... this isn't like Riddel at all... It's like she's...'

Caldri interrupted Astoria's thoughts. She spoke to Astoria in what was a little above a whisper, "What do we do, Astoria? Something doesn't seem right. This is unlike the princess." Caldri had also gotten the hint that something wasn't quite right with Riddel. Then suddenly, Caldri heard a whistle. She turned in the direction to find the source of the whistle but she didn't see anything. "Astoria, did you hear that?"

"I know," Astoria responded simply. From the corner of her eye, she saw Infero readying himself just in case. Astoria was ready to summon her kamas any minute now. Again, Caldri spoke to her. She turned for a second to face Caldri, "Hear what?"

"Someone whistled," the young girl replied.

Astoria completely disregarded Caldri's request. "Stop panicking over trivialities, Caldri. Now's not the time. Besides, you're probably just hearing the wind..." Astoria heaved a sigh and turned to witness Infero approach the princess. Astoria stayed where she was, waiting to see what would happen next...
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 9:01 pm

"Miss Riddel, you've returned!" Felix exclaimed. "And you've been injured, are you alright?" Felix ran over to her, looking for the source of all the blood. She turned to the rest of the group, scolding. "What are you doing? You've waited and waited for Riddel to come back, then you're suspicious of her? What kind of friends ARE you?" Felix turned back to Riddel, and only then noticed that her eyes were completely black, from corner to corner. "Are....are you alright, miss?"

"Never better dear....Felix." It took a moment to remember her name. Riddel smiled down at the unprepared halfing. Then to the rest of the group, she exclaimed, "Surely, you have better ways to greet your princess then concealed weapons?! Grovelling would do much more nicely, don't you all think?" She chuckled to herself, and licked the blood from another finger. "Besides, which one of you wants to help me clean up?"

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 10:04 pm

Infero's face turned hard, suspicions fully confirmed. Still, he couldn't attack Riddel, not with all these other people around. And not before he'd had an opportunity to gauge her level of power.

Instead, he answered the princess. "Look here, sugar. If you made the bloody mess, you clean it up." He backed away, and lay on the ground. "As for the groveling and the concealed weapons...I don't grovel, and you don't the half of what I've got on me. So there."

No sooner had he finished speaking, Infero vanished in a puff of green smoke.

Theos sat up. He thought he'd heard that girl ask for help cleaning up. Even with that uncertainty, he stood, and said "Aah. Duty calls."

As he neared the group, he listened the rest of the conversation. Eventually, the large man disappeared in a puff of smoke, prompting a smile from Theos. "This one will also prove an interesting opponent." Then, with complete disregard to the rest of the situation, Theos strode boldly forth into the group, and put his arm around the tall, dark-haired, serious-looking lady's shoulders. "Hey there, handsome. Mind if I ask you a question?"
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 10:44 pm

Caldri watched as the two (Infero and Riddel) exchanged conversation and Infero backed away and then he simply vanished. Caldri gasped a little on the inside. What were they going to do without Infero? Did he have a quarrel with the princess that made him disappear from there and abandon the rest of them? It seemed that Astoria was going to be her one and sole protector now that Felix so blindly believed in the princess and Caldri had no super-human abilities to help. She then saw him, the source of the whistle. He walked into the group, past Caldri and went right over to Astoria. Caldri was as confused as she was worried when she saw him wrap an arm around Astoria.

'So he's just going to run away like a coward and leave me here to face this woman alone? Not that I can't handle her by myself but seriously. Caldri is a lost cause and Felix is at an even worse stage.' Astoria heaved a sigh and then she felt an arm wrap around her, but something about this arm felt different. Astoria turned to face the person and her eyes grew wide. Quickly backing away, she summoned one of her kamas and rested the blade of it close to the man's neck. "Caldri, get behind me," She ordered.

Caldri hesitated for a second and then made her way toward Astoria.

Still holding the kama against the man, Astoria faced him and said, "Restore Riddel back to normal and I'll spare you. I'd also like some answers about the clan, and then I'll see about letting you go."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime30th November 2010, 11:43 pm

Upon hearing Riddel speak, Felix felt something deep in her gut recoil. There was something terribly wrong here. She ran over to Caldri, and gripped onto her hand. They were surrounded by strange people, and Infero had abandoned them. This was... she wanted to say it couldn't get any worse, but that would simply be tempting fate, wouldn't it? "I'm scared," She whispered to Caldri, shaking. This was a situation she couldn't simply charm herself out of, and it was these kinds of situations that made her wish she was skilled in more then stealing and skulking. She did have her daggers, but... Maybe they could be os *some* use. She drew them, their size perfect for a halfing, but pitiful to anyone else.

"Restore?" Riddel spat, her smile gone. "Restore?!" She let out a laugh, and relished in it. Every feeling, every move and every word, felt entirely new. And powerful. Even the smallest of movements felt as if they could snap one of these people in two. Well, the guard had been proof enough of that, hadn't he?
"Stupid. Little. Mortal." She emphasized each word with a step closer. "I chose this path, no one can undo it now. Don't you see? I wanted this. Before I could only control the shadows, now I AM the shadows. I am the monsters I feared, and so, there is nothing for me to fear. Including you."
Her wings shivered in anticipation of the kill. Which one first? Or... hm, she did so love how the guard tasted, completely devoured by fear. Perhaps she should toy with them first, make sure they taste the best when she extracted the last glimmer of life from their bones.
"Why would you save me from what I wanted?"

"uungh, I have a bad feeling about this," Toshio muttered as he ran, hoping to find the group soon.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 12:47 am

Hearing the question, Theos ducked under the kama blade sitting at his neck, and answered it. "Because, my darling, you never really wanted that sort of power." He drew both swords, the rapier and cutlass, from under his coat, and waved them around wildly.

"Perhaps after this is over though, you would want to join me for a nice steak dinner at my favorite tavern? I'll bring the cutlery!"

Riddel seemed distracted by the strange man in black. It would have to do.

Reappearing with a loud crack, Infero shouted, "And I'll bring the tenderizer!" before smacking Riddel upside the head with a large piece of wood.

In his experience with beings like this, even a mighty blow to the head, like the one he just dished out, was just a temporary fix. With that knowledge, Infero drew both swords, prepared to do whatever necessary to beat this foe.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 2:21 am

The piece of wood simply passed through, doing little more then distort her person for the briefest of moments. Turning slowly to Infero, she looked torn between laughing at his pitiful attempt and being offended that he had even tried.
"I am shadow. What part of this did you fail to comprehend? You cannot win a battle against a shadow with brute force, foolish one." As she said this, Infero's own shadow seemed to take a life of it's own, and it slunk up his leg, stinging and ripping flesh on the way up. Then it stopped, as she turned back to Theos.
"I was not addressing you, nor would I partake in such trivial things with as creature such as you. Dismiss the thought from your mind."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 3:27 am

Something tore into the blacksmith's leg, causing a reaction more of surprise than pain. After it stopped, Infero surveyed the damage it had done. It was nothing real serious, just a couple puncture wounds here and there with some ripped clothing.

Shadow beings weren't something he was experienced in. He'd read about them, sure, but fighting them?

Infero sat down to ponder this, wondering what could be done.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, missy. No mind." To drive the point home, Theos stabbed himself in the foot several times.

"No brain either!" He said through gritted teeth. It hardly mattered though, as the stab wounds closed themselves in a few short seconds. That done, Theos straightened up, and watched the large man sit down, as if he was thinking about something.

Theos addressed the girl again. "You'd have a delicious steak with a creature like me, because I'm adorable. Well, that and," he removed the glove from his robotic hand. "this." A panel lifted up above the wrist, and a long, slender blade slid slowly out. "I call this the Shadow Sushi Slicer. Because it's funny to listen to people try to say the name, and because it can hurt shadow creatures. It also cuts bread, wood, flesh, and other materials real good." He turned away from the shadow girl, and, facing absolutely nobody, said, "And you, too can get your very own Shadow Sushi Slicer for only seventy-three payments of 99.99 gold coins, one arm, one dead demon, and every shred of sanity you've got!! Get yours today!"

He turned back to the girl. "Shall we boogie?"

(ooc: I think I outdid myself this time. Tell me how long you were laughing!)
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 4:06 am

As Theos spoke, Felix huddled closer to Astoria and Caldri, gasped when he stabbed his own foot.

She looked at the sword, then in less then a blink of an eye, disappeared completely. Stepping through shadows was so much more effective now, and she sped along faster then any mortal could have.
She wasn't sure exactly where she was headed, and then she knew. When she had first melded with the body she hadn't recognized him... but... Oh, this would be fun.
"It's been a while, Tz'narkan." She cooed, standing in front of Seriath.

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 5:01 am

The demon within him stirred, it's recognition stirring to new, unheard of heights for the drow.


"Seems you've adapted well, mortal. You're...seeming to be excited. And Tz'narkan...has found your demon interesting."

Seriath stared down at her, the shadows around his body swirling in a whirlwind of chaos, his form obscured to all the rest of existence.

"You didn't fare so well alone."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 2 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 5:27 am

Riddel clicked her teeth and shook her head. "Tsk, not quite mortal anymore, Seriath. My bonding experience was a little different then yours. I'm part demon now, not just simply possessed. I completely synthesized with Riddel, we're one in the same. It's got its advantages, but it's a little more permanent. Not that I'll be concerned, this body is fun." She twirled around in a circle to validate her point.
"And... No. I didn't. The fear was overwhelming. It's shameful but... we're past that now. Things are certainly looking up. I mean, look at us. It's practically like old times," she looked up at Seriath, smirking, wondering if she was getting under the demon's skin.
"But before I get distracted, I should let you know. I was about to rip into the group I had be traveling with, and someone new showed up. Not *only* was he trying to flirt with me, he claimed to have a sword that could hurt shadow creatures. I want to be sure I'm the one that rips his heart out. Threatening me is not something that goes unpunished."
Lilakios was a strange demon, always flitting between emotions, except for the constant anger. She was like the shadows, changing, melting and twisting. And only in her last statement did the true essence of the demon begin to show.

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