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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 2:46 am

Helia frowned at the group leaving, but what they did was their business. She would keep an ear out for screams. Instead she turned to the newcomer night elf. "Hello, we're tracking demons right now, so, if you would take a seat, I shall make sure you are safe."

"Wait for me!" Felix yelled, running after Infero,theos, and Astoria as fast as she could. "Guys?"

Seeing the few leave the group, she moaned a little, desire taking over her. It was always so hard right after the bond had been made. And it had been such a long time since Lilakios had melded...Riddel was having trouble controllng herself.. she licked her lips. "Sorry Seriath, can't help it." Suddenly, underneath Felix's feet her shadow grew darker then black and Felix fell right through. In an instant she found herself face to face with Riddel.
Riddel grinned. "Teleporting the weakest one almost feels like cheating," she cooed, right before she took her nails and raked them across Felix's face, cutting deep and splattering blood on the grass. Felix screamed, and tried to turn to run, but she was tripped up by her own shadow. The darkness reached up and gripped her ankles and wrists. Felix tried to twist out, but she was thoroughly trapped She was on her stomach, dirt and grass in her mouth, but she figured if she made enough noise the others would find her before she was killed....
"Keep screaming dear," Riddel whispered in her ear, as she touched the small of Felix's back. The skin went from pale to a dusty color, like old paper. It was excruciating for Felix.
"That's your life, Felix. How does that feel? Your very life essence is going to make me stronger and stronger, probably enough to kill all your friends. I thank you."
The dead skin started to spread, inch by inch.

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 3:40 am

"So, just how effective at slashing shadows are these swords?" asked Infero.

Outside that accursed bubble thing, his power had made a full return, and the itching and burning feelings had stopped, putting Theos back into his ordinary, carefree attitude. He answered the question."Quite. I've carved a wicked cool grin into my own." At this, Theos pointed to his shadow, created from the brightly shining moon.

He looked. And, in fact, there was a rough-hewn smiling mouth, and ragged-circular holes for eyes torn out of the shadow. It was really quite eerie. "That's really quite eerie."

"Ain't it though?" Theos stretched out his hand. "I don't think we ever quite introduced ourselves. I go by Theos. And, unless I'm mistaken, you're Infero." Seeing the mildly stunned look on the other man's face, he said, "One of the ladies you were traveling with there shouted it."

All of a sudden, Theos stopped walking. He thought he'd heard something, felt something. Something almost...familiar. He shrugged it off.

Infero also thought he heard something, and turned around to check. He saw nothing. However, a sudden, sharp, burning pain shot through his leg, causing the man to grimace and inhale sharply. It was like someone had dropped boiling water, or a red-hot piece of metal onto his flesh.

A nasty thought entered his mind then. "Guys, I think we need to get back through that barrier." He drew a sword and, without too much effort, hacked through a large, dead sapling. Then, picking it up, he said, "Now."

"Just when I get my sight and all back, you want me to go back into a veritable nest of fire-ants? Hell no." He would rather maul a rabid wolf than return to that. Or was it the other way around? Theos shook his head. "Besides, there's something I need to confirm, and I don't believe that could be done in a stupid bubble."
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 9:26 pm

(ooc: you could probably hear felix screaming her head off, infero, =p )
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 9:34 pm

"Felix!" Caldri shouted out to her but it was too late for she ran past the barrier to catch up with the rest. Caldri heaved a sigh. 'Oh well,' she thought, 'With Astoria and Infero along with her, she should be safe.'

As they made their way out of the barrier, Felix had caught up with them. Walking further and further away from it though, Felix spoke no more and suddenly a few screams rang out. Turning swiftly, Astoria came to find that Felix was gone and that the screams most definitely were coming from her. And then Astoria heard Infero grimace in pain right ahead of her of which he then suggested turning back to return to the safety of the barrier. "But what about Felix? Because she was right behind us and now she's gone and I'm pretty sure that was her screaming. We can't just leave her alone out there. If we're still in time, I'm sure we can try saving her..."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 11:28 pm

(ooC: really? must have been that whole teleporting bit that sillied things up. oh well. Problem to be fixed in another post!

And of course, by "another post" I mean after somebody else writes something.)
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime8th December 2010, 4:20 am

No pain had ever prepared her for the torture she now endured. It was the most pain she had ever experienced, doubled, tripled, over and over. Her mind was a complete blank, nothing but pain registering. Even her screams held no intelligence, just a high pitched call for help, release, anything to stop the pain. Anything.

Watching the halfling suffer made her lips curl up in a cruel smile. She didn't draw it out for too long, after all, it didn't seem like this one meant anything. After all, no one had come.
"I thought you would surely make them come running," She muttered, and she stopped draining Felix for a moment. "Guess you weren't that important."
"I....I... they... have to be coming... they... wouldn't leave me... they'll save me..." Felix sputtered, blood trickling down her face.
Riddel let out a menacing laugh. "Foolish child, they aren't coming. You aren't worth the trouble. Or mine. Now make yourself useful."
In one quick motion, Riddel sliced Felix clean in two. The twisted grin only grew.
The shadows consumed her body, then appeared over the protective orb. In a sickly rain, bits and pieces of Felix rained down upon the group.

Helia looked up, the blood smearing on her face. "They know we're here, quickly now, prepare for battle!" Drawing her sword and shield, she said a blessing on the two and they glowed a bright white light.

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime8th December 2010, 4:40 pm

From his hatred came the focus. The focus of ages, honed to a fine point from the countless battles and conflicts he had endured throughout his aged long existence. Delightful fury graced pale lips, which drew back along glaring teeth, in a twisted semblance of a smile. Blades of smooth bone snickered effortlessly from sheaths of bleeding skin, and jet ichor dripped silently to the scarred forest floor. There was going to be blood, and a member of the holy order stood in her protective bubble.

Let her.

A wall of shadow rose from the forests, mists of blackness swirling in a cavorted, twisting dance, obscuring the very trees to exploded out from. Like a plague of shadow, the cloud billowed outwards, disrupted only by some unseen force of hatred. Within the abyssal darkness, shapes swirled and twisted around, eyes of balefire burning in the demonic void. It slowly moved forwards, towards the group, threatening to suck the very light from the world.

In the shadows cast by the fire, unseen by all, a dark malevolence waited.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime8th December 2010, 4:42 pm

Blackness swarmed towards them, a testament to the power of the demons. Matthias drew both his pistols and stood by the paladin.

"Better hope your bubble holds, holy one. It might be tried to it's limits, if not broken."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime8th December 2010, 6:38 pm

Watching the rest of the firewood party return to the protective field, Theos smiled. From inside that bubble, a shower of gore splattered the group, causing many of them to jump for their weapons, and others to freeze in horror and disgust. "Looks like someone got tired of writing for that one," mused the madman.

He turned, and began to walk further away from the bubble, only to stop a few seconds later. A shiver went down Theos' spine, and his skin prickled. It made him chuckle with excitement.

Theos removed his glasses, and watched as darkness seemed to envelope the area. At the same time, a warm, almost inviting feeling enveloped his body, his soul. Well, what remained of it. It was the feeling he'd sensed a few times before.

The long, magic-infused blade slid easily from his forearm, and he smiled again, calmly greeting the darkness, as if it was an old friend coming to visit. "Good evening, old one."

A powerful, male voice answered the greeting.
"Good evening, Theos."

Stepping back inside the bubble of light, Infero dropped the log and looked around. Everyone was present, sitting somewhat nervously. Wait. Where'd Felix go?

As if in answer, something wet and chunky sprayed from above. Something red.

Not even noticing the paladin's warning, Infero drew his swords. The shadows were returning, and as a feeling of rage began to build in the blacksmith's mind, battle instincts beginning to take over, he said jokingly, "You ever wonder what a bruise looks like on a shadow?"

This was going to be a long night.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime8th December 2010, 11:29 pm

Astoria had no choice left but to run back into the barrier. It was kill or be killed. Beside, it must have already been too late for Felix. Just as her thoughts were on Felix, something horrifying occurred. Flesh and blood spilled all over the inside of the bubble from the skies. Once some of those very substances came into contact with her skin, Astoria knew very well that those bits and pieces once were whole and once belonged to Felix. Astoria fell to her knees. She felt pathetic, she felt guilty, she felt like such a selfish coward, choosing to save herself and not bothering to go after Felix to save her from this horrendous end. But now was no time to mourn or grieve. Astoria would fight and she would fight in Felix's name, she would fight for the spirit of Felix.

Caldri watched as Infero came back through the bubble and then Astoria. But after them, there seemed to be no sign of Felix or Theos. And suddenly, blood and flesh rained down on the group. Caldri thought of the worst case scenario possible in that moment and watched as Astoria fell to her knees. Just seeing Astoria's very action was enough to make her break down in tears. Seeing there was nothing she could possibly do to help the group in this upcoming battle, she just sat there, arms propped on her knees sheilding her face from the rest as she silently cried.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime11th December 2010, 5:01 am

"Your voice is as sexy as ever." said Theos. "But, surely you've managed to reform your body by now. I mean, it's been a good seventeen years." He grinned. "Since I last killed you."

"I have." At this, a great, earthen pillar shot from the ground, towering over Theos. As it began to absorb some of the surrounding darkness, the pillar started cracking and drying up.A couple seconds later, it exploded, sending bits of dirt and small rocks everywhere.

In its place, stood a figure consisting of nothing but solid, dark energies. Humanoid in shape, there were no features on the head, or anything that really made this being stand out. Until a pair of deep blue lights formed where the face should be.

The figure was looking at him.
"And, don't call me Shirley."It took a step towards Theos.

Raising one hand, it lifted the madman effortlessly into the air, almost like a puppet on strings.
"Speaking of names, I'm sure you remember mine."It twirled a finger, spinning Theos in a perpetual cartwheel."Don't you?"

"Whee! Faster!" Soon, Theos was spinning like a buzzsaw. And, as he began to vomit, spraying the immediate area with what used to reside in his stomach, he said, "How could I possibly forget? You're the demon, Ozioz'zborrn. Or, as you're better and more simply known, Dark Zagi." After he finished speaking, the figure flicked his hand lazily, as if swatting an insect.

Still spinning a ludicrous speed, Theos smacked into a tree, effectively breaking several ribs, his spine, a leg, and his non-robotic arm.

Dark Zagi strode over to where Theos' crumpled body lay.
"Very good. Now,"he grabbed the madman's broken leg in a vicious grip, causing several bone fragments to pierce the skin, and picked him up."If you survive this, I'll show you my brand new look. Hell, maybe you'll even get to fight it!"The creature swung Theos' body like a sack of potatoes, slamming it onto a thick, broken tree branch.The limb tore completely through his body, a fountain of blood accompanying it. Theos coughed up more blood as it began to fill his punctured lung. "I think I got the point."

Dark Zagi chuckled.
"Yes, you did."The creature then began to fade, practically smiling through his eyes. Before he completely disappeared, he said one more thing to the bloody, beaten Theos."I'll see you again soon. Regardless of your survival."Even after Zagi had fully disappeared, the laughter rang loudly in Theos' ears, right up until his vision faded to black, and lost consciousness.
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime19th December 2010, 4:56 pm

Sulking through the shadows, flitting between this plane and that of the shadows, Riddel slowly drew closer to the protective shield. Being so close made her head ache, her body recoiled, but she concentrated on the presences within. Felix's little... out burst had rattled the group, that much was obvious, and she grinned. Now was the time to strike, while they were occupied with their chaotic emotions. She reveled in it, the fast changing feelings, the flowing emotions of sorrow, pain, concentration, and then... with a low growl in her throat, she was harshly reminded of the paladin. From her there was no chaos, there was no instability, only the order and control that comes with years of practice. Hatred bubbled up in her chest. How dare this paladin, this insignificant little speck, defy her so. The protective shield did not hold a candle to the irritation caused by this paladin. She would suffer, Riddel vowed, hopefully slowly.
You better have my back, Seraith she thought for a moment, the possibility that he would just watch and let her get massacred flashed in her mind. Reminding herself to have some rare burst of patience, she changed her plan. But only slightly.

Here it was. Helia had vanquished demons before, even helped in some exorcists, but this felt entirely different. Then Helia watched as the one she assumed was Riddel walked unscathed through the shield, her image only flickering for the briefest of moments. The paladin began chanting, trying to assess the damage of the body, hoping that her soul could be restored. Then before she could stop it, a flash of horror. "That's just an image!" Helia shouted to the group, and immediately, four more Riddel's walked through the barrier. Then, in unison, they began attacking.
The shadows curled and twisted around them, then lashed out like whips, aching for flesh to rip apart. At the multiple Riddel's feet the shadows grew and reached out for the closest person.
As a shadowy whip lashed at Helia, the paladin would have smiled, if she had not been so deep in thought. As soon as the shadow touched her armor it simply vanished into a dark wisp. It paid off to be a paladin, and have almost every article on your body blessed. If these demons wanted to hurt her, they wouldn't get to hide behind trickery.
But this did not made things easier, for Helia assumed the others with her did not exactly have goddess blessed items. A Riddel clone lunged at Helia, and Helia simply slashed at her with the bright and shining sword. The figure did exactly was the whip had done, dissipated into a shadowy wisp.
"They should be vulnerable to weapon attack, we need to wear down these until the demon shows herself!"
As she was speaking, she did not see the figure appearing behind, lusting for blood...

His long thin sword pierced through the neck of the shadowy being, and it evaporated before it could touch the paladin. Toshio sighed, knowing that his changing loyalties were going to get him killed if this kept up. But after what they had done with Felix... Toshio couldn't stand it. The demons, they were evil. Toshio did not Aevalyn united, but he still wanted an Aevalyn, and he had a growing fear that if the demons achieved their goals, there would be none.
There was no excuse for what the halfing had under gone. None. Killing was one thing, but desecrating the bodies in such a way? Never...
And so he saved the paladin. He shouted to the group, "We need to protect the paladin, she can probably scry where the real one is, right? In the mean time, attack all that get too close! They are weak to any attacks, meant to only confuse us. If we keep a level head, we should make it!"
He just hoped none of them get the idea to stab him in the back.
The riddel's kept advancing, and the group was faced with about twenty now, all pushing and clamoring for flesh.

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime20th December 2010, 10:37 pm

Caldri felt as useless as ever. They needed as much help as they could get even if it was a small effort. That's when it hit her. 'The scroll,' she thought as she slowly lifted up her head. She noticed that Matthias still had it as it poked out of his pocket. She got up, moving us swiftly but slyly as she could through her teary eyes, careful not to have the approaching Riddel take notice of her. Careful in pulling the scroll out, Caldri crouched down to the ground, spreading it out. But then she realized she could not decipher these symbols. They were a completely strange language to her. "Matthias," she asked, "What was it you got out of this scroll? Maybe it's a kind of message of how to rid of the clan, or weaken it at least?" Then, one of the Riddels was approaching Caldri from behind...

"Watch out!" Astoria shouted out to Caldri, as she quickly released her kama, striking the shadow clone right in the forehead, destroying it on impact.

It seemed the more shadow clones of Riddle they took out the more they multiplied and attacked them. "Shit," she cursed. Then picking up Caldri by the forearm, pulled her behind her. "It's best you stay behind me," she told the blonde girl, "so they don't lay a finger on you." And Astoria readied for more attacks, ready to take out any and all shadow clones that came in their direction.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 4 Icon_minitime21st December 2010, 1:55 am

The appearance of Riddel and her clones of shadow caused a spray blood to rocket from Infero's leg wounds, as well as incredible pain. Ignoring the injuries for much longer simply wouldn't do. He'd have to take a look during a lull in the fighting.

Shifting his mind back to the matter at hand, Infero slashed through three clones, punched another in the face, and shish-kebabed two more. The six enemies vanished in clouds of smoke.

As he cut into several others, the man couldn't help but notice something. The clones were too easily defeated. Sure, there were alot of them, and it hurt to get hit by their weapons. But should one so much as receive a strong slap across the face, they vanished. Perhaps the enemy was preparing for something bigger. But, what was it?

Infero slashed through three more Riddels, then sheathed his blades. "This should make things more interesting," he said, hands crackling with green energy.

It was time for some shadow-boxing.

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