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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 3:37 pm

Sitting upon her white riding dog, Helia scryed for evil for what felt like the millionth time that night. Again the same results. Overwhelming evil, towards Drakith. Her duty was nothing less to bring the scum that had decided to kill Jeriko to justice. She had loved her to-be king, idolized him, and now he was gone. She wouldn't rest until at least the killing could be brought to light.
Light. Heh. She smirked to herself.
The wind whipped past her, but she barely paid it any mind. She was used to the cold, to the dark, and her mind was focused. She came across the boarder relatively quickly, while the drakith princess was still among them. Then she vanished before Helia could approach. Oh well, that was not her duty.
Brushing past Theos and the others, she announced her presence sharply.
"Hold your petty questions for later, I am in need of information. Are any of you guilty of the crime of murdering Jeriko?!"
To the point, as always.
It was good to be lawful good.

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 5:33 pm

(ooc: How does she know who Theos is?)

Theos watched as some short lady came in riding on a dog, and began asking questions. "I could have some fun with this one, methinks." Drawing the Shadow Sushi Slicer back into his forearm, the lunatic sat down next to the large man, and leaned over. "I bet you five bucks you'd like to know how the pointy thing in my arm can hurt shadows. And that I can make the young lady with the dog blush."

Not waiting for an answer, Theos explained. "The maker said it was forged from some metal that grows, yeah, grows, like a tree or moss, on an island in the south sea. Apparently, this metal is indestructible and it's infused with both light and dark magic. And a blade made of the stuff can turn practically anything into sandwich meat." Theos stood up again. "I think you know what I'm talking about."

Seeking mischief, the lunatic walked up to the new person, and tipped his hat. "Hey, honey. How's about you and I go for a midnight ride? The dog can come too, if you're that sort of thing."

The blacksmith sat very still for a few seconds, trying to process all the new information. He knew the rare metal the lunatic had mentioned, his swords were made of the stuff. But, why had none of the material he'd read mentioned it? And just how effective was it?

After hearing what the weirdo in black said to this new girl though, all but one thought was pushed to the back of his mind as he struggled to contain his laughter: He could fight back.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 5:36 pm

(ooc: she doesn't, I just used the name so I didn't have to describe everyone again.)
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 5:43 pm

(ooc: I sort of figured that, but okay. Perhaps her knowing the guy could be some sort of plot point? Would definitely make things interesting.)
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime1st December 2010, 10:01 pm

(ooc: good point there, Mr. Goji. Me likes the idea. Oh and yes, before I forget to mention... Theos totally reminds me of Barry the Chopper from FMA, of course a more insane character but if our characters o=in this roleplay were to have voices than Jerry Jewell would be my choice for Theos. hahaha! XD)

Caldri suddenly grew hopeful once Infero reappeared but hope escaped her again when Infero failed in striking at the evil, possessed Riddel. Caldri let out a gasp as she saw what Riddel had done unto Infero. "Infero!" She cried out as she ran toward him, sitting beside him. "Are you alright?" Just as Caldri was about to face Riddel to see what she'd attempt next, she noticed that the princess had disappeared.

"Hey, I wasn't done with you yet," Astoria protested to Theos. 'Ah well,' she thought to herself, 'at least he's not running away or anything. Soon I'll get a chance to get some answers out of him.' She then heard Riddel laughing and realized that Infero had returned and had attempted to strike at the princess. Seeing from Riddel's reaction and well-being, Infero had failed to do so. Astoria then saw as Caldri ran to Infero after an injury given to him by none other than Riddel, herself. Astoria attempted to strike next even though she knew her kamas would not be of any use. She ran toward the princess anyway. "I never thought I'd find myself saying this but you're a bitch." Just as she was about to throw a kama at her, Riddel vanished. The kama landed on the dirt, the blade digging into the earth. Astoria summouned her kama back and noticed a new arrival to the group. 'Where do all these people keep coming from?' Then Astoria said in response to the young woman's question, "We didn't kill him. In fact, we fought the evil clan who was responsible for his death."

Caldri turned to face the newcomer and added, "We were taking back the princess to her kingdom but seeing what's happened to her it's seems pretty much impossible now. She stepped foot in the forest and she came out as a whole new person. I mean it's not her, it's something that got a hold of her, possessed her." Then it hit her, maybe this new girl could be of some use to them. "Could you possibly help us?" Caldri addressed her again, "Do you have what it takes to bring back the old Riddel? Rid of the demon that's possessing her soul?" Hope was once again in reach for Caldri.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 5:45 am

Helia, paused, giving Theos a cold stare. "I do not know of what you speak, yet I am repulsed none the less. Speak to me no longer." Then the brightly clad paladin turned to Caldri, a slightly softer expression on her face. "I am sorry to hear of your friend's demonic possession. Demons are some of the most powerful creatures of evil, but if you help me in my quest to avenge Jeriko, then I can aid in restoring your friend." Dismounting, she pulled off her helmet, her dark hair pulled into a small pony tail, only a few stray strands framed her face. Her features were hard, chiseled by years of training. "Although, I can make no promises. There are certain cases where no help can be given. I will have to see your friend to assess the damage. Is there a way we can lure her here?"

"So, wait wait wait. Random supposed paladin comes striding up, and we're trusting her? We can barely trust our OWN party, let alone others! Caldri, do you really think that this is wise???"

(ooc: I'm not sure how that would fit in, as soon as theos displayed any sort of evil behavior she would have been morally compelled to either kill him or bring him to justice, but probably kill him.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 6:30 am

A night elf made his way through the dark forest, his dark red cloak flowing behind him as he strode down the path. He occasionally glanced behind him as if checking to make sure that no one was following him or chasing after him.
"Too easy." He muttered to himself before untying a small pouch, hesitating a moment before opening it and dumping the contents into his palm. There were a few small trinkets that included a few rings, an expensive looking necklace, and an ornate broach. "These should get a fair price in the next town." He spoke again before gently placing the jewelery back in his pouch and tying it back on his belt. He chuckled softly as he continued on his way, "'The Master-Thief, Cero strikes again'" He recited the the headline of a small newspaper that he had read in the last town where he had gotten the contents of his pouch. "They really think too highly of me." The dark skinned elf sighed as he shook his head from side to side.

Cero stopped as he heard voices up ahead, his ruby eyes narrowed as he slowly reached for his sword and edged closer to where the voices were, careful not to make any noises or do anything that would alert them of where he was. If they were soldiers or officials, they might be searching for the infamous thief. He glanced around the tree that he was hiding behind and saw a small group of people that included a Paladin, a blacksmith, and an odd man that seemed to be trying to flirt with the female paladin.

( OOC: Hope this is okay oAo; I wasn't sure how to come in... If there's any errors or anything just tell me and I'll try to fix them xD )
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RoK the Reaper

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: A New Challenger has entered the fray!   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 7:33 am

Within the forest that hummed so silently, yet laid host to many a foul creature was non other than the Half-Demon who was known to many as "The Devil Reaper". His sword, the "Negative Edge" Masamune laid to his side, sword around it protectively like a mother would cling to her young. Eyes closed and a faint snore was heard, though, he was rather nonchalant about the whole thing, as if he didn't have a care in the world; he was at ease among his own kind, even if he was only half.

Long black hair fell all around and stopped at the soft grass which he had come to actually enjoy. Moonlight came through the foliage and made his medium brown skin shine bright. Being more nocturnal, having hating the day time with a passion, those blood-red eyes slowly began to open. Vision blurry, and having to regain himself, he simply laid there without a word or movement. Coming to admire the eccentric mysterious of the moon, the replacement for the sun in this shadowed place, he tilted his lips upwards to a smile. "Traveling time, I suppose".

Monotone and within a deep, demonic voice he muttered, but it was his agenda nonetheless to get moving and fulfill his objectives.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 7:03 pm

"We stood up for Jeriko before so yes, we'll be willing to side with you in return," Caldri nodded confidently. Turning to Felix, Caldri replied, "That's not truly the princess. We can still trust her. The Riddel we're seeing right now is possessed by a demon, so it's truly the demon we cannot trust. This girl, though a stranger to us all, can help us. I'm sure of it. " She paused for a moment and then continued, "In fact, we were all strangers to each other before, Felix, but things have happened and that has turned us into good friends. So why can't it be the same with this newcomer?"
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 8:57 pm

The familiar voices, or somewhat familiar at least, reached the ears of the bounty hunter walking along the road, trenchcoat pulled tight around him to ward off the night chill, wide-brimmed hat dropped low over his eyes.


His errands to the capital city of Greyen (sp?) not yet completed by the time the group of travelers moved out, Matthias had stayed behind to answer some questions. His search had been near fruitless; Whatever the cult of the Thousand Sons had wanted with the city was apparent only to the robed members that dotted their ranks. After the city had become too dangerous to continue to stay in, Matthias had left it's confines under cover of night, in search of more information. That information took the form of the group of strangers that had fled together after the mysterious, to him at least, assassination of Jeriko. What the reasoning behind that was, he had no clue.

As Matthias crested the hill, he spied the group... And there were more. On instinct, Matthias drew his pistol and approached slowly.

"...but things have happened and that has turned us into good friends. So why can't it be the same with this newcomer?" The voice of...Caldri, wasn't it?... reached his ears, pleading to another woman, the name of who Matthias could not recall.

"Because young Caldri," Matthias said as he approached, "Not all flowers are devoid of thorns, and neither..." He raised his gun to beside his head and looked at the newcomer paladin, "are all souls on this earth."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 9:18 pm

Caldri let out a slight gasp as she heard a voice from behind her. Turning quickly to see who it was, she recognized the source of the voice. It was the man with the one scroll. "Oh, it's you." She stated simply. "Anyway, why do you say that? Why should we trust what you say anyway?"

Astoria noticed that yet another had arrived to this setting, and she surely recognized him. "So... now that you've caught up, I assume you got the answers you needed to find? So tell me is this clan the so-called 'Covenant of a Thousand Sons' after all?"

Caldri, faced Astoria this time. "I already told you, Astoria. That clan isn't real."

"Are we seriously going to argue about this again? Think, Caldri. For one goddamn second, just think!" The area fell silent for a moment and then Astoria continued, "First of all, this clan could be basing themselves off of this fairy-tale clan, same name and everything. Second, you are so naive, placing your trust in someone you just met. Sure, we were strangers to each other before like you said but we gained each other's trust when we fought that clan back there. Though it's only been a day, we spent that whole time getting to know each other. This girl, you've only seen for a few minutes. Therefore, maybe you should trust what Matthias is saying."

"Oh that's very contradictory, Astoria," Caldri retorted, "You say I shouldn't trust her, but you blindly trust what Matthias says. We've only spent a short amount of time with him also, not the entire day!"
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 10:04 pm

Frowning, Helia explained shortly; "If you do not want or require my help, then I will be on my way. I have nothing to hide nor any reason to keep secrets. My mission is to track down Jeriko's killer. If you feel your friend can somehow feel herself from demonic possession, then by all means, let me be on my way." Her sword glowed dimply at her hip as she looked over each person slowly. None of the seemed to be evil... Well, none of course but the man who stunk so strong of an evil aura that it burned Helia's eyes. She would have to deal with him in a moment. "My powers are from the gods, so if I was being untrue my sword would not shine with the holy light. Now. You can either assist me or keep to yourself, either way is fine to me. But he-" She pointed at Theos, without looking at him, "He needs to come with me. I must purify him."

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 10:18 pm

"See?" Caldri was quick to point out, "I had a reason to believe in her, to trust her. Her sword. Isn't it obvious enough?"

"A sword means nothing," Astoria replied, then facing Helia, she said. "Beside, sorry to say this Miss, but I don't believe in your Gods."

"Stop it, Astoria!" Then standing up from where she was seated, Caldri walked toward Helia and stopped short, leaving some room between them. "Please don't go. I trust you. I believe in you. I know you have no ill-intentions and I know you hold the key in bringing back the old Riddel and ridding of that demon inside of her. So please stay... for my sake."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 10:24 pm

Helia looked to the others, then back to Caldri. "For you, then, I will stay until your friend is restored, or her case is deemed hopeless. But I will not, under any circumstances, tolerate blasphemy. Is that understood?"

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 10:33 pm

"Well, if she stays, Caldri, then I'll be the one who leaves instead."

"Ugh, Astoria, really? Do you really have to put me in this situation? You know very well what my answer is going to be."

"Ah, so you choose newcomer here, eh?"

"It's for the sake of Riddel. Just think of it in those terms, Astoria. Please. This is no time to get childish. It's a life we're saving. Don't you want Riddel restored to normal? Or do you want her to eventually die, just like Jeriko did? Do you really want chaos to befall Drakith just as has happened with Grayen? Come on, Astoria. I hate arguing with you. And beside, there is no way I would let you go through that forest, not after what we've seen Riddel go through."

Astoria frowned at every thing Caldri said, because she knew it was true. She couldn't leave for those very reasons. The sanity of Drakith, its people and Riddel were all in the hands of the newcomer after all. Without a word, Astoria went to sit beside Infero, signifying that she was staying but keeping her distance from the newcomer.

Caldri was relieved at last. That tension was such a bother but now everything was alright... for now.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime2nd December 2010, 10:40 pm

Well, she had been accepted by at least two members of the group... But the others, that would decide truly whether or not she stayed.
"If you wanted to try and help her tonight, I could scry for evil right now. Depending on how close she is, would could try extracting the demon tonight."

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 12:22 am

Cero's eyes narrowed as he listened to the conversations that were happening within the group. There was something about a possessed girl, and some in the group not trusting the female paladin. But he wasn't very interested in all of that, because to be honest, none of the conversation made sense to him. What truly interested him was the glowing sword at the paladin's hip. The night-elf's eyes seemed to shine as he guesstimated how valuable that blade was, it would definitely get a good price, or even be a good sword to keep. But taking from the girl it would be a challenge, she didn't seem totally defenseless... "Maybe I should just give up on it. If I tried I'd only end up getting killed..." He muttered quietly to himself as he continued to watch the group from the safety of his hiding spot.

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 1:18 am

(ooc: I haven't slept in maybe 34 hours. This could get interesting.)

Infero sat against the rock, his back to the rest of the group. Removing the thicker layers of clothing, he finally managed to roll of one leg of his pants, and see what that shadow thing had truly done.

All the way up to about mid-thigh were stab wounds and little cuts, each opening bearing a small black ring around the edge. Curiously, he wasn't bleeding, and no pain came from the wounds. In fact, they seemed perfectly sterile, aside from that strange blackness. "I'll have to keep an eye on those," he thought, beginning to reattach the rest of his leg coverings.

By the time that was all done, another person had come into the picture: That one guy from earlier, who had fought against a few members of the Clan with them. He would make a pleasant addition to the group, should he choose to stick around.

The blacksmith then turned his attention to the rest of the group. It seemed someone has started an argument, and now Astoria and Caldri were yelling at each other, while that one girl with the fun, glowing sword was trying to order everyone around. The sight was almost funny.

Quietly walking up behind the small girl, whom Caldri had called Felix, Infero knelt next to her, and, still taking in the scene, asked "What did I miss?"

"That girl sure knows how to reject someone," he somehow thought to himself. While everyone else busied themselves talking to each other, Theos chose to walk around a little bit, maybe find a snack or something.

All that he found were a few rocks, a partially eaten squirrel, and one very large, still living tarantula. Placing the rocks into his pocket, for later, he tossed the dead squirrel up into the air, quickly slicing it into pieces with a knife. After catching them all, the whole bundle of fur, bone, blood and whatever else that carcass contained went straight down Theos' throat. "Blech. Probably should've cooked that first." After returning to the group, the lunatic took off his hat and sat back against a tree, starting to pick little clumps of bad smelling fur out of his teeth.

Thankfully, it didn't take long. Now he could enjoy dessert, and began to move the struggling arachnid towards his mouth. No sooner had he started chewing on it, the girl on the dog pulled a cool, glowing sword, and began waving it around.

Curious, Theos got up and walked over again, one hairy spider leg still hanging a few inches out of his mouth. In return for his appearance, he got the oversized, glowy knife pointed in his general direction, while its wielder said something about purifying him.

Quickly shoving the remaining appendage into his mouth, Theos answered "Does purification involve a large bath with lots and lots of scantily clad ladies throwing soapy water at each other? Because it totally should. By the way, you wouldn't happen to have a Tic Tac on you, would ya? My breath could probably knock out a bear right now."
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 2:24 am

Seriath held his hand up then, stilling Riddel's words, and looked past her. There was something over there, something that made him smile a very hated smile.

"There...is something that is more important than your little demonic obsession, as is only healthy. There is a paladin... It seems she's...looking for something."

Or someone...

Seriath brushed past Riddel and went to the edge of the forest, invisible. He saw her, a paladin of the holy warriors, a warrior of all that is righteous...and a fool, who Seriath would see dead.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 2:28 am

Matthias put his gun away, hesitantly. Amongst the array of personae around the fire, there were some he had..questionable concerns about. Despite the fact they claimed that their ideals were pure, or as pure as mortals could achieve, there was always the possibility of the taint, of betrayal.

The bounty hunter had felt the cold blade of betrayal, more literally than figuratively in recent memory, and he had vowed to never let the mistake pass by unnoticed.

"So, miss paladin. It seems you are accepted. Your self-appointed quest has sent you to here, looking for the killer of the king. Why?"
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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 4:25 am

Helia considered Matthias' question carefully, as she took her seat elegantly, her riding wolf curling up affectionately by her. "I trained as a Paladin to protect and promote good. And yet, when Jeriko was assassinated, I was unable to do either. I knew him personally, he was a kind and gentle person, always fair, always smiling... Yet that's all gone now. I want to avenge his spirit. I want to make sure whatever evil cut him down doesn't cause anymore pain. He deserves that much." For the time, she ignored Theos. His talk of sin tainted her ears, and if she indulged him in conversation surely she would have to purify herself tonight as well. She looked about the group, and sighed. They looked about as organized as children at play. They surely had no idea what kind of evil they were up against. Especially if that feeling in her gut was right. Demons were lurking nearby.
Fishing them out of her pocket, she produced a small piece of yarn tied to a shimmering blue crystal. In the dirt she drew multiple symbols with the crystal, all complex and interlacing. Then she placed her hands on it, and there was a faint blue glow, then everything went dim. Nodding, she explained to the rest of the group. "It was as I thought. There is great evil lurking nearby, so strong I cannot pin point it exactly. I just cast a warding spell, it should make us harder to see, and for the demons to approach us would cause them discomfort. I'm afraid that's all though. Not even a strong will would be needed to overcome it. If they choose to attack now, and your friend is among them, you're going to have to protect me and I preform the purification rituals. I believe they are in that direction." She pointed, then lowered her finger and replaced her helmet. Placing her sword in her lap, she chanted in a long lost language.

Felix flopped to the ground, frowning. The bad feeling she had crept up even stronger now, and at the Paladin's words, fear started to weave it's way throughout her entire body. A feeling that the end was coming plagued her, though she did not speak of it. The mood of the group seemed to be strained enough as it was. At Infero's question, she frowned, and took his hand. Purely an act of looking for comfort. He could her the tremble in her voice as she related the conversation to him. "You don't think they'll attack, will they? Do you think we'll be enough to hold them off if they do?"

Finally nearing the group, Toshio stopped as he saw many new figures. Among their ranks... A Paladin? How did he miss that? He muttered a swear, then backed off. This was getting to be too overwhelming. "Seriath?" He questioned of the wind. "Where'd you go off to?" He looked around but saw nothing. No use attacking now, better to stay hidden in the shadows. He made his way to the boarder of the forest, and blended into the dark scenery perfectly. He became just one more shadow.

"A paladin?!" Riddel hissed. As she followed Seriath's movements and her eyes locked on the paladin, a low growl rumbled from her throat. She retreated back then, knowing her impulses would get her hurt at this point. The pesky creature was probably setting up her wards and protections now... Oh, if she could just rip out her throat and make sure no more 'holy' utterances left it. Her appetite was still strong, irritating, demanding. She crouched down and dug her nails into the dirt, trying to restrain herself. She had wandered without an actual form for so long, she had forgotten how insistent the calls of the flesh could be. Such was the consequence of bonding the way she had, and not simply possessing the fool. Her wings quivered once more, anticipated the feel of the warm sticky blood on her face, hands... Another snarl left her lips before she could quiet it. And then she could feel it, her awareness of the paladin and the group slip for the slightest of moments. Where as a second ago she knew their exact position, now it was like trying to locate them from under water. Blurry, indistinct... But still close enough to kill. "Seriath... I can't tell how strong she is... You want to help me kill it?" She whispered, the longing in her voice thick.

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PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime3rd December 2010, 4:53 am

Cero raised an eyebrow as the paladin cast some sort of ward against demons. Of course, seeing as he wasn't one of those he could still watch the group clearly. But something about what she had said bothered the night elf. There was a great evil in the forest that surrounded them? So the demons out there would go so far as to try and attack the small group. Cero's long ears drooped slightly as he thought about it, he could potentially be in danger if demons or some other kind of monster tried to attack the group and found him hiding just outside of their ward. Perhaps he should try and get in with the group, it couldn't hurt and probably would save his life... But he really did hate groups of people... The elf took a breath before sheathing his blade and moving out from behind the tree, and cautiously moving toward the group, stopping a few yards away.

"Um, Hello there."
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime4th December 2010, 1:13 am

"I'm afraid we've got no real way of telling." he replied to Felix. "But if they do end up attacking, at least we have a couple people who can fight back. Including that paladin." Even if she did seem a little green in comparison to the ones Infero had met during his journey to Grayen. Just because they were new though, didn't mean they would be any less powerful.

A nearby greeting then, thankfully, interrupted his musings on the past, prompting Infero to look for the source. Upon finding it, an elf with a long sword hanging from its belt, the blacksmith replied calmly. "Ah. Hello there."

Taking this minor interruption as an opportunity to leave for a bit, Infero stood up, announcing his decision to go look for some firewood, and then walked away.

The girl had said demons would feel discomfort if they walked through the supposed "barrier" she'd set up. And, to Theos' surprise, she was right. Even if he no longer had a demon occupying his body.

To the madman, it felt like a mild sunburn, and there was an incessant itch that suddenly flared up. It was as bad as the fleas, lice, and various itching diseases one could catch inside a cold, damp cell, but it was just as annoying.

It was nearly as annoying as not being able to see. The barrier seemed to weaken the dark energies with Theos' body, robbing him of sight as well as any really useful powers. Thankfully, the rest of his senses were still working perfectly, and one of his arms didn't itch.

Someone then announced they were going to collect firewood. At that, the lunatic sprang from were he was sitting and ran over to that general area, tripping over a few things and setting his coat alight as he stepped through the fire. "I'll help you cut it!"
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Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 33

~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime4th December 2010, 3:56 am

Astoria barely paid any attention to Helia but once she heard Infero say he'd go get wood for a fire, she got up from where she was sitting and caught up with Infero. "I'll go with you. Best if you don't go by yourself, with those dangers lurking in the forest. Best to not risk it."

"Thought I'd..." Caldri stopped in her tracks and noticed that Astoria had caught up with Infero as well. "Umm, I'll just go back with the group then." And with that, Caldri headed back to sit beside Felix.
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~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~*~Roleplay~*~   ~*~Roleplay~*~ - Page 3 Icon_minitime6th December 2010, 12:45 am

"Be patient, little Riddel. Patient. You will get to kill her soon enough. If you can beat me too it."

The dark elf snarled, despite himself. He saw the members of the group walk off away from the campfire. There was a dwindling amount. Still...that power field that the paladin had cast seemed...distressing, to say the least. Even at this distance, he felt a tingling from it as his eyes flitted over the area.

And so he waited.

Invisible in the concealing shadows, he waited for the moment.
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