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 This is where you can write whatever

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Location : On your facebook, stalking your friends =D

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PostSubject: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 3:58 am

The Ooc forums are where you can post anything you want. Get to know your fellow rpers, ask for advice, comment on stuff... Anything goes in here =3
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 1:06 pm

Hmmm, really? anything?
This is where you can write whatever Pedobearplz
This is where you can write whatever Pedobear2plz
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 2:25 pm

Beware of Elephants! elephant elephant elephant elephant elephant elephant And Monkeys!!! monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey And Santa! santa santa santa santa
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 1:43 pm


I'm new here, and more importantly, new to forums. So I was wondering if any of you guys would be willing to help me? I've posted my character already, and am just curious if I have anything left to do?

(Btw, I'd like to know how I can place a display pic and little signature..want to make me feel at home)
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:11 pm

Welcome welcome. Smile

Other than getting Skootle to approve your character, just read the roleplay and start posting. Smile Your signiture and avatar options can be found if you click on the PROFILE option under the dragon picture. Once there, there should several other links at the top right under the dragon picture, saying INFORMATION, PREFERENCES, SIGNATURE, AVATAR, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:18 pm

Ah, I see. And how long would that be until I get the approval?

Yeah, I see those options now. Strange too. I could've sworn I visited the Profile tab and found nothing like those there. But thanks all the same.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:24 pm

Well, at the moment, she has swine flu. Sad You caught her at a bad time. It could be a day or two. However, from what I read of your character, I would say thats perfectly fine. I don't think she would mind if you started posting. Smile I would ask others to confirm this, but I would say you are fine.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 2:27 pm

Oh my. Swine Flu? What a bad time indeed. Well all my wishes to her.

And thank you. I'll start posting immediately. Thank you very much for your help, dear friend.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 5:40 pm

Yeah, swine flu. Kicks my butt hard. But thanks for joining! Here is your proper welcome:

Yep, just start posting, and everything is good. and thanks for joining. If you need help with anything feel free to pm me, and thanks for the well wishes. I can sit up today! (Yay!) And my fever is going down, so I should be on here.. pretty much all the time. xD
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 5:55 pm

Your welcome. Smile

Yay! She's back in action. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 6:07 pm

and there was much rejoicing (...yay....) ! lol. Yeah, I have an inhaler which helps the symptoms, because apparently i'm allergic to the actual swine flu vaccine. Haha, oh my luck, it's so amusing.. xD I'm just hoping to get rid of it before my birthday >.>
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 9:11 pm

haha Eliseo, you are so awesome!! XD

But anyways, I was about to say that too. Hopefully the swine flu isn't around when it's your birthday!! Still wishing you the best as always, oh and I prayed for you last night Jinx!! ^o^ Love you!!
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 9:57 pm

n'aawww thanks.

*ruffles hair*
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime9th October 2009, 10:02 pm

You're welcome!! ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:26 am

So I just have to say on a random note. I like freaked out when I clicked on 'See Who's Online' cause it takes you to a map, and I was like OMFG, this thing knows where I live and now people are gonna find out where I am and come rob me or tp my house!! LMAO!! XP
Anyways, according to it, I live somewhere on South Mountain close to Lavine!! LOLS!! XD Not where I live, and that's a good thing. I also love how it has me marked living in like some grassy area... like I don't even get a house to live in. haha!! XD What does that mean?? Is it predicting my future as a bum or something?? haha!! XP
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:33 am

Oh my. Now I've got to try that.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:35 am

haha, you so should!! LMAO!! XD
That so creeped me out at first, cause I was like there was never anything on the profile about writing in your exact address or whatnot, so I like totally flipped out!! Then it just got funny for me. XP
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:38 am

Uh oh. It was real close. About a half hour from where I really live.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:38 am

Oh and you should so totally post, Mr. Goji.
I just want to keep this thing going. lols. XD
Skootle and Wanderer went all out earlier, and I'm just like "Woah! Lots to read awesome!" haha!! XD

haha, we posted like at the same time. So now I shall modify, wow. That is creepy. Mine was off by like... a lot. haha!! XD
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:40 am

it probably uses your ip address or something to locate you D=
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:44 am

Well, if someone does try to bomb me, using my location on that map, they will fail!!! Ha ha ha!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:49 am

LMFAO!! Agreed. Same here. They'll wreck up South Mountain, that's for sure!! That's sad... Poor hikers/walkers... Sad
I'll be the source of the blame if they all die...
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 12:54 pm

Indeed. I don't like this at all.
Perhaps it would be better for us to all appear offline? We can still keep intact with the rp and others by the timing of when the posts have been submitted.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 3:58 pm

Yeah, it's using your IP address. Maybe you guys don't know, but everytime you use the internet, like send an email or anything, you can be somewhat traced using that IP address.

I really hate appearing offline- and I had addressed that in an earlier post. it even has it's own little topic thingie. ^_^

I guess, PM me if it's really a concern. I'm trying to take the link down, but I'm having a hard time locating exactly *where* in the forums I do that. lol
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime11th October 2009, 4:01 pm

got the map down, woo.
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PostSubject: Re: This is where you can write whatever   This is where you can write whatever Icon_minitime

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