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 Infero Shockirus

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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 12:12 am

Well, let's get this started!

Name: Infero Shockirus

Age: 26

Race: Malevalian (explanation to follow)

Two forms:

1. Unarmored: Above average height (think 6 feet, 5 inches), with brown eyes, short brown hair, with a short beard. Well muscled. Wears a long-sleeved tunic, black on the right side, white on the left. Pants are solid black, and loose fitting. Wears a swordbelt, from which constantly hang his choice weapons. Typically wears a long, dark red cloak around his shoulders. Overall human appearance.

2. Armored: Over 7 feet tall. Wears a full plate, all black suit of armor (if you've seen the Lord of the Rings Movie, it looks like a black version of Sauron's). Helmet is shaped like a human skull, with emeralds set in place for eyes, and diamonds set where teeth would be. The emeralds glow constantly with green energy. At his waist, hang his choice weapons. Always wears a massive, crimson cloak, which often engulfs him (Batman-style). Summoned into being, rather than put on by hand.

Born and raised on the Island of Malevalia, a place known for teaching all of it's inhabitants both dark and light magic, beginning at age eight. Children will also be trained in a weapon of their choosing, until they reach at least 25. Infero, achieving the highest level of magic Malevalia has to offer, at the age of eighteen. After crafting his armor, and his swords, twin o-Katana (two really long katanas), Infero took up a residence with the sword master, where he excelled. After only three years, he could almost beat the sword master himself. However, he decided to leave the island, training incomplete. After wandering Aevalyn for five years, Infero settled in Grayen. During his travels, Infero was caught in the middle of numerous conflicts between Firel and Drakith, allowing him to truly practice with his deadly blades, and his magic. It was often the case that Infero would be the only one left standing on the battlefield, which, more often then not, let him heal any surviving wounded.
At home in Grayen, Infero makes his keep as a blacksmith and healer, and is very popular among the children there. People often wonder how, aside from making him rather wealthy, all the fighting hasn't had any effect on him.
Currently, Infero is looking for a time when he can return to his home, and complete his training. Until that can happen though, Infero keeps his weapons and magic ready, and tries to serve Grayen as best as he can.

Varies with form:

1. Unarmored: Although he possesses great magical ability, along with great, albeit incomplete, sword skills, Infero is still a human, and a such, can suffer from the same ailments as other humans. But, as he is well-versed with magic, he has a tendency to get over these far more quickly, usually healing from a large cut, or broken bone(s) in a matter of days, due to the energies at work in him. Also, due to his years as a blacksmith, his training with swords, and the magic (what else), Infero's muscular strength far outweighs that of a normal human. In this form, Infero can only use either his swords or his magic, as he must devote his full concentration to which one he chooses, only using magic when the swords are sheathed. His main weakness is snake venom, which will effectively block his magic abilities for up to 24 hours, depending on the potency of the venom. Also, he tends to show much forgiveness and mercy towards children and (pretty) women, sometimes to the point of clouding his judgement.

2. Armored: When Infero summons his armor though, things change entirely. His weakness to venom vanishes completely, while his strength, speed, and magic potency increase tenfold. In this form, Infero can sometimes be overtaken by a sort of bloodlust, only stopped when he is killed, the battle ends, or when a someone hits, or removes, one of the emeralds on his helmet (if you got shot in the eye, what would you do?). Remove the emeralds, you remove the armor, opening him up to other attacks. He can still only use either the swords or the magic, though in this form, he can switch between them without having to put away the swords.

Other stuff
Infero's swords and armor are crafted from a metal found solely on Malevalia, called Vitallium, a sort of "living metal" which is completely unbreakable, forcing swordmakers and armorers to make infuse their work with magic. Each one is colored specifically, one white, one black, keeping the white one on the his right, and the black on his left. Infero must have near-constant contact with these swords, or else his magic abilities will become unbalanced, leaving his body and mind in a more and more violent fluctuation of power. If he uses magic in this state, he risks killing himself. And without the swords, he cannot summon his armor, leaving him virtually defenseless, except for the small, bronze dagger he keeps strapped around the left calf. This dagger is not a substitute for the swords, and as such, cannot lessen his weakened state.

A little more information about Malevalia: The island, as I mentioned, is known for the metal it produces, described above. Also described above, all of the inhabitants are highly skilled in magic, although the full extent of it is unknown, even by them. As for weapons, besides what they are usually made of, each person there is also highly skilled with one particular weapon. The sword master, for example, has been seen winning against twelve opponents at the age of 53. He is the finest swordsman Malevalia has to offer. He too, is waiting for Infero to come back and complete his training, quoted as saying, "The only reason I have ever trained someone is to have them beat me."

Personality: Infero has a personality similar to that of the nicest, funniest person one can know. He's very sarcastic, and makes a lot of jokes in all situations. However, due to the types of magic he wields, light and dark, Infero is in a constant struggle with his own sanity, often making parents worry for their children, friends, and relatives whenever they are in contact with him.

Last edited by Mr. Goji on 4th October 2009, 2:02 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 4:13 am

I see that you tried to weaken his power, but I still get the feeling he's a little over-powered. If it'll help, read over Omni's and Riddel's character sheet to get a feel for what i'm looking for. Thanks =D
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime29th September 2009, 12:33 pm

Alright. Fixed. Let me know if I need to change anything further.
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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime1st October 2009, 9:00 pm

"Although he is a powerful sorcerer, and one of the greatest swordsmen currently alive" This is the part i'm having problems with. Given his age, I don't think he has had enough time to become powerful in both aspects, as being that strong in one would take the better part of 20 years.
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Mr. Goji

Mr. Goji

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Location : It's so cheesy. I love it!

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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 1:48 am

Ugh. Didn't think making a character would be this tedious. But, there you go. Had to rework a number of things, but I think he'll be alright now.
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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 4:19 am

Looks ok, if anything comes up we'll burn that bridge when we come to it =3
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PostSubject: Re: Infero Shockirus   Infero Shockirus Icon_minitime

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