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 Night Elf: Cero

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-10-18
Age : 31
Location : Portland, OR

Night Elf: Cero Empty
PostSubject: Night Elf: Cero   Night Elf: Cero Icon_minitime18th October 2010, 5:01 pm

Name: Cero

Age: Appears to be around 20ish

Race: Night Elf

Appearance: Night Elf: Cero Cero

History: Not much is known about Cero. When he was young both his parents were killed, leaving him to fend for himself on the cold streets. When he grew older we was taken in and trained in the basics of swordplay. But his biggest weapon is his stealth.

Strengths/Weakness: His Strengths include: Stealth, and basic sword play. Weaknesses: He can become irritated easily, which can blow his cover. He often attracts children that hinder him.

Anything Else You Want to Add: Cero is a Kleptomaniac, meaning he will steal whatever he can get his hands on. Some times this action in involuntary, and he ends up with pockets full of random stuff that he never remembered taking.
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Age : 34
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Night Elf: Cero Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night Elf: Cero   Night Elf: Cero Icon_minitime19th October 2010, 12:55 am

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