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 Astoria Addison Ainsworth

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PostSubject: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 1:03 am

Name: Astoria Addison Ainsworth

Nicknames: Stori/Story, Triple A/AAA, Addi/Addy

Age: 20

Race: Human, beginning to master her ways in and usage of magic

Hair Color = Dark Brown, Nearly Black
Hair Style = medium-long in length, goes a bit past her shoulders and is kept in very good condition
Eye Color = Indigo-Purple
Skin Color = A bit of a golden tan
Height = 5’8”
Refer to these pictures if you must to see what she looks like: https://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=3&aid=75754&id=680037937#/photo.php?pid=3711662&id=680037937 and https://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=3&aid=75754&id=680037937#/photo.php?pid=3711685&id=680037937
She wears similar dresses like the one in the second link as that is what women wear in brothels, and perhaps a bit shorter, perhaps up to knee length.
She is very beautiful, thin and has a beautifully upkept body. Because of this, she is one of the more famous girls in the brothel in which she works at.
Note she doesn’t wear the make-up as displayed in the second picture (nor does she have the red hair or hairstyle depicted there, or the length of hair like in the first link). In fact, she uses black eyeliner, kind of like how the Egyptians did it in their time.

History: Before she was even born, Astoria’s father abandoned her mother while she (the mother) was pregnant (with Astoria). Once Astoria was born, her mother couldn’t afford to care for her as she barely had enough to care for herself and had no money or husband to depend on for such things. Instead of abandoning her newborn daughter with just any random strangers, the woman made an effort to travel to the kingdom of Grayen from their hometown not too far from Grayen’s outskirts. There she would leave her daughter in the hands of her elder sister. Upon reaching her sister’s house, the woman had no strength left within her and died in a matter of days. Astoria was in pretty healthy conditions and lived happily with her aunt and cousins for the next 18 years.
Once Astoria came of age at 18, she vowed on moving out so as to not be a burden to her aunt and her family. She promised to return on occasion to drop by and visit. As she now had no one to depend on and nowhere to go, Astoria was forced to find herself a job which she didn’t mind. It seemed that just about every place wasn’t hiring anyone… the only place she was able to find was a brothel. Now this brothel offered everything she needed in reach: food, clothing, handsome pay and a place to stay. She knew it was wrong and that her family would never forgive her for this, but she had not much of a choice. She’s vowed to keep this secret from them and lie to them about working in a more saner place.
The place wasn’t all that bad. Sometimes the drunk men could be funny or romantic even. She’s had all sorts of men, ranging from the aggressive type to the gentle type. She’s made many friends with many of the ladies working there.
Currently, she plans to go to the festival which will soon be taking place in Grayen. It’s just to keep her mind off of work and on the plus side she’ll be going with her aunt and her family after two years of not having spent much time together. (Note: She’s only gone to visit them a few days in these past two years, as they live on the other side of the land.)

First of all, her mastering of kamas. She’s an expert pro at kamas!! In addition to this, when she’s in short-range of her opponents, she is at a great advantage. She’s also got it going for her long-range wise, as she is beginning to acquire magic powers (provided by, or I should say inherited from, her wizard father, as much as she despises him). She can freely throw out her kamas at opponents who are at a distance from her and retrieve them by summoning them back to her with the use of magic.
In a way, it’s her strength to doubt people and not trust them at first glance.
Her looks are a man’s weakness, as they give her strength. She knows how to get to a man’s heart and how to please him.

Again, this young woman is human, so she’s going to have the usual weaknesses like my other character has.
It’s also deemed a weakness that she not trust people, as not all people are bad. She seems to show a bad impression of her persona through this way of thinking and acting.

Personality: She tends to change the way she acts around people.
When wandering alone in the land, she tends to seem like a stuck up, nasty-type person, but in fact she isn’t. People seem to know her for her profession and lowly regard her as scum; at least the women seem to do so. She’s judged quite easily and gets annoyed with it, so she gets that kind of an attitude around people while hiding her true emotions of sadness and hurt. Apart from hiding her emotions, she also tends to hide herself underneath a cloak while out on the land.
When with her aunt and her family, she seems to be more open and kind which is more of what she is like.
She also has a hard time trusting people for some reason. It takes time for her to deem a person worthy of her trust and reliance. It also takes her time to show a person who she truly is in the inside.

Anything Else You Want to Add: Kamas if you guys don’t know are two mini-scythe-like weapons, you can google them up on images and see what I mean. She’s mastered these specifically because she wants something to remember her mother by and keep as a memento of her too as these are the only keepsakes that her mother has left behind. These weapons were found in her aunt’s house and were ones that she (Astoria’s mother) had mastered and used in her childhood and adolescence. So there is a strong, deep connection behind her choosing to master these weapons.

Last edited by vanity_pride on 7th October 2009, 7:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Astoria Addison Ainsworth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 1:18 am

Just so you are aware, your definition of Muggle is wrong. Muggle's are humans who cannot do magic at all. A Wizard is a human who can do magic. And a Squib is a wizard that can't do magic [or has very limited magic power.] There is no Harry Potter classification for your character.
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 2:05 am

Ah, my mistake. Sorry. I'm really out of it today.
What I mean to say is that this girl is like Hermione, in that she comes from a family of muggles but is still able to do magic. And you say there's no term for that?? O__o I thought there was. I just can't remember. My bad. Thanks for catching that mistake.
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 2:16 am

So never mind. Changed it up a bit. It's all fixed now and should make sense now. haha. XD
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 2:21 am

Glad you got the definition worked out, and everything looks good =D =D
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 2:25 am

Yay!! Thank you Jinx!!
Have you checked my other character?? How's that one??
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime3rd October 2009, 4:13 am

The term is simply "muggle-born," or "mudblood" if you're feeling really rude. ^_^ Or, since her dad was magical, she'd be "half-blood." Lord I'm such a Potter geek. <_<;
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime4th October 2009, 8:12 pm

haha, dude no probs!! I love Harry Potter too!! I've been so out of touch lately though. LMAO!! Little by little I'm getting through the last book though, so that's good!! ^_^
I also realize I didn't attach the link to the pictures. Yes, plural because I'm gonna post a link to another picture as well. I'll get to that tomorrow alright. Sorry for the delay!!
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime6th October 2009, 1:23 pm

Alright, I've attached the links to the pictures finally!! Refer to my above original post to see them. ^_-
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime6th October 2009, 8:55 pm

Ok, looks good =D So does the other character, hop in the rp whenever =D
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime6th October 2009, 9:41 pm

Oh well I did already as Astoria. I'm kind of saving up for Caldrixia right now, just wanting to give other people a chance. Maybe you should post Skootle. lol.
And yay, thank you for the feedback!! ^o^
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime7th October 2009, 3:57 am

The links didn't work because you put these < > around them. Post them without the carroty thingers, or as a hyperlink, and they should work better. Hyperlinks would even take up less space. ^^

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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime7th October 2009, 7:10 pm

Alright links are fixed now!!
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PostSubject: Re: Astoria Addison Ainsworth   Astoria Addison Ainsworth Icon_minitime

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