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 Caldrixia Ramsden

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Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Caldrixia Ramsden   Caldrixia Ramsden Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 11:15 pm

Name: Caldrixia Ramsden

Nicknames: Cal, Cald, Caldri

Age: 17.5

Race: Human

Hair Color = Honey Moon/Honey Blonde
Hair Style = Shoulder-length hair; usually pulled back or pulled up, with her bangs all to one side
Eye Color = Brown, almost Black
Skin Color = Not too pale, but not dark-skinned. Has a bit of a tan to her skin shade.
Height = 5’5”
I’ll provide you all with a picture as soon as I can, ‘k!! ^_-
Caldrixia is a very pretty young girl with a sweet personality to match!! She’s overall thin and appears to be a delicate girl that could be easily overtaken or knocked over by any opponent or a guy walking along, but looks can be deceiving.
Links to pictures: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=3720833&id=680037937 or https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=3720834&id=680037937 or https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=3720836&id=680037937

Caldrixia is an orphan and that is why she isn’t aware of what she truly is race-wise. All she knows is that she holds to being a human. She never met her parents (obviously) and doesn’t know anything about them. All she knows is that she came from an island by which its name she does not remember either and cannot recall.
She was abducted as a young, small child by pirates. The ship she was aboard on came across another ship (human ship) whose purpose was to take down the pirates. As the pirate ship sank, one of the wenches was able to save herself and the young Caldrixia. The humans showed mercy upon these two and offered them a change of life in a land known as Grayen, which is where they were headed. Knowing that these two were outcasts, the men kindly offered them to a place in which they would be welcomed into no matter what.
Now residing with her guardian in Grayen, Caldrixia has learned her way around the land and knows every aspect of it like the back of her hand. She began working at a young age to help her guardian keep up with payments and such. She’s gone around working different kinds of jobs for a short span of time. It’s ironic in that how as much good a worker she is, she doesn’t last very long in her jobs…
In present time, she settles down with a job at the upcoming festival and has stopped working altogether in the two other jobs she was doing previously. She hopes that the festival will bring her about to bigger and brighter things. She aspires as well to compete in whatever the festival has to offer.

Strengths: They’re not really strengths, but she knows a bit of basic self-defense moves, attacks and defenses. She was taught by a semi-amateur with whom she had worked with in one of her many jobs she had. She has a strength for music and entertaining people. She also has a strength for getting to know and getting acquainted with people. She is very much a people-person, and of course she has to be as she associates with people at work nearly every day.

Weaknesses: Like I mentioned, she’s thin and looks like a weakling that could be easily overtaken. She’s human and as a human she is susceptible to illness, pain, strong emotions like sadness, anger, persistence or confusion. And yes, the usual mistakes that we humans make too. When people are in danger, she’ll stop at nothing to help or save them despite her not knowing much fighting skills or defense.

Personality: Caldrixia is overall a very nice, gentle, caring, sweet and considerate person. She is open to meeting all sorts of new people and making friends. She has such an easy-going, happy-go-lucky attitude it’s so hard to see her as the easily saddened or easily angered type. She’s always willing to help out anyone in dire need of it. She can be serious as well as funny and naïve-ish. She doesn’t always have a smile brimming on her lips.

Anything Else You Want to Add: Once I get the picture up, you’ll see that she plays a magnificent instrument, which I’m not sure how to describe or what to call it (you guys can help me out on that one!! ^_-), but besides all that, she is a very excellent musician with it. She also has a beautiful singing voice to match it.

Last edited by vanity_pride on 3rd December 2010, 2:34 am; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Caldrixia Ramsden   Caldrixia Ramsden Icon_minitime6th October 2009, 1:24 pm

I still need to get the picture for this. I'll need an extra few days to post a link alright. Thanks for waiting!! And so sorry for the delay!!
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Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Caldrixia Ramsden   Caldrixia Ramsden Icon_minitime6th October 2009, 11:24 pm

I have the pictures now!! I'll attach the links tomorrow morn!! For now, my avatar is Caldrixia, so you've gotten a glimpse of her at least!! ^_-
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Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Caldrixia Ramsden   Caldrixia Ramsden Icon_minitime7th October 2009, 7:09 pm

And the links are up!! ^o^
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PostSubject: Re: Caldrixia Ramsden   Caldrixia Ramsden Icon_minitime

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