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 Gwinna Tobin

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PostSubject: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 2:24 am

(In regular font for easy reading)

Name: Gwinna Tobin (pronounced: GWEE-nuh [or GWEH-nuh if you must] TOH-ben)

Age: 20

Race: elf/glenawyn crossbreed (glenawyn are fey creatures I made up. They look kind of like giant, horse-sized cat/fox things with long ears, prehensile tails, and feathered wings. They are shapeshifters, but Gwinna cannot shapeshift. The most she can alter her body is to make her wings change size or vanish, and that’s about it.)

Build: smallish, boyish, with petite, pixie-like facial features
Height: 5’3”
Skin: medium tone
Eyes: bright, blue-green with dark lashes
Hair(Color/Length/Style): coppery red-auburn / just a couple inches past her shoulders / messy with long, uneven bangs framing her face.
Markings: when her wings disappear, two small, feather-shaped marks appear just below each shoulder blade.
Extra: pointed, elfin ears; slightly sharp canines; thin, prehensile tail; white-feathered wings that can change size and even vanish at will.
Scent: feathers, vanilla, and lilacs
Clothing: a thick, dark brown hide vest over a faded blue tunic; leather belt and loose brown pants; big hide boots.
Weapons: “Changeling Sword,” becoming any weapon the wielder chooses. Usually carried as a small dagger at the belt; favorite forms include the scythe and twin katana; she also uses elial arrows (arrows made of elemental energy. She cannot keep it up for long though, because it’s quite a drain. The only reason she uses them at all is because she keeps losing or breaking regular arrows). Has no real fighting style, as all she knows is a hodgepodge of random techniques she’s picked up here and there.
(Kinda old drawing here: Click me. She looks off because I was experimenting with styles...)

Personality: outgoing, optimistic, clumsy, too curious for her own good, spunky, adventurous, bold, stubborn, willful, kind, good-natured, smarter than she acts, can be both silly and serious, playful, well-meaning, restless, full of wanderlust, protective of her friends, slow to anger but scorching when she gets there, forgives easily but within reason, never pre-judges, always finds something worth liking in a person, tries to do “the right thing” at whatever the cost (this does not always mean following the law), sticks to decisions unwaveringly.
Likes: traveling, flying, chocolate, shiny things, sunsets, moonlight, swordplay, climbing trees, nature, admiring art, and hearing/telling stories.
Dislikes: asparagus, stereotypes, idiots, being stuck in one place too long, being stuck indoors, most fast-food, coffee, dry wines, math, being ignored, being broke.

History: Oh boy, here we go. I’ll TRY to be brief:
Gwinna’s father was a glenawyn warrior named Mottac, who fell in love with an elf noble named Illanwe and ran off with her. In both elven and glenawyn societies, crossbreeding is strictly forbidden. Therefore, Mottac was banished. The elves were a bit more vengeful, however, and put out a hit on Illanwe (and Mottac if possible). When Gwinna was about a year old, they were found and attacked. Illanwe was taken and is presumed dead. Mottac, never a very responsible guy to begin with, ran after his wife and left their baby behind in the grass. Gwinna was later picked up by a woman from one of the few nomadic elf families who were a bit less antisocial than the rest of them. She was raised in that family for five more years, but eventually the entire family began to suffer from being associated with what most others considered to be a living abomination. When Gwinna was six, she decided to leave and let her foster home return to peace. She has never seen them since.
For several more years, Gwinna wandered about on her own, traveling from place to place to see and learn about anything that interested her. She learned the basics of a few different languages, but only the ones common enough to be useful. She picked up a few things about street fighting here and there, but nothing organized or complete. When she was ten she made a home in a trading village called Kyver and joined a gang of thieving urchins. There she learned a small amount of useful magic, but nothing impressive. She also added to her knowledge of combat and got a little better at that.
When Gwinna was twelve she set out to find out more about her heritage, because before then she really didn’t know what kind of creature she was. She found out about glenawyn and her parents, and met her father (much to his discomfort), though the fate of her mother remained a mystery. She also received her sword as a sort of “I’m sorry I suck at this dad thing, here have a stabby” gift from Mottac.

After that she met a whole bunch of people and did a whole bunch of stuff in a whole bunch of places and had epic adventures and whatnot. Instead of going into all of that, since I'm lazy and getting tired of typing, I’m just going to say that she’s a wanderer and a jack-of-all-trades who likes poking her nose where it doesn’t belong and trying to fix people’s problems. She was a soldier at one point, and tried to fine-tune her fighting skills, but quit halfway through to go do something else. She’s ADD that way. So she’s got a lot of motley experience with a lot of things but really isn’t outstanding at anything significant.

Occupation: traveler, explorer, jack-of-all-trades, part-time thief, part-time imperial soldier, currently out wandering again.
She came to Grayen because the festival sounded like fun, and since a lot of foreigners would be coming she felt she might fit in better.

Skills: mapping, navigating, flying, climbing trees, adapting quickly to new surroundings and situations.
Weaknesses: her friends in pain, and the sound of Styrofoam rubbing together. She hates that.
Phobias: injections; being utterly unloved/abandoned.

Anything Else You Want to Add:
Knows only limited magic, mostly only practical things like lighting campfires when it’s raining. Her base elements when using magic are wind, and a bit of fire. She can do some tricks with the wind when she needs to, but nothing really powerful. She can also create a number of elial arrows, depending on her strength at the time, but can’t keep it up forever.

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PostSubject: Re: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 4:10 am

Looks alright- but remember we're in aevalyn. Where are you now? Elven noble from where? where are the glenawyn from?
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PostSubject: Re: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 4:20 am

We'll say she's some elf noble from Kismet. Glenawyn kind of flaot all over the place, because fey creatures come from their own little dimension (Land of Faerie and all that. Or is that not allowed? I can come up with something else if it's not. We can say they're on an isolated and little known island). And I think I already mentioned that she's in Grayen now, because she heard of the whole festival thing and thought it looked fun. Before that she was probably wandering around the continet, frolicking through Drakith or something.
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PostSubject: Re: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 4:23 am

sure thing, sounds good. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime2nd October 2009, 4:24 am

D'ya want me to go ahead and edit that right into the profile?

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PostSubject: Re: Gwinna Tobin   Gwinna Tobin Icon_minitime

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